February 24th, 2002
Useless It seems when everyone is moving forward, Limewire has decided to go against evolution!!?
First came Napster and a revolution was born. Then money hungry mongers like Larse Ulric had to go and ruin it for the rest of us. The word was spreading around that time that a great alternative existed out there and it was called, Limewire. We all got familiar with Limewire and were relieved that it was somewhat immune from the wicked curse of witch hunters like Larse. Limewire 1.8 worked flawlessly. Suddenly, new upgrades came along with promises of a sleeker, smarter and faster Limewire. You can even buy the Pro version for a nominal fee for an even better and more reliable delivery! Exciting, Huh??
Well, before I even attempt to meddle with any newer version than the one I already have on my G3 500mhz Powerbook, all of the sudden, the same Limewire that use to work perfectly a few months ago, become totally bugged-down and useless. A pain to launch, impossible to connect and even more impossible to quit. If nothing different took place on my computer's side, than logic dictates that some kind of a change must of took place on Limewire's side. An unforgivable technical glitch, or some kind of an underhanded propaganda to solicit $$ signs from users??? Things that make you go: Hmmmmm...??!!
The problems I'm having are pretty much disclosed by all the other users that have posted there replies in this discussion. I uninstalled and trashed the old Limewire and reinstalled it again hoping that that would work, but I couldn't even install the downloaded .bin file on my desktop. Nothing new to all the rest of you as it is plainly evident!
What it is even more stunning is that amongst all the discussions of users that are having trouble with Limewire, not a single one is from a Limewire technician that might provide any kind of solution or relief. And when you go to the support link, you only get instructions to go to the discussion page where you might find the answer to your questions. Nice little game of Mary Go 'round! And you expect us to buy the Pro version!! What a Joke!
It took a very rich rock star & co. and millions of dollars to bring Napster to it's knees, while it took Limewire it's own people and virtually no money to do the same. Evolution? I wonder if the Limewire kids know the meaning of the word!! |