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General Mac Support For general questions about issues for Mac users, generally referring to Mac OS 9 and earlier but may also include Mac OSX users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 22nd, 2001
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Default Quick time itunes mix-up??

Hey I am not sooo computer savy and just started sharing files. Anyway when I first started sharing files the music i would download would be in itunes and all of a sudden it is in Quicktime. please help.

Quinn S. Kurz
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 28th, 2001
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Same problem here! Whats going on?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 3rd, 2002
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Is it possible that you had itunes as your preference and then installed a newer version of quicktime and the preferences got changed during the install
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 10th, 2002
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Most of my downloads are iTunes files but some are Quicktime. I attribute it to Limewire flakiness. My advice is just don't worry. Drop that file on the iTunes app icon. You never really need to deal with the file itself once it's in your library. If it's really a problem change the creator code with a program like Resorcerer.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Files types when used with QT and SoundJam

I'm having same problem with SoundJam, QT, and Limewire playing nice together.

Here's what happens:
When I start to download from LW, all is good, and a file of type Soundjam apears in the "Incomplete downloads" folder. If I doubleclick this file, it plays perfectly in Soundjam, no intermediate steps.

However, when the file finishes downloading, LW moves it from the "Incomplete" folder to the "Shared" folder, or wherever you designate (I made a new folder for this purpose called "Recent Downloads". As soon as LW moves the file to this completed folder, the Soundjam file type is lost, and I can't play the MP3 without dragging it onto a player of some sort.

Because this happens when the file is moved, I suspect it's a LW problem? Help!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2002
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Post mp3's saved as QT format by default now

Yep - me 2! When I upgraded my Mac's Quicktime all my mp3's were suddenly saved as quicktime files. (Note: I do not have iTunes on my Mac, I hate iTunes!)
Now after I download a batch of songs (or whatever) I have to use FileTyper to change the creator code on each and every MP3. What a major pain in the tush!*groans*

Excuse me Limewire Developers, but not all Mac users have or even *LIKE* iTunes. It would be really nice if you let us choose how our files were saved as - many of us prefer SoundJam, GreyAmp or other MP3 players. Why can't the USER specify how it's saved?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2002
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@ afisk

WOW! I would LOVE to be able to specify the application that a downloaded file recognizes as the default program to open it. and not just MP3's either, that would be so handy with text files (which usually default to SimpleText when I prefer AppleWorks) and gif/jpg images (usually default to QuickTime PictureViewer when I prefer PhotoShop) too.
Your FAQ describes how Windows users can change default program recognition easily, but no Mac help there. It would be great to see that as part of the Limewire program in a future release.

I can definatly tell you that right after I installed the Quicktime 5 update all my Limewire downloads were saved as Quicktime media files when moved to the "shared" folder, so I do believe QT was at fault not LimeWire. However, there does not seem to be a way to change this setting back in the LimeWire program.

QuickTime MP3's have a creator code of TVOD
Generic MP3's have a creator code of MAmp (usually) or Audn (rarely)
I do not know about SoundJam or iTunes. I believe "hook" creator code is for iTunes but I am not sure, sorry.

My current workaround involves using the shareware program FileTyper ($10 shareware fee), download at to manually change the creator codes on the files. It's a bit time consuming but it does work.
Also another program called "Resorcerer" was mentioned above but I am unfamiliar with it.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 22nd, 2002
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efield is flying high

Adam, if you haven't read it yet, I gave a short explanation of the type and creator codes here:

These links might also be helpful:
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 23rd, 2002
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It would be WONDERFUL to be able to change the creator codes in Limewire, thanks for considering that as a future option
Would there be any way we could just "browse" our hard drive for the application we wanted the specific file to default to, and have it supply the creator code or will we need to know the codes ourselves?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 23rd, 2002
Join Date: January 21st, 2002
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micahd is flying high
Default More clues to the type question

After reading the recent posts, I think I can say that the hook file type is what is causing my particular download problems.

Every single one of my working, easily playable mp3s seems to have been converted by Soundjam to type mpg3, creator=sjam either during some sort of setup or as it was played.

Using iChange, I can see that downloading files are type=mpg3, creator=sjam while they download. When they're finished downloading, Limewire moves them to a different folder, and they magically become type=mpg3, creator code=hook.

I tried adding entries to the file exchange control panel for this hook creator code, but the required info doesn't match up with "type" and "creator."
The file exchange control panel asks for extension (I assume this=mp3), name (?), and mime type (?). Can anyone help match these up? Does this seem like it would help recognize the "hook" type for those of us that don't have iTunes installed?

I didn't have this issue before I recently installed both QT 5 and Limewire 2.11 Pro. So I may try reinstalling Soundjam now and see if that helps things...

And afisk -- the option to set the creator code sounds GREAT. So valuable to have you on this list.


Originally posted by afisk
Forgive my ignorance, but does setting the creator code to "hook" for mp3 files (which we do) associate it with QuickTime in some way? I'm still a bit confused on exactly how Mac OS handles creator codes, which has been more cumbersome given the lack of almost any good programming books for the Mac. Any help would be appreciated!!

If you have a good idea on how to solve this one, I'll just go ahead and implement it. I could, for example, have an option in the Options window to set the Creator code for various file types. How does that sound?
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