July 15th, 2001
I have a G4 400 running OS 9.1 that has the temporary freeze that allows cursoring but nothing else. Usually I am not in the connections tab, so when it happens I cannot go there to see if one dropped out, although the number of hosts reduced right about the same time. Only once didI have to force quit the progam and reboot. Waiting usually does it. I am going to allocate more memory to LW and try the console for additional info. I would send it to you as a screenshot, but Lord knows if you would ever actually receive it, since you don't reply to email, and I would just be left to wonder if it got in the right hands.
My other GREAT concern is the number of "transfer interrupted" s that I get, approximately 99 per cent, give or take 2/100 of a per cent. The uploaders then have to force resume, hoping to get another one per cent before it shuts them down again. It looks like they get bumped off their slots, sort of like when I used to work for an ISP that didn't have enough bandwidth, and people were constantly getting disconnected. If that is what is happening to you, I hope you have deep pockets to fix it. It has got to be the most annoying thing to people, other than the waiting, busy, retrying, couldn't connect routine that all are painfully aware of. Good luck fixing that one as well. I have approximately 175 files in my shared folder, mpg's that are medium big, you know, 3 to 5 mg. Am I overloading the system? Do I need to change a setting? Please help!!! |