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General Mac Support For general questions about issues for Mac users, generally referring to Mac OS 9 and earlier but may also include Mac OSX users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2002
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Default itunes

is there a version of limewire that puts the files in itunes automatically when u download them?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2002
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No, but it's not a backbreakingly laborious task to do it manually:

1. Open itunes
2. Open your shared folder (System folder=>Preferences=>Shared by default)
3. Drag the mp3s into the itunes window.

If you find any mp3s that itunes doesn't like, look at this thread.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 13th, 2002
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OK--I must be really stupid.
Do I open iTunes itself or the folder?
I don't see a shared folder anywhere--
Please help-----

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 13th, 2002
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First of all what do you mean by put the files into iTunes automatically when you download them?.

If you mean that you want your Shared Direcory for LimeWire to be the same as iTunes music Library Folder so that your iTunes library files files will be shared over Gnutella NET directly then the solution is simple.

In LimeWire go to:

Tools>Option>Saving and also Sharing

and click the add button and browse to iTunes Music Library folder found here:

Macintosh HD>Documents>iTunes>iTunes Music

Then select that iTunes Music Folder to be an additional Shared directory for your files to be shared over the network and click choose.

Then click Apply and then OK.

If however you mean that you want iTunes to directly play your mp3's when you have finished downloading them then you should just highlight the file in the download area and click the launch button in LimeWire and iTunes should start to play the file automatically and also it will then stay there in iTunes Library just as your music files in the iTunes Library Folder does.But the file itself is actually in LimeWires shared directory and not in the iTunes Music folder but that does not mather iTunes will play files from anywhere on your HD except from whitin the System Folder itself.

For some stupid reason when you install LimeWire it will by default select the Program Preference Folder inside the System Folder as the place for the Shared directory.If you have it there then you must select another shared directory because having the Shared Directory directly in the System Folder will eventually ruin it and cause severe fragmentation.The proper place to have the Shared Directory in Mac OS 9.1X is:

Macintosh HD>Applications(Mac OS 9)>LimeWire>Shared

If the Launch button does not work for you it might be because the Shared Directory is in the System Folder and the solution is ofcourse to change it and then move any file you might have in there to the new directory.

If that does not solve it and iTunes still refuses to play the file or if another application like Quicktime or Real Player plays it but you want iTunes to play it then you will find the solution in my previous post about it here:
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!

Last edited by Joakim Agren; July 13th, 2002 at 12:35 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2002
Posts: n/a

If it helps, I followed her directions and I still can't get it to play in iTunes. I got all the way to the last step. You have to go to EDIT and then hit PREFRENCES (which is the last thing listed) and then where it says Internet click on the configure button where it says PLAY MUSIC FROM INTERNET IN ITUMES AUTOMATICALLY.

Hope that helps- and maybe you can help me figure out the ending.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2002
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I get as far as the Shared by default file only to
open it & find nothing...

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2002
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I'll try and clarify things a bit, but I'm not going to mention much that isn't already in Joakim's posts.

Audra, let's see if you can find your downloaded music:

Part A - Where are my mp3s?

1. Without opening any programs, press command (apple key) F , type 'shared' , and press return.

2. In the results window you will have at least one shared folder (I suspect you'll have two). Double click on each one. Are your downloaded files in one of these folders? If they are , go to part B.

3. If they're not there, open Limewire and go to the Tools>Options>Saving:

4. In this window, you'll see a directory path, it will look something like:

/HD/System Folder/Preferences/Shared/

Your downloaded files are in whatever folder is shown in your LW option window.

5. Note this path and open the folder in desktop. Double click on each of the folders between the slashes in turn. You should now see the folder with your downloaded files.

6. To avoid having to search for this folder every time, control click its name in the folder's title bar and Select 'Add to favourites' in the popup menu that appears. Now, whenever you want to open this folder, go to the Apple menu>Favourites and click on the name of the folder. It should then open.

Part B - opening the mp3s in itunes.

1. You should have your downloaded files folder open. Run itunes and resize / move the itunes window so you can see both itunes AND the folder with your music at the same time.

2. Click on the folder and Press Command A to select all the files.

3. Drag them into the itunes window. Don't worry if some files are not mp3s - only mp3s will appear in itunes.

4. If some mp3s refuse to appear in itunes go to section C

Part C - Some mp3s won't open in itunes.

1. Click here to download itunes Associator.

2. If it doesn't unstuff atomatically, drag the 'iTunes_Associator_1_6.sit' icon onto Stuffit Expander. If you can't find Stuffit Expander, do a search for it: Type Command F, type 'Stuffit Expander' , drag the Stuffit Expander icon onto the desktop and drag iTunes_Associator_1_6.sit over the stuffit Expander icon you've just moved.

3. Open the itunes Associator folder, single click itunes Associator, type Command M and drag the alias that appears onto the desktop.

4. Whenever an mp3 won't open in itunes, drag its icon over itunes Associator and then try dragging it into itunes again.

Note: there are other ways of opening mp3s in itunes and better ways to organize your downloaded files. Once you get the basics sorted out, I suggest you go back and read Joakim's posts again more carefully.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2002
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Don't you think it would be a wise idea to have a special FAQs just for the iTunes/QuickTime problem? Granted, some people will still not read it and post their "I can't play my mp3's in iTunes" or "I can't find my downloads", but some at least would get the help they need without everyone having to repost the same stuff over and over again.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old April 19th, 2003
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trash itunes preferences and then launch itunes. it will ask if you want it to locate all mp3 files on your hard drive and click yes. It will go through and find them all and list them in the library. (you can always delete what you don't want.) Then when you it launch on limewire, it should open ituens and play.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old April 23rd, 2003
Posts: n/a

It used to do that automatically for me but since I've downloaded the new limewire version it's not, and none of those directions helped.
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