April 3rd, 2001
LimeWire, my iMac, and Java (i think) okay, dudes, this one's a whopper, and i really need help.
i'm trying to run limewire on my iMac. OS 8.6, and it downloads fine, but when i double click the little installer, listen to this. it installs the program, then, i restart my Mac, and then, and this is the worst part, the little logo with the watch saying "application starting" comes on, and boom, an error message comes up, and this is the important part:
the error message says something about not having a lax.main.class in my properties folder. what is that??? is something wrong with the java set up on my mac, could that be it? i've tried everything to get this to work. i've been to every forum, and no one else has had this problem. does anyone else have a lax.main.class in their properties folder?
anyway, please someone tell me how i might address this problem.
another thing, i'm having trouble running applets (no, not dirty cams, sicko...) when i visit websites, and sometimes my computer tells me there's an IE script error on some pages.
please someone save me before i buy a PC!!!
(just kidding)
really though, could my computer be having trouble running java? and if so, how can i fix it?
mike |