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General Mac Support For general questions about issues for Mac users, generally referring to Mac OS 9 and earlier but may also include Mac OSX users

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old June 10th, 2004
Join Date: May 27th, 2004
Posts: 47
jordan2 is flying high

This only happens with my TiBook and only then when 2 or more machines (2 imacs and a ibook) are on at the same time---all on airport....AND also when I am using LimeWire on two of them and, as Isaid, only on the TiBook. It's not anything that can't be worked around because I just relaunch it but I do have to force quit when the message appears.

I'm started to get used to the littleIdiosyncrasies of the app and will figure it our. Thanks much for your input.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 4th, 2004
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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I think stief made some wise suggestions, a couple perhaps you should consider more seriously:

"...but like Adobe and even Apple, LW is considering dropping OS 9 support since Java has changed so much."
"btw--if you're running 9.2, I think that means your machine can run Panther."

On your machines you can have both OS9 & X installed giving the options of which one to start up from. And in any case, Classic environment (OS9 under the control of OSX) would also be available. OSX's RAM management is very efficient. If any app crashes, it won't crash the computer, but that RAM becomes isolated & you can force the app to quit & restart the app.

OSX has more recent Java which is extremely important to LW. Do you have the most recent Java version for OS 9 (is that OS9.2 or 9.2.2 you have?) Having the most recent OS 9 version of Java will most likely benefit LW. The OS 9 Java issue has been discussed very recently on this forum. There's a link to where the download site is but I can't remember which thread it's in.

Unless you're totally happy with things in OS 9, you should give the OSX more thought! (How's the HDD space going on your comp.s)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 4th, 2004
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
Join Date: June 30th, 2004
Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
Posts: 666
Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

I found the thread I mentioned (Unexpected quit type 1 error).
Here's Apple's java link (use 2.2.5--2.2.6 is only for certain Oracle users)

If I can quote stief again but from the above thread:
"Seriously guys--time to start working with OS X if you want to keep participating in filesharing. I've watched LW struggle for almost two years to work with Apple's Java for Classic, but gnutella and java keep going foward, and java for Mac classic has remained stagnant. Troubleshooting LW and Classic just gets harder and harder, as our familiarity gets rustier and rustier.

Looks like the 4.1 series will be the last of LW for classic. The LW devs have held out for a long time (especially sberlin). . . and many of us have appreciated the efforts . . . but once you've tried OSX it's really hard to go back to any Internet activities on OS 9 and earlier.

[Aside: Sigh. I think I'll join an antique Macs club for nostalgia's sake before my wife throws out all my old Macs. Remember the thrill of Desk Accessories in Sys 6.0.7, was it?]"
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