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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2004
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Default Mcdonald free song thing = trap

at mc donalds they sell a big mac and give you a free song to download. it's legal why not but what I've heard is that that thing was an idea to spy on your computer and record if you do download anything illegally. damn riaa got this idea and they hope to bust us with it. all I think you've got 2 do is don't download the free song and please don't share it otherwise the network will get infected with these spy files.

also I was thinking since they do that there wouldn't they try to spread. of course i might be wrong but i suspect that some songs you can legaly buy on the net might also be spy. advice: stay away from them or try not to mix legaly downloaded for copyright material with ilegaly downloaded copyright material and don't share it one the network.

I also would like to remind everyone of some advice i read before " if the file is perfectly named stay away from it it might be spy"

ps please remember to check the files you download for corruption it's anoying getting those corrupted files cause someone didn't check if it was good or not before sharing it.

please feel free to add any tips to prevent spy files from entering the network

and feel free to corredt me if I'm wrong about some things.

stupid idiot 69er @
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2004
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Default Re: Mcdonald free song thing = trap

Originally posted by stupididiot69er
I've heard is that that thing was an idea to spy on your computer and record if you do download anything illegally. damn riaa got this idea and they hope to bust us with it.
How should this work? Who told you such things, perhaps a link? Technically it isnīt possible to do such things with a MP3.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2004
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Default Re: Mcdonald free song thing = trap

Originally posted by stupididiot69er

I also would like to remind everyone of some advice i read before " if the file is perfectly named stay away from it it might be spy"

and feel free to corredt me if I'm wrong about some things.

stupid idiot 69er @
ok, since you offered, I'm here to correct
Some people are just really perfectionist about these things (like me). None of my vinyl has fingerprints on the playing surfaces, I still have 45's neatly put away in cases dating further back than probably most people here were born. When I download I correct spelling, add the original band name to the comments section of a cover, and am working on a new comprehensive list of music . And I am the furthest thing from a spy. Somewhere out there is my opposite, who misspells the band name & lists the title as "f@$$$ fine tune, yeah!"

On the other hand, lest you think Felix Unger is alive and possessing me, I could probably use a backhoe for the clutter (shhh...I'm hiding from the "Clean Sweep" crew)!

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2004
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I don't know how it works. i guess they can put a program in it and it's a mix between exe and mp3. there might be some type of program that lets you do that/ or some way to do that. I also think someone got busted for that, I don't have any links, unfortunatly but one of my friends took it appart and saw these codes. of course in proof i am limited because I've lost contact with him, and I have no article. but what's the price of a big mac or anything that says it gives you a free song.

mstfyd, I know some of us like to name everything properly and are not spies, I also do rename files like you but I was setting a lookout for files that are like perfectly detailed exactly like it's on the CD, cause some of these in some casses can be fake. and most importantly a lookout for files that sound like they're from the industry and not other trusted users
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2004
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Originally posted by stupididiot69er
i guess they can put a program in it and it's a mix between exe and mp3. there might be some type of program that lets you do that/ or some way to do that.

All I read are unproofen speculations, you should investigate a little before you tell us such tales... really IF your story would be only 1% true, at least 10 other well know websites or talented programmers had recodnized this and posted a story. But your my friend told me a story and now I post it in public is A BIG JOKE. Do you know anything about programming? Does your friend do? Why did you loose your contact to your friend, is he captured by the RIAA because he discovered this secret?

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2004
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my friend went to live in syberia, and he is very well experianced with programing. and yes I know some things and I have to say something : Nothing is Impossible
and I'm just trying to prevent infection of the network by spy files
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2004
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did some reasearch and hey i'm not the only one with that in mind and the spy file might come from the sony player which you need to download in order to play the song here's proof:
you know the file might not be inffected with the spyware but it might be unic in it's kind so all the riaa's gotta do is search for that file using their special computers and hack in your computer.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 17th, 2004
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Originally posted by stupididiot69er
Nothing is Impossible

Tell me my talented friend, which extension should this new file have? .exe? No player plays .exe file! MP3? Oh yes players play .mp3 files (of course) but no player plays .exe files and donīt execute .exe files - so again HOW SHOULD THIS WORK???

did some reasearch and hey i'm not the only one with that in mind and the spy file might come from the sony player which you need to download in order to play the song here's proof:
Proof? Yes this proofes that you are telling tales, there is no word about Sony or McDonalds are spying on us... first you "developed" a brandnew tchnique where .exe files are hidden in MP3s now you tell us the sony player might be bad.

you know the file might not be inffected with the spyware but it might be unic in it's kind so all the riaa's gotta do is search for that file using their special computers and hack in your computer.
Heh? So the file is unic, who cares? How should the RIAA hack your computer without a trojan?

I'm just trying to prevent infection of the network by spy files
No, you want to get attention nothing more and this sucks really because some users might believe your bullshit.

I believe you are looking to many films, calm down go sleeping and tomorrow its all good.


Last edited by Morgwen; November 25th, 2004 at 03:11 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 17th, 2004
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Do you know that McDonalds can sue you for such badmouthing? Check your US law and better shut up now.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 17th, 2004
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Originally posted by stupididiot69er
mstfyd, I know some of us like to name everything properly and are not spies, I also do rename files like you but I was setting a lookout for files that are like perfectly detailed exactly like it's on the CD, cause some of these in some casses can be fake. and most importantly a lookout for files that sound like they're from the industry and not other trusted users
You know the CDDB (that fragging CDDataBase, which you can't replace with the freeDB in itunes)?

That ensures, that most of my audio-files are exactly named as on the CD.

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