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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 15th, 2009
Join Date: August 15th, 2009
Location: Falmouth, Cornwall UK
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Default Valid & invalid upgrade options

Hi All

I have a first generation, 17-inch Macbook Pro (Intel) running OS X (10.5.8). I currently have installed Limewire 4.18.8 Pro (Java 1.5.0_19) and I'm generally happy with its performance.

When I launch Limewire I am being strongly encouraged to upgrade to Limewire 5.2. There is no obvious indication as to whether this is a Basic or a Pro version.

It is my understanding that Limewire 5.2 is not a valid upgrade option for my old Macbook Pro. If this is true, is there anyway I can disable to reminder?


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 15th, 2009
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Unfortunately no way to disable either the update messages. Chances are your macbook would not be compatible (being an earlier intel generation.) Easiest way to check is go to your Java preferences & see if Java 1.6 (Java 6) is listed; Setting up Java for Leopard (see 2nd image).

BTW when you click on the update link on the LW program, it leads you to the LW Basic download page, not Pro.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 15th, 2009
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Location: Falmouth, Cornwall UK
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philharve is flying high
Default LW 5.2 Basic not for older Macbook Pros

Hi Lord of the Rings

You answer was precisely what I expected. I will henceforth ignore the update reminder. I anticipated that such and upgrade, even if possible, would lead to problems on my older Macbook Pro.

If I had a 64-bit, Intel Macbook Pro upon which LW 4.18.8 Pro was installed, what would be the point of updating to LW 5.2 Basic? That is, from Pro-to-Basic.

I tend to think the only sensible upgrade options are from LW Basic-to-Pro and from LW Pro-to-Pro (next higher version). If true, and assuming I had a 64-bit Macbook Pro, would I be better off waiting for a Pro version of LW 5.2 and give the Basic version a miss?


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 15th, 2009
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LW 5 is still developing. LW 5.0 was released start of year with very basic functions/tools. LW 5.1 added a few more. LW 5.2 finally added some old & new tools including an improved junk file recognition. However, I think it would still be best waiting until LW 5 develops a little more before updating / upgrading.

The Pro/Basic argument is not an easy one. At least for now I'd suggest LW 4 Pro would be a better option for an 'experienced' user. (Many more tools.)

Personally I'm a person who uses most of LW 4's tools. LW 5's less tools is not inviting to me to use LW 5 on a full-time basis.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2009
Join Date: August 15th, 2009
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philharve is flying high
Default LW Basic versus LW Pro

Thank you Lord of the Rings.

Circumstances dictate that I continue to use LW 4.18 Pro which I am happy to do. It works well for me.


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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2009
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Default When to Upgrade

Hi Phil & LOTR

As a windows XP & PC user I would just like to make a very basic comment and that is not all upgrades are beneficial or in the best interest of the end user

I have found that I can get the things I need done using my ancient (7 years old) PC running even older software, e.g. MS Word 97. And I am not the least bit tempted to upgrade to the latest software loaded with features I will never use, or even worse minus features that I do use

In short, I now will only upgrade an application if there are clear benefits for me, the end user, and not because the makers want me to

UK Bob

PS. I do not include security upgrades/patches in my personal "cautious upgrade" policy
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2009
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2009
Join Date: August 20th, 2009
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Confused Please help me - same problem with Limewire PRO

Hello, I am new here. I hope you can help me. I paid for Limewire Extended PRO and I am not sure if I installed the right version or if I am truly enjoying the features. So.. when I clicked a link that allows me to download the PRO version, I see this statement:

"The latest stable release of LimeWire PRO is 5.2.13. For more information, see the release notes."

I checked my version and it is indeed "5.2.13" although it does not say if it's PRO or BASIC. However, every time I start Limewire, a message always pops up saying "Upgrade to PRO". I am confused.. Pls. help. Thanks!!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2009
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When you purchase pro you should receive an email from sales/customer support with a link to your personal pro download page. That's the page you download from.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2009
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PM sent. May I ask which OSX version you are running and what type of mac computer & how old it is?

If you don't like LW 5, you can always downgrade back to LW 4 Pro. The option is on the pro download page in a special link. LW 4 has more tools & options, however LW 5.2 has some new features & improvements.
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limewire, macbook, upgrade

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