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General Vista, Windows 7 or later Support Concerns all issues with using LimeWire or WireShare in the Vista and Windows 7, 8 or 10 operating system

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2008
Join Date: June 26th, 2008
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is-this-a-trick is flying high
Default Fully Connecting to Network?

I keep getting the message

"LimeWire is currently connecting to the network. Your search may not return as many results until you are fully connected to the network."

Down in the bottom left hand corner there is 1 green and 4 red bars but it is reading that it is connected.

It has been like this for a while now,
Is there any way of fixing this?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2008
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Don't know yet. System details - help us to help you (click on blue link)

Did you think to look thru the Connection Problems section or the Stickies at the top of the sections.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 11th, 2008
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Location: Wellingborough Northampton
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mrwonderful is flying high
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Dear Everybody
Have you ever been confused? Meaning completely confused so there's no more room to be confused in?

That's where I am now.

See If asked most of you computer people where your clavicle and sturnum is and asked you to touch at the same time with one hand the two and if you could do that without looking it up or asking someone what your clavicle was or is or going to your computer to find out and you stated swearing or wondering why things cannot be made very very simple you just might know how I feel.

I know my computer is a laptop. I know it uses a thing called "Vista" whatever the Dickens that is.

It's got Ram and "SD" at that! Whatever that means. It's quite fast too apparently as it "brand spanking new" but it is already out of date even though I've had it not five minutes I mean how daft. Do you know what "Brand Spanking" means? It means good apparently.

I could go on and on. If you wanted to know where I keep any spare spark plugs if you know what they are even or my spare triacas, diacs, SCR's, diodes and dare I say it sandwich transistors without me telling you you'd be in the swamp well maybe a particular kind of swamp but a swamp never-the-less.

I just want to be fully connected to the Lime Wire network so I can just simply download some music for my own personal consumption.

No no personal consumption is not another name for TB or Turberculosis I mean getting the music on my hard disk (not my spine) so I can 'burn' not 'cut' a Music CD or DVD to play in my car if I want to.

See to me an egg is one of those things that comes from a Hen and that is a kind of bird it isn't an account you can put money in at a bank.

It all sounds like a chicken and egg story doesn't it? But BTB and BTW, IMVVHO if anyone says which came first I've got the answer to for you, Chickens had to come first, Eggs (the ones with shells on) don't and never have ever laid Chickens.

Now ther's a kind of sense in Chickens coming first ain't there?

There is also sense in giving a bloody map to someone if they are going somewhere they've never ever been before.

I need a map. Maybe I need to be taught how to read that map too - maybe. It reminds me why we have washing machines with 40 programmes when we only need one or maybe two - maybe.

Does someone get my 'drift' where I'm heading with this damnable diatribe?

If so and you think just maybe you can help me, in very simple plain English if you please, my e-mail address is *email address removed*

Maybe just maybe a miracle will happen because these days I need a whole bunch of them.

PS I couldn't find a link to where the introductions area is. Why wasn't there a link right next door to where that message is for Heaven's sake?

Why isn't there a link when we first switch our computers on which maybe automatically tells us what all you people well some of you then want to know.

How about this for an idea, why can't we in this age of voice recognition can't we have a nice blonde nice boobs nice curves telling us in a sexy voice all the things an engineer wants to know just so I can download some music to my hard disk?

In case someone has a bad attack of the politically correct nonsense disease, I suppose, however blonde she is if you can't see her TELLING you I suppose it doesn't matter what she looks like but in my imagination she's always blonde, blue eyed, nice big boobs, nice curves and talks very nicely to me - and you?!

If I've got almost everything wrong then, HELP!

Some simple, simple, simple instructions please!

There is a reason for the name...
Edited to comply with the House Rules.
Do not divulge anyone's personal information in the forum, not even your own.

Last edited by birdy; July 11th, 2008 at 09:55 PM. Reason: Removing personal info.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2008
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Originally Posted by mrwonderful View Post
PS I couldn't find a link to where the introductions area is. Why wasn't there a link right next door to where that message is for Heaven's sake?
There was a link to the forum rules yet you ignored it. There was a link to the page showing which system details to supply yet you ignored it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2008
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mrwonderful is flying high

Dear Lord of the Rings,

I may have overlooked possibly it but "ignore" I refute completely. To say I ignored something or other as you say presupposes that you, can read my mind and therefore you are saying you are a mindreader.

Forgive me but even though I don't know you, you are most certainly not a mind reader.

Sometimes there are people who will say such condescending things to other people, such as what you have said to me and such things as "You're always doing this or that" (this or that incorrectly of course) I say, "Really?" You mean even while I'm asleep I'm always doing (incorrectly of course) what you say? Hardly.

You, obviously to me, that is, are a 'control freak' type of person or individual. I know how to deal with such people with such attitudes as this and at present at least, yours. Firstly answer my major point or you will be ignored.

I rather suspect you may be a moderator of this site I don't know but you are certainly not helpful to a brand new person and an unhelpful e-mail for a start to say the very least. Or are you part of Gnutella or what ever the alias name for Lime Wire is?

It's really very inaccurate language and at least very misleading at minimum and downright nasty not to say, as I say, completely unhelpful. After all I still right now am not "fully connected" to Lime Wire - yet. .....nothing in your reply leads me to that happy conclusion, does it?

It also tells me as you put no links in to guide me that you are unherlpful and somewhat of a hypocrite. Why? Well put yourself in my shoes, simply would you have liked the letter you sent to me be sent to you?

Treat other people the way you would like to be treated if your shoes were reversed with theirs - mine in this case. You haven't done that have you?

So let me ask again, why don't you guide a newcomer? This remember is my second ever post.

What I want has been clearly stated in my first ever post on this message board and nowhere near 24 hours old - yet!

Another thing is interesting to note and that is you haven't answered the most important question and that is a reasonable reply to my most important request.

You've answered a point which is merely my reasonably held belief.

You may not like the fact it is also my opinion, maybe possibly a mistaken opinion of mine in your opinion that is of my opinion, maybe, but just as you have a perfect right to your opinion guess what? I have a perfect right to mine and in fact and this is fact, my opinion to me is just as important to me that is, as your opinion is to you and it's my opinion about that too and my opinion whether you like it or not.

Let me put it another way, you think what you want to think and I'll think what I want to think and then we'll both be happy - won't we? Or do you want to argure about that!

As I say I did not ignore anything. I did not see any links as in "Click here for a detailed answer to connecting fully to Lime Wire".

Now instead of being sanctamonius and misleading why don't answer my question about how I can become "Fully Connected" to Lime Wire or pass me on to someone who'll be a rather more helpful person in terms of achieving my goal or is that too much trouble for you? Otherwise take a long walk of a short plank, why don't you?

PS. Why delete my e-mail address from my first ever post? What is wrong with having my e-mail address on my message if I want that? Why did someone do that and who is he or she?

Last edited by mrwonderful; July 12th, 2008 at 06:56 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2008
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Save the waffle. Pass you onto someone else. Well if they had have wanted to help someone who can't do the simple things such as post their system details, then they would have already. We don't have esp, we don't know what your problem is because we don't have enough details. We have some simple rules on the forum, if you cannot help us by following those rules then good luck. Some forums delete such posts, warn users, some remove such users. We are not so hard here.

I have no idea what you want, since you were supplied a link, have refused to reply back details except troll waffle.

Forum rules are posted at top of each section of the forums. Guests see links to the rules every page they see on the forums. New members see links to the forum rules at least 3 times, and receive an email to forum rules AND providing system details, all included within the forum rules. So don't get control freaky with me buddy. You have ignored the rules time & time again, enough is enough. And btw I am the forum Admin here, not just a helper or a mod.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 12th, 2008 at 07:05 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2008
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Originally Posted by mrwonderful View Post
PS. Why delete my e-mail address from my first ever post? What is wrong with having my e-mail address on my message if I want that? Why did someone do that and who is he or she?
Because you're not allowed to post personal info, such as email addresses. Looks like you didn't read the rules
11. Do not divulge anyone's personal information in the forum, not even your own. This includes e-mail addresses, IP addresses, age, house address, and any other distinguishing information. Donīt use eMail addresses in your nick.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2008
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hey mrwonderful....

relax...slow your breathing...let your thoughts drift away....

now...YOU WILL GO AWAY....

how's that for a hypnotic suggestion?

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2008
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mrwonderful is flying high

Dear Birdy,

Thank you for your comment. I'm sorry but at the top of this page there is no link to "Rules" if there was I'd find it pretty easy I guess but guess what? There is no link and I'm afraid I do not know how to access it. Simple as that.

I need help. Quite frankly I would have thought it pretty obvious.

There are sites which look very similar although discuss entirely different things.

Why did you not put a link in your answer as in these other similar to look sites to my request to make it rather straight forward for me? Sorry if you don't like the answer.

What I do know is that someone could have posted an e-mail witrh a link in blue usually I think underlined for some reason. It would take me automatically to other parts of this forum that may answer my question and offer a solution.

So now there have been two answers but not pertinent.

I'm sorry too if you have never been as confused as I am. Please if you will send me another reply here and post a few links for me to read that answer my problem.

I do not understand your language as in "... Don't use eMail addresses in your nick." What for heaven's sake is my (your) nick??

The former answer I have had you may notice did not suggest anywhere form me to visit a link perhaps that may be of help to me can or should I say, will you?

Yours hoping,

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2008
Join Date: June 26th, 2008
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is-this-a-trick is flying high

that is the address to help,
it is just in the connection forum thingy.
it didnt help my problem but i have given up on that
it has annoying me too much to care anymore.

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