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hecubus May 15th, 2001 09:05 PM

mac-oriented gnutella hosts?
So I've got my LimeWire mojo working on my Mac, and aside from some maddening freezes, it's working fine. My question is, where are all the Mac files? Audio and video files are nice, but when I see the wealth of software out there with .exe and .zip types, I wonder why I never see those .sit and .img files that I can use. Are there any Macintosh-friendly gnutella hosts out there?

Witch Doctor May 18th, 2001 11:41 PM

I've sent an E-mail to LimeWire about this same thing as well- if they're going to offer it for the Mac platform, they could at least add .sit and .img to the default file types list. You could try searching using "All Types," but basically there's very, very little Mac file type support on Gnutella, from what I've found.

mikropu June 6th, 2001 05:18 PM

About the periodic freezes:

I have them as well (OS 9.1, G4 400):

After opening LW, the first freeze is on the way. It stays about 1min or so - in this time the whole Mac is "sleeping" but the mouse. (But no chance to click anything).
These freezes comeback from time to time, sometimes very often.

In 1 of 5 times using LW it has to be finished with apple+alt+escape because it stopped the whole mac... :(

I have the latest LW-Version....

Keep on the good work - LW will become superb I suppose....


Superpic25 June 7th, 2001 11:54 AM

Re: periodic freezes
I believe I've seen this also. It was worst when I began using LW 1.4b on a G3 w/OS9.0.4. I would regularly see the sleeping variety you described on starting LW. I assume the number of files I shared (~500) might have something to do with it. I also experienced the more severe "reboot" variety, which seemed to correspond to hosts dropping off just before the occurance.

Since upgrading to a G4, I've experienced fewer "sleeping" freezes and none of the "reboot" variety. Maybe it's not that the sleeping variety dosen't occur, it just doesn't last as noticeably long. Aside from having a faster processor, my new configuration also has more memory (256MB vs 128), also I changed LW's memory config to double the original presets.

It may also be noted that I'm still trying to understand configuration options (see the "Strange upload phenomena" thread).

Unregistered June 7th, 2001 01:21 PM

thanks Adam, good reply.

And yes, IŽll send this bug-report to you guys....

Superpic25 June 8th, 2001 05:47 AM

More periodic freeze observations
I've tried running LW in debugging mode as described in Adam Fisk's previous post in this thread. The good news is that the Java Console window came up and displayed a verions of 4.o for something (sorry don't remember the initials but it wasn't MRJ). The bad news is that although I experienced a couple of "sleeping" freezes during my session, nothing was logged to this window.

I mentioned earlier that "hosts dropping off" seem to precede a sleeping freeze, but I should add that I didn't actually see the host count go down before a freeze set in, but in each it was definately down immediately after. Given the symptoms of a freeze, I imagine it's hard to say whether the count really dropped after the freeze or whether the counter just wasn't updated prior to freezing.

Also I'm not sure if this is a LW or Mac OS anomaly, but after running LW the memory allocation display doesn't seem to add up. In other words I'm shown my total memory and how it is allocated to running processes. The allocations and the free space do not equal the total. Would this be evidence of a memory leak?

Hope this helps.

Superpic25 June 12th, 2001 05:54 AM

A further observation
Yes I do see a couple connections drop when a freeze occurs. However I should also note that I've observed all my connections drop, and my host count go down to zero, without seeing an accompanying freeze. Maybe there's something in addition to dropped connections that acts as a trigger?

Unregistered June 13th, 2001 02:12 PM

pausing info
afisk -

I tried the "hold down control" thing, and everything seemed to be working, the application opened like normal, however, this error window did not appear. Yes, I was holding control the whole time, even for about a minute after the program was open and connected. Am I doing something wrong, how do I get this to work?

As far as other information about the pausing: I keep 4 connections up at a time, and have tried changing this to more or less, however this does not seem to affect the pausing. I am sharing about 400 files, mostly songs. I have observed the same thing as others regarding drops of host/available file counts immediately after a pause, however mine is a slight variation. Immediatly after my pause, the number of hosts and files jumps to a much higher number, then quickly plunges to a number much smaller than the number before the pause.

Unregistered June 13th, 2001 03:14 PM

Well, I must have a weird configuration or whatever, because that is exactly what I did, but whatever. Thanks for the help trying to solve the problem.

PS - I hate to bitch about download speeds, but on napster i got between 200 and 300 kb/sec, now i mostly settle for around 10. Besides finding another person to download from, is there anything to be done?

Unregistered June 13th, 2001 05:25 PM

afisk -

Thanks alot, that really explained things well. I understand that the speed of the download is directly correlated to the potential speed of the person I am uploading from, but I am wonder if there is a quick way to find the fastest people. I know that the "download any" feature automatically starts with the fastest connections and works down, however sometimes the faster connnections are not fast at all, probably because lots of people are uploading from them. I am wondering if there is any way to make it so the "download any" feature will automatically move on to another person if the download speed is not faster than a speed specified by me? If not, I think that would be a cool feature on future releases of Limewire.

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