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General Vista, Windows 7 or later Support Concerns all issues with using LimeWire or WireShare in the Vista and Windows 7, 8 or 10 operating system

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
Join Date: July 25th, 2007
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jessman is flying high

hello, can anyone respond?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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I can only suggest these fixes although I think your problem is with the Nat Firewall...

Try uninstalling all versions of Java from the add/remove programs and then re-install the JRE 5.11 offline version....
Archive: Download Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Update 11

Then try deleting your preference folder/s...
Fixes for Limewire when LW isn't operating as it should

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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jessman is flying high

yes, Every problem I have with my internet sutff (connecting to LW, connecting to Azerus, playing Xbox Live, playing online comp games ) has to do with NAT. I have trying to figure out how to fix this for years, but everyone gives me the same resposne, which is that static Ip site, and the port site. None of those work of cousre, so hopefully your method will
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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jessman is flying high

I can't find the limewire preferences folder. I am using Vista Home premium
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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Oops sorry...

This is more than likely not going to help you with the Nat firewall...It can work with connction problems, but by the sounds of the trouble you have been having it's not the fix, but I could be wrong...

You might want to purchase a new modem/router, one that doesn't contain the Nat Firewall....

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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jessman is flying high

well the fix seemed to work...for now at least. Who knows if it will work tommorow.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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Did it !!!...Hopefully it will be all good for you now...Let us know if it runs alright from now on...

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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jessman is flying high

will do. I jsut it isn't like alst time.

When I first dl'd LW a few eeks ago, I had this problem, and I think I made this topic because of that, and thought the problem was solved, cause it connected. Then the next day it wouldn't coonnect, and had the problem since now. I hope it is fixed.

How the heck do you get aorund NAT's anywyas? Those things have been plaguing me since I got a wierless network, and to this day I have no idea how to get through NAT's. Hell I have never been able to connect to a single game made by EA since 2004 because of NAT!!!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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The only thing I can think of is that you had already successfully created a static IP, you see you only ever have to do the static IP once, that's why you where more than likely having so many problems, so now all you need to do is port forward for each application the Nat Firewall blocks...

So maybe when you set up the port forwarding for limewire it worked but you still had the Java issue and your preference folder needed to be refreshed....
Why don't you try one of your games now and just try opening up the port and skip the Static IP part...
If you need a link let me know and I'll see if I can find it for you...

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old August 5th, 2007
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jessman is flying high

well when I used the link in this topic about setting up a staitc IP, that was the first time I have ever messed around with something like that. Once I followed the guide and did everyuhtng it said, I entered the IP it told me to, and my comp could no longer connect to the interent after that. I immediatly changed it back to "automatic" and I could connect to the internet once again.

As for my games, I ahve the xbox live port forwarded, and so I can download things a lot faster form the marketplace now, but I still have a very hard time connecting and playing any game online. most of the time I will see only 4-6 games avaiable, and this is on the most played game on xbox live, Gears of War, and I can do this any day, and any time of the day and still get around 5 room avaible, so I know its not just me loggin on at a bad time of day.

Then there is the EA problem, of not being able to connect to any EA server, or EA made game EVER.
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