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bedurde May 28th, 2007 07:50 PM

Closing, Not connected?
I have vista and broadband. I have had LW on this computer since January and have never had any problems till now. Last week I noticed that my download speeds were getting really slow. Then LW starts to close by itself almost immediately after opening. Then a few days later it started giving me a message that my computer didn’t have an active internet connection. Even when I was in LW downloading and uploading files. I have tried all I know to do. I have deleted my preference folders
(both of them), updated my java, set as administrator, checked my firewall excessively. Nothing is helping please I’m desperate!!!!!

wondering why May 29th, 2007 12:07 AM

Who is your ISP ??
Could you supply these details please...

bedurde June 8th, 2007 10:59 AM

I run vista. I have found that LW and google tool bar for some reason interfer with eachother. So I uninstalled the toolbar and everything is back to normal.

wondering why June 8th, 2007 03:13 PM

Thanks for letting us know, that's another step towards solutions for Limewire and Vista...;)

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