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stief October 23rd, 2003 10:50 PM

I read a while back that someone on OS 9 recommends 128 megs, and recall 60 megs as the preferred allocation. I've also read of giving the Apple Applet Runner (in the MRJ 2.2.5 folder) 60 megs too. If you have the RAM, more can't hurt.

The satellite sounds cool . . . if upstream is sent over the land line via 56K modem (?), then disabling Ultrapeer in Tools->Options->Speed might help.

Best wishes

JPM1920 October 23rd, 2003 10:59 PM

Thanks stief
I will try even more memory. Can't hurt.

The Sat is great now going either way. Sure does beat the 28800 I was saddled with using the modem. :D

et voilą October 24th, 2003 01:40 PM

Salut, the os 9 version of LW cannot be promoted to ultrapeer, so that leaves out that possibility. You said previous versions worked. You can get them there

to setup the router/firewall
Behind a firewall: open the port 6346
Behind a router: open and forward port 6346 to your computer (ie and in preferences of LW -advanced-force ip- check the option and select the 6346 port.

Bonne chance

JPM1920 October 25th, 2003 08:46 AM

Don't know how to set router up?
I have my ip forced with port 6346 in the LW "Options".

I don't know how to make the changes concerning the router forwarding.

I have had a couple of uploads started on my "Monitor" page, but they always say "interrupted" when I go to "Monitor" to check so see if anyone is able to get uploades from me.

Thanks again for all the help.


stief October 25th, 2003 07:47 PM

try , choose your router model, then choose the "Advanced" settings to find info on setting up port forwarding.

Linksys also has a toll-free support number buried in the manual that comes with the router.

dr_elis October 27th, 2003 02:36 AM

With 3.6.6 Pro the options window does not open, furthermore it tends to freeze while starting and is pretty crashy for the rest of the time (OS 9.2.1 and OS 9.2.2.). Versions 3.5.8 to 3.6.3 however work pretty good.


stief October 27th, 2003 09:10 PM

see if this thread helps

JPM1920 October 28th, 2003 08:44 AM

"Options" working now. Thanks
The "Options" button is working now on LW Pro 3.6.9

wehali October 28th, 2003 01:50 PM

Lack of Option Window
Where did you find a download for LWPro 3.6.9??
My LWPro Download page shows that only 3.6.8 is available and I have tried it with the same results... No Options window.

stief October 28th, 2003 04:13 PM

the bottom of my 3.6.8 pro page has a link for the 3.6.9beta

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