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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 25th, 2004
Join Date: January 25th, 2004
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NowhereFast is flying high
Arrow Let's get to the down and dirty

Okay. I don't want any corporate lies or "well, this, but that" from the makers or users.

What File Sharing Network has a decent collection, works well, and doesn't have spyware (aka crap)?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 26th, 2004
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Gnucleus or any of the open source free clients are great and have no spy / spamware in them.
It can take you hours to clean out all the crapware those other programs install, even though they say "just hit remove programs", some of them install crap in the registry and you have to edit it to get it all out.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 26th, 2004
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Default Re: Let's get to the down and dirty

Originally posted by NowhereFast
What File Sharing Network has a decent collection, works well, and doesn't have spyware (aka crap)?
Depends on what you searching. The Donkey network has the biggest collection of videos and other programs and is unbeatable with the download of these files.

Try eMule and Gnucleus as G2Pway suggested. You will have two reliable good working clients which are sure without any crap because they are open source!

Spyware isnīt a problem of the netwrok, you will find in every network clients which use Spyware.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 4th, 2004
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Yep, some networks have become kind of specialized on certain files . For instance, if you want TV series, WinMX is the place to go, although lately you can find a lot on ed2k, too. Ed2k is The Place for movies, full apps and games (because good performance to transfer larger files), but it's not the best for music. Gnutella seems to be pretty good for music, but here you can also try Piolet.
| Israel Galan
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2004
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Cyclic is flying high

Not only that usefull info, but are any af them Mac specific, or do we have to wade through the Windoze stuff to find it.
e.g. I've just been looking through
ed2k-it, and 95% at least, is for PC. Groan

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2004
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I don't know of Mac-Specific networks, but Acquisition is a great piece of software using the Gnutella Nework.

I do call it the best designed file-sharing client avaible for any system.

Look for it at

It doesn't have spyware or adware, but it has an unnerving nag-screen.
It uses the Limewire Core with a great interface by Porf, the interface designer.

Gnutella makes quite much Mac-Software and other tools for Mac avaible. Just add "dmg" to the search-string and you'll find only Mac-Software.

You could also use phex on the Mac, which isn't as beautiful as Acquisition, but also works decently and is a real downloading machine, a workhorse, where Acquisition is the fine tool to get the files you want elegantly, but not always as reliable.

And don't forget to share!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2004
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For Mac OS 8.1-9, LimeWire is the only choice.

For OSX 10.1, LimeWire

For Jag and Panther--LimeWire
(my kids like the interface Acquisition puts on LimeWire)

LimeWire has more developers working on it fulltime (they often post here in the forums too), and a goodly group of open source developers who will help out and have even added special patches. Since gnutella is a dynamic network and its development is dynamic, you want a client that will keep up with whatever changes happen to be implemented each week.

There is currently no spyware in LimeWire for OSX, but if you are nervous, Jens-Uwe Mager regularly builds an equivalent to LimeWire Pro that he offers freely

As Arne said--share. LimeWire is my choice, but I support Acq too and plan to support Phex when I get a chance to try it.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2004
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I managed to package Phex for OSX, so Phex for OSX will continue.
It is also quite easy to translate.

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Erst im Spiel lebt der Mensch.
Nur ludantaj homoj vivas. - Gnutella For Users - Shortstories, Poems, Music and strange Ideas.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2004
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Originally posted by Cyclic
I've just been looking through
ed2k-it, and 95% at least, is for PC. Groan
If you are looking for prgrams yes the most are for Windows, the most users use Windows systems so its really no surprise... is it?

But you can download videos, music, pics etc. which you can play on all operated systems... so 95% is MUCH to high.

I donīt know a network which is sharing mainly Mac programs, and I really donīt think there is one... the developers want to attract users and usually offering also a Windows version - ergo the most programs are again for Windows.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2004
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Limewire seems to be the best for my Mac purpose.
I'm looking for Mac specific apps, so the search facility is a must. Unfortunately the last downloaad caused all sorts of problems, but what the heck! They all get shared back with warnings

I haven't been able to download the OS X version of MacPhex, due to Download server failure ?? but Aquisition is ready to go.

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