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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 20th, 2009
Join Date: December 20th, 2009
Posts: 5
MacMan99 is flying high
Default Configuring Snow Leopard Firewall?

OSX v10.6.2

LW v5.4.6

Java v1.6

Snow Leopard firewall is ON. Every time I start LW the firewall asks if I would like to allow a connection for LW . I keep allowing it and all works well, it just keeps asking every time the program is started. Firewall is setup to allow connections for LW. Removing network router and connecting directly to modem makes no difference.

Do I need to set the software firewall for Java as well?

I having this problem on two different Macs.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 20th, 2009
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Snow Leopard firewall settings: Snow Leopard firewall settings

Make sure both of your LW's are not using the same listening or connection ports. Routers will reserve one port per application.

You can also check options here: If LW 5 Will Not Connect
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 21st, 2009
Join Date: December 20th, 2009
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MacMan99 is flying high

Lord Of The Rings,

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I am not having much luck with my little problem.

Things I've tried:

-Removed router, so just one mac =>ISP Modem=>Internet
(It does not matter which of my two Macs I do this test with)

-Completely remove every trace of LW and reinstall. Reset firewall and add new entry to allow LW connections.

- Reinstall latest Java.

- Tried using different ports in the LW setup.

LW does fully function, but Snow Leopard continues to ask if it is okay to "allow" or "deny" LW to accept connections every time LW is started.

The only strange thing that I see is that during startup of LW right when the intro banner starts there is a very quick flash of the "allow" or "deny" box. Then when the startup banner displays the "squeezing limes" text the reoccurring "allow" or "deny" box stays up until the question is answered.

This really seems to be a LW Snow Leopard bug, however there does not seem to be any other users complaining about this issue.

Thanks again.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 21st, 2009
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If the firewall is on, and if you have added LW to the Allowed list in Advanced Settings and given it FULL permissions in the drop down options then that should not be the issue.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2009
Join Date: December 20th, 2009
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MacMan99 is flying high

I have been able to confirm that the Snow Leopard firewall is unable to remember Limewires "allow" connections status on three different systems. One of which was at a different location.

There seems to be a problem somewhere between the Java v1.6 update, Snow Leopard firewall, and Limewire v5.4.6 .

Two Questions:

1. How good is the Limewire Pro online support? I am think of buying the Pro version just so I can ask about this issue. On the other hand it sure would be a drag to just get a reply saying this is a known issue.

2. Are there other Snow Leopard users out there that are always getting the "allow" or "deny" question every time they start the Limewire program?

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2009
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And this did not happen on Leopard? There definitely appears to be a difference between the leopard & snow leopard firewall options. Such as Allow all incoming messages or only for specific applications.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2009
Join Date: December 20th, 2009
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MacMan99 is flying high

In Leopard this was not a problem. When you first started Limewire in Leopard it would ask if you would like to "allow" or "deny" connections if you had the firewall turned on. Then based on your choice a rule would be created in the Leopard firewall. You could also edit or create the rules in the firewall later if needed.

Snow Leopards firewall basically functions the same way accept the rule is ignored and keeps asking for permission to allow Limewire to accept connections.

There maybe many Snow Leopard users not having this issue since the operating system installs with the firewall turned off by default.

I am not sure if this is a factor or not, but Limewire v5.4.6 installs the application in 32 bit mode by default. This can be switched later, but I wonder if this causes a problem during the install.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2009
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Only improvement I've found with Snow Leopard for my uses is it's slightly faster than Leopard. However some other things annoy me. Behaviour of some desktop apps (Dock apps) has changed for the worse. Repairing permissions in safe boot takes forever. Some other 3rd party programs do not behave well in Snow Leopard; eg: I've had to force reboot the computer because the program would not properly force quit (interface still visible even though the app had disappeared from the active programs list.)

I'd need to do some more testing of the firewall to find out more.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old December 24th, 2009
Join Date: December 20th, 2009
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MacMan99 is flying high

I completely agree with your comments on Snow Leopard.

Snow Leopard is a great operating system, however it seems to require that most all applications be rewritten to ensure pure computer happiness.

If I come up with any answers I will post them here.

Thanks again Lord Of The Rings and have a great Christmas.
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