October 17th, 2007
Apprentice | | Join Date: October 11th, 2007
Posts: 8
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this is what is say Specify Public IP Address Networked Computer / Device:Specify Address Protocol Rule NamePortsActionLimewireTCPAny -> 6346UDPAny -> 6346 Add Specify ProtocolShow Basic ServicesActive WorldsAge of Empires IAge of Empires II - Age of KingsAge of Empires IIIAge of WondersAIM TalkAliens vs. PredatorAmerica Online (AOL)Anarchy OnlineAOL Instant messengerApple IChatAsheron's CallAudio Galaxy SatelliteAUTHBaldur's GateBattlecomBattlefield 1942BAYVPNBlack and WhiteBlizzard Battle.netBuddy PhoneC &C (Command and Conquer - Generals, Zero Hour)Calista IP phoneCall of DutyCameradesCarbonCopy32Citrix Metarame (ICA Client)Citrix Winframe ServerCity of HeroesCivilization 3Civilization 4CivNetClient HotlineCounter StrikeCU II Version 3CuSeeMeDark ReignDark Reign 2Decent FreespaceDeerfield MDaemon Email ServerDelta ForceDelta Force - Land WarriorDelta Force 2Delta Three PC to PhoneDescent 3Descent FreespaceDHCP ALGDiablo IIDiablo, StarCraft (Battle.net)DialPadDirect ConnectDirectX GamesDNSDNS ALGDoom (I / II / III)DrakanDune 2000Dungeon SiegeDwyco Video ConferencingEGN V2.0+Elite ForceEverquestEverquest 2F-22 Lightning 3F16F22 RaptorFalcon 4.0Fighter Ace BetaFighter Ace IIFighter Ace II DX PlayFlight SimFreetelFTPFW1VPNGameSpy ArcadeGhost Recon / Ghost Recon Desert SiegeGnutella ServerGo2CallGuild WarsH.323H.323 Call SignalingH.323 RASHalf LifeHalf Life 2Half Life ServerHeat.netHeretic IIHexen IIHomeWorldHot PursuitHotline ClientHotline ServerHTTPHTTP SecondaryHTTP Web AccessHTTPSHTTPS SecondaryIBSICQICUII ClientICUII Client Version 4.xxIKEIMAPInternet PhoneIPhoneIPSecIRCIris Phone 2.5IStreamVideo2HPiVisitKALIKaZaAKohan Immortal SovereignsL2TPLaplinkLIVvELotus DominoMechwarrior 3Medal of Honor: Allied AssaultMicrosoft Direct PlayMicrosoft Windows Network / SambaMidtown MadnessMIG 29mIRC ChatmIRC DCC / IRC DCCmIRC IDENTMotorcross MadnessMotorhead ServerMplayer Games NetworkMSN Game ZoneMSN Game Zone (DX 7 & 8 Play)Myth (Bungie.net, Myth II)NapsterNeed for SpeedNeed for Speed 3 - Hot PursuitNeed for Speed 5 (Porsche)Net2PhoneNetMechNetMeetingNetrekNetStormN NTPNoxNTPOKbridgeOKWebOKWinOperation FlashpointOutlawsPal TalkPCAnywhere HostPCAnywhere RemotePCAnywhere v7.5PCTelecommutePhoneFreePingPlay-Station2Polycom ViaVideo H.323POP3PowWowPPTPQuake GamesQuakeIIQuakeIIIQuakeWorldQuicktime / Real Audio ClientQuicktime ServerRAdmin (Fama Tech)Rainbow SixRDPRealAudioRed AlertRemote AnythingRemote DesktopRemote Desktop 32Remote ManagementRemote Management SSLRemotely AnyWhereRemotely Possible V3.2aReturn of Castle WolfenstienRise of NationsRise of RomeRLogin, RCPRoger WilcoRogue SpearRTSPScour MediaServer HotlineShiva VPNShout Cast ServerSIPSling BoxSMTPSNMPSoldier of FortuneSpeak FreelySQL-Net Tools ServerSSHStarfleet CommandStarsiege Tribes ServerSunRocket VoIP Phone ServiceSWAT3TalkdTanarusTeam SpeakTelnetTelnet SecondaryTelnet SSLTFTPThe 4th ComingTiberian SunTimbuktu ProTotal AnnihilationTracerouteUltimaUnreal - Master Server ListUnreal Tournament 4Unreal, Unreal TournamentUSENET News ServiceVDO VideoVentriloVirtual Network Computing (VNC)VNCVoiceWing VoIP Phone ServiceVonage VoIP Phone ServiceVoxChatVoxPhoneWarbirds 2Web ServerWebcam (TrueTech)Webcam32Webforce Compcore MPEGWebPhoneWestwood OnlineWindows 2000 Terminal ServerWorld of WarCraftWorms 2X WindowsXBoXYahoo MessengerYahoo Messenger ChatYahoo Messenger PhoneYahoo PagerZNES WAN Connection Type:All Broadband DevicesBroadband Connection (Ethernet)Broadband Connection (Coax)WAN PPPOEWAN PPPOE 2 Forward to Port:Same as Incoming PortSpecify When should this rule occur ?
this is what comes up after clicking ad and it doesn't let me pick the port. I tried filling out all that i could with my regular ip (not the static one right? what'd I make that for anyways?), no public ip, but it still wouldn't connect to limewire. Again, I really appreciate you trying to help me out. |