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General Mac Support For general questions about issues for Mac users, generally referring to Mac OS 9 and earlier but may also include Mac OSX users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Unhappy won't re-connect leading to lost downloads..AAARGGGHHH!!

Hi Guys,

Unlike many complainants, I think Limewire is pretty bloody fantastic, BUT I need help with a recurring problem. Or two.

My internet connection keeps getting disconnected (I suspect my ISPs here, but that's another topic) and when this happens Limewire insists on keeping it's red light when I try to reconnect - a green light winks at me but it's instantly back to the red light and a non-connection.

I have found that the only way to kick start it is to quit out and restart Limewire. But then I lose what I have already downloaded - i.e. some stuff can be as far as 90% complete but when I restart the app all the waiting downloads are back to 0% complete. That's if i am lucky! If I am unlucky I will have lost all pending downloads and the app opens with a blank screen.

I am using a Mac G4 running OS 9.2 wit a pukka purchased copy of Limewire Pro and am sharing over 560 files - now I need a stiff drink 'cos I am p***ed off having lost an almost complete download for the n'th time!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2002
Rhohl's Avatar
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
Location: Russell, ON. Canada
Posts: 57
Rhohl is flying high

Which version of LW are you using?
When you see the disconnected message, do your current downloads ALWAYS stop?

I'm using LW 2.4.1 Pro now and am often "disconnected" during downloads.
Sometimes LW reconnects w/o my doing anything...although my download
speed increases when I'm "disconnected" and current download(s) do continue
(unless my host goes off-line) to completion.
However, once the downloads are complete, if I'm not reconnected by LW,
I too have to shut LW down and restart...the "connect" button doesn't work.

If your problem is with this "connect" botton in the LW>file menu,
I can tell you that the "connect " button hasn't worked for me
with ANY of the LW 2.x.x versions, free or Pro.

LW 1.7x is the ONLY version with a WORKING "reconnect" option and I use LW 1.7 when
trying to "chase" or "daisychain" downloads from a specific host.

Another disconnect reason (for me) is the internet access through AOL...
If I am "disconnected" from LW, AND the downloads have stopped,
it usually means that under my LW window is a message from AOL:

"The AOL host computer is not responding...please sign on again"

This usually means a force quit from everything and a Mac>AOL>LW restart.
LW 2.4.1 Pro (usually) does resume (in-progress) downloads
when up and running again...from the achieved %point of the disconnect.

All LW 2.x.x prior to LW 2.4.1 did to me as you have said with "resumed downloads"...
restarted from 0%
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