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General Windows Support For questions about Windows issues regarding LimeWire or WireShare or related questions

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2004
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rkapsi is flying high

Originally posted by 44645y7hf
Then why do files smaller than 1MB not just jump from 0% to 100% in one leap? Obviously they are sent piecemeal. In fact, files above about 60K must be sent in multiple packets. [/B]
You start to mix-up things. This is Layer 4 (Transport) in the ISO/OSI Model. LimeWire operates on Level 7 (Application).
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2004
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
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sberlin is flying high

You have some good suggestions and ideas for improvement, <unregistered person with many guest names>. You've written some very long posts, so it's going to take a while to go through them all. It would make it easier (and we probably would have responded quicker) if you post the ideas in the 'feature requests' area, perhaps with small summaries in the sticky 'Feature Requests' thread. I, personally, tend to ignore threads whose title ends in the word 'sucks'.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2004
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Well Reggie (it's easier than <unreg239u7m-98 2348yjftidopf>, I tried to confirm your situation, and no joy. I'm no expert, but my family and I are very happy with LW 4.0.5, and anticipating even more improvements.

Looks like something in your setup sux (or else it's the Pro difference). You should change the thread title to something more realistic: LW 4.05 is very good at downloading small files.

Here's what I tried:
-unzipped about 1 GB of files (mostly .jpg) to bring my shares up to 13K.
-upped the simultaneous downloads pref to 100
-searched for "wallpaper .jpg" (found about 350)
-tried to download most of them at once (~200?).
-1/2 hr later did a "Repeat Search"
- ~1/2 hr later selected ~100 "awaiting sources" and hit the Resume button
- waited another 1/2 hour, killed the dl's and resumed them from the Library->Incomplete folder (100 'blacks; 60 'reds')'

Here's what happened
-100 downloaded right off the bat (within a 1/2 hour) with no intervention.
-the gui 'froze' (mouse clicks didn't immediately change panes, etc, but no hangs or other problems: I was able to just leave it be, switch to another user account to check mail, browse, and twiddle my thumbs. Switched back, and all was good: Uploads were still proceeding, the connections pane was happily recording that Ultrapeer mode wasn't affected, and downloads showed quite a few dl's awaiting sources).
-After repeating search once; later resuming the "Awaitings;" and finally killing inactive downloads and resuming from the Library,
-Final count: 159 files

-CPU usage only a couple of times went over 50%, but usually stayed around 20-38%
-the most threads I saw recorded were 272
-real memory size peaked at 172 MB (VM 580 MB)

btw--I tried a "What's new", and saw a bunch of ethernet results. Huh? Turned out the kids were running LW Free downstairs the whole time.
A quick check showed they weren't sharing anything really offensive (Gad! they like "funny ads") Whew.

-Looks like you have some good suggestions, but your system has other problems. LW 4.5 Pro handles small files quite well.
-I look forward to further optimizations, but right now your comments say more about your setup than LW IMHO. Maybe a slow old Mac with limited RAM and processor will help?

18 month old 700 MHz PowerPC G3 iBook, 384 MB SDRAM; Linksys router (port 20300 opened and forwarded)->DOCSIS cable connection 5mbps down, 1mbps up). Sharing 13,152 files 5.15 GB (5,501,037,010 bytes)--mostly text and .jpg's, but also about 50 .mp3's and various other stuff.

LimeWire version 4.0.5 Pro
Java version 1.4.2_03 from Apple Computer, Inc.
Mac OS X v. 10.3.4 on ppc
Free/total memory: 8949904/73793536

-- listing session information --
Current thread: AWT-EventQueue-0
Active Threads: 218
Uptime: 1:44:54
Is Connected: true
Number of Ultrapeer -> Ultrapeer Connections: 30
Number of Ultrapeer -> Leaf Connections: 30
Number of Leaf -> Ultrapeer Connections: 0
Number of Old Connections: 0
Acting as Ultrapeer: true
Acting as Shielded Leaf: false
Number of Active Uploads: 3
Number of Queued Uploads: 0
Number of Active Managed Downloads: 2
Number of Active HTTP Downloaders: 1
Number of Waiting Downloads: 72
Received incoming this session: true
Number of Shared Files: 13152
Guess Capable: true

-- listing threads --
Acceptor: 1
AWT-Shutdown: 1
AWT-EventQueue-0: 1
pinger thread: 1
QRPPropagator: 1
MessageLoopingThread: 60
QueryDispatcher: 1
MulticastService: 1
HttpClient-ReferenceQueueThread: 1
TimerQueue: 1
UDPService-Receiver: 1
TimerRunner: 1
DownloadWorker: 1
OutputRunner: 60
ConnectionDispatchRunner: 4
QueryUnicaster: 1
ConnectionWatchdog: 1
DestroyJavaVM: 1
Java2D Disposer: 1
HttpClient-IdleConnectionThread: 1
Thread-3: 1
Thread-0: 1
HTTPAcceptor: 1
ManagedDownload: 74

-- listing properties --
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2004
Posts: n/a

This says that it works OK on a Mac, and recognizes more than 128MB on Macs. So the problem I have is Windows-specific. This may indicate a VM problem. Which is odd, since it's Sun's very own VM, and not some sort of unstable beta version either. If the makers of Java couldn't get it right it's unlikely Apple could, which makes me think Windows-specific code in Limewire may be the problem. There's two things to look at there:

* The installer for the Windows binary. Maybe it configures the Java VM poorly? Or something.
* Any platform-dependent code in Limewire. I'm not using the Windows native L&F, so it's *probably* not in there. Minimizing to the tray must be Windows-specific but I see problems without/before doing so so this platform-dependent code is *probably* not the problem either. Otherwise I'm not sure.

The fact that you had the UI freeze once is telling, though -- the problem at least potentially exists in the Mac port too, but it takes a helluva lot more to provoke it. It looks like all the numbers I gave in an earlier post have to be multiplied by 5 or more on the Mac.

That it performs vastly differently on different brands hardware with similar CPU speeds and RAM is disturbing. A supposedly cross-platform app that behaves far better under one OS than another is not really cross-platform, is it? Now I start to wonder if the devteam tests the code on a LAN of Mac G4s rather than Quad Xeons ... :P

Anyway, shoddy performance under WinXP on a fairly beefy piece of hardware is not good. Most of your users and prospective buyers of Pro are using Windows. Given how crummy Windows is, I'd accept a minor performance hit compared to the Mac -- since my CPU is somewhat faster than his, I'd expect about the same performance under the same conditions. Instead, mine gets very cranky if its memory usage approaches 120M, even when there's 500-odd still unused megs of *physical* RAM.

Anyone here got inside knowledge of how the Mac port differs from the Windows port? Maybe you can shed some light on why the Windows one only "sees" a tenth the system's memory and is very slow and cranky while the Mac port performs roughly five times better at least...
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2004
Posts: n/a

One business day left. If you can't identify and fix these performance issues under WinXP given all the data I've given, you deserve to go out of business. :P
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2004
Posts: n/a

YOU FAILED. Sorry. As of now, somewhat after the close of business deadline, there is no version available from your Web site more recent than 4.0.5, which is known to contain the same severe performance issues under WinXP that plagued earlier 4.0.x versions. Your seven days are up and you have not met the terms and conditions I have set. Therefore, I hereby publicly take out an oath never to purchase Pro. Sorry. It is too late now. You did not respond to a potential paying customer's concerns in a timely manner, and therefore you are losing business. Now it's time for me to spread the word that the 4.0 series of Limewire versions do not work at all acceptably on WinXP machines, vote it down on, and the had your chance to fix these problems (which, I note again for the record, have been around in varying degrees of severity since early 3.x versions or even earlier) and you chose instead to ignore them and focus on creeping featurism. Your choice; now you face the consequences. Goodbye.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2004
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stief has a spectacular aura about


Hey Reggie--don't forget to link back here and say how others didn't have your problems on XP, and how it worked better than anything else.

good luck finding out about your RAM, and I hope you'll do a similar comparison with Morpheus.

Sorry if you thought this forum was the way to contact LW developers. Just us l'il ole users here (no one important enough to be able to issue ultimatums).

cheers--do let us know what program you are trolling for, and where you regularly post.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2004
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 1,366
sberlin is flying high

I do recall responding to this about a week ago... and scrolling back... yup, there's my post.

Sorry if you wanted something more official. How's about this:


Please provide more concise posts.


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  #39 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2004
El Giri
Posts: n/a
Default Here's a concise post

Limewire loses track of partial downloads and restarts them all from 0%. It hangs, is slow, loses preferential settings and I bought the Pro version. I'm running a 2.8G P4 with 1G RAM on a 512 Kbps ADSL connection.
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