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Unregistered November 17th, 2001 08:13 AM

How do I Chat?
I cant seem to find how to use the chat feature.
I am using 1.8 version. ??

Unregistered November 18th, 2001 12:01 PM

The same question: WHERE'S the chat feature?

Unregistered November 18th, 2001 10:11 PM do we Chat?
I am the person to start this thread.....Can someone please help out here? how do we use the chat feature? I walked in from leaving my computer for about a 1/2 hour and noticed someone had left a chat message on my end, but I have no idea how to respond or to initalize a chat. Thanks for any help you can supply.

TruStarwarrior November 18th, 2001 10:23 PM

Right click a search results or an upload entry and click 'Chat with Host'. A window will pop up if the host has chat enabled (this is the default).

If you get a pop-up chat window from someone else, you can go ahead and type inside the message window. There are no sign-ups or memberships needed to chat.

Please post any other questions you may have.

Unregistered November 19th, 2001 07:16 AM

Thanks for your info.
I have one more question. How do we get every person out there using Gnutella/limewire to have complete files, with their upload option set to at least 50%? What a wonderful world it could be. :)

TruStarwarrior November 19th, 2001 11:02 AM

LW follows the 0.4 specification, which says that incomplete downloads are kept in a seperate directory and are not shared. So, in theory, if everyone used LW, the problem would be solved. However, there are several clients that follow this scheme as well.

LW is at 100% upload speed by default. If people don't adjust it, we're in pretty good shape.

Unregistered November 20th, 2001 11:18 AM

Chat in macintosh
Could someone tell me how do I chat in macintosh?
I'm using macintosh, there's no right button in my mouse, in some applications it's the same to press the comand key (apple key) ant then click, i'ts like the right button on pc's, but doesn't work.

Unregistered November 21st, 2001 07:04 AM

what the heck!...

Originally posted by TruStarwarrior
Right click a search results or an upload entry and click 'Chat with Host'. A window will pop up if the host has chat enabled (this is the default).

If you get a pop-up chat window from someone else, you can go ahead and type inside the message window. There are no sign-ups or memberships needed to chat.

Please post any other questions you may have.

Where the heck is that "Right click" on my Macintosh????
Bad advice, TruStarwarrior, you should know better!

For Mac users, hold your CTRL down while you click over the line you are d/l. A menu will popup after a few seconds, one of the lines say "chat with host".
Be my guest!

TruStarwarrior November 29th, 2001 09:42 PM

I'm so sorry I accidentally forgot I was in the Mac section. I should really watch myself later on. I never know who will get upset at me.

And for your information, I did have the correct information in the FAQ.


6-20A. You must be using LimeWire 1.7 or later to chat. In the search results window, right-clicking a search result will bring up an options window (OPTION + Click for Mac users). If the host you have selected has chat capabilities turned on, then there will be a "chat with host" option. In the future, there may visual indicators that denote a chattable host so that it is not necessary to right click every single host.
So don't go blaming me for trying to offer some advice.

Unregistered January 6th, 2002 06:30 PM

I still can't chat!
Okay, I have the option to chat and the chat window comes up, but when I try to type something, nothing happens. I have tried clicking in the chat window and a "you:" get's sent to the other person without any response from me. I'm starting to annoy people, help!

Why can't I type anything in the chat box?

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