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General Vista, Windows 7 or later Support Concerns all issues with using LimeWire or WireShare in the Vista and Windows 7, 8 or 10 operating system

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 23rd, 2012
Join Date: May 23rd, 2012
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ceecay is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Default Need Java?

I am running LPE in Windows 7. I had no problems the last time I was using it. Great speeds, no connection problems, etc. This time when I tried to start it I got the message that Limewire needs Java version 6 or higher to run. I was sure I would have had Java installed but looked at my programs and didn't. I went and did the automatic download which didn't work. I then looked at the forums and saw that I should do the offline download, so i uninstalled the current version and did the 64-bit offline version. That didn't work either. I uninstalled that and downloaded the 32-bit offline version since I read that some programs might not be compatible with the 64-bit version and that doesn't work either. I am of course restarting the system before attempting to start FPE, but nothing is working. Should I try version 6? I read somewhere here that I should be okay with the current version (7) if I was using Windows 7. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 23rd, 2012
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You can have both Java 1.6 and 1.7 installed, but LW requires that 1.6 is the default version. ie: go to your Java Control Panel, set Java (6) 1.6 to be the main version.

At this point, it seems LW 5 will not run with Java 1.7. But 1.7 is not yet the main Java download, so perhaps it's still in beta, anybody's guess.

Just one other point, for Windows 7, Java must be set to Run as Administrator for LW. Two ways to do this, easiest is to right-click the Java 1.6 installer & set to Run as Admin. The other way is tricky, you need to find the actual Java program and find which is the right one to choose. This post describes how to find the Java program:
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 10th, 2012
Join Date: June 15th, 2010
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sob1963nyc is flying high
Eek WINDOWS 7 Limewire PE & Java SE 7

After updating to the latest Java SE 7. Limewire Error message Java not installed on start up. Is there a work around for this?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 10th, 2012
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Go to the Java Control Panel, set Java 6 (1.6) as the default to use. Unfortunately at this point, Java 1.7 and LW will not work together.
ie: if you uninstalled Java 1.6 then reinstall it, but set 1.6 as the default to use via the Java Control Panel. Otherwise reinstall Java 1.6, Direct Java 1.6 offline download link with the installer set to Run as Administrator and then set this version as the default to use. This way it enables you to keep both versions on the computer if that's what you wish.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2012
Join Date: May 23rd, 2012
Posts: 2
ceecay is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Thank you for the help! I was away for awhile and just got back to this.

I didn't have Java 1.6 as the default. I corrected that but still couldn't connect so I decided to uninstall everything and do it over. After I re-installed Java 6, then LPE 5.6.2, and then the fix all was good. (:

Thanks again. You are a lifesaver.

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