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jackiecontruccipizzagirl October 31st, 2004 09:34 AM

Lords Of the Rings, Thanks!
Like I posted three seconds ago, I have no idea why I never replied but here I am, and although this problem seemed to work itself out somehow your informartion will be good for furture reference. :o)

BlackHawk_81 October 18th, 2005 08:33 PM

Yeah this might be a stoopid thing to ask but Why is my entire LIBRARY in RED

EJ_musicfan October 20th, 2005 08:03 AM

Yeah, as of a couple days ago, my whole library went red, and the shared files went to 0. Now any song I get, it doesn't show I have shared, and goes directly to red. Why did this happen, and how can I fix this problem?!

Lord of the Rings October 20th, 2005 09:42 AM

This thread is mostly refering to incomplete files in red. Shared files in red are files that aren't being shared. As soon as you open LW, it will take some time for LW to account for all the files & they all will start off red, but one by one they'll turn black as LW accounts for them. You can also see the bottom left corner a number like 56/850 for example, which means you're sharing a total of 850 files but at that very moment only 56 have been accounted for. After some time they should all turn black. BTW any files you see in the Saved Files folder will be red. AFAIK that's because that is not a sharing folder. It is a saving folder reference. Look in your shared folder & any other folders you've added to share & you'll find they're black. Also check the difference in the files between the Saved Files & Shared. This will show what I mean. The Saved Files folder doesn't exist outside of LW but is purely to show recently downlded files.

EJ_musicfan October 20th, 2005 09:53 AM

I don't know what happened to the share folder, but I went in and added what was the setting for saved into shared also. Thanks for the help!

hotlips October 22nd, 2005 07:31 PM

I'd like to jump in here because this is a 'recent' thread and the subject touches on my question ... which is: How does one make the Search Page keep a permanent format? E.g., Quality, #, Type, Name, etc. in the order 1) you want it and 2) keep it in that order for new searches.

I know how to use the right-click dropdown to select Options but they change for each new search. This is driving me nuts as I accidently 'reverted to default' and this is when it started, even tho I've un-reverted.

Is there a ghost in this area or is it the operator?

Thanks for the tip on setting 'keep incomplete files' longer as I've had partial downloads start back at 0% but never had that problem until I cancelled them from the Download section putting them in the Partial Downloads. Keeping them in the bottom protected them from losing previous progress, altho I only had 1 or 2'ish that I kept there.

iMac, G4 running 10.2.8 and LW 4.9.23 Pro

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