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pbraun1980 July 20th, 2004 09:48 PM

Error Message Help
Everytime I open, close, or try to change any of my settings I get a message I have never seen before.

"Lime Wire was unable to write a necessary file because you do not have the necessary permissions. Your Preferences may not me maintained the next time you start Lime Wire."

I read another post where someone had this same problem. The only response to that post was asking for more imformation. I have full permissons to this computer and program. Its mine always has been and I havnt made any changes on that part. I am also experiencing an awful weird problem with my musicmatch jukebox all of the sudden that I am trying to find an answer for on their forum. I dont know if the two problems are connected so I am also coming here for answers about the Lime Wire problem.

My Lime Wire Version is 4.0.7
I checked and it says my LimeWire is up to date. (is that what update history means?) I havnt had to update it yet because when I downloaded it this was the most recent. I downloaded the
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
Version 1.3.1
when I downloaded Lime Wire. I have not recently installed any new software. Limewire and the Java plugin were the most recent. Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.

Version of LimeWire
Your LimeWire update history
Last working version of LimeWire
Your Java info
What, if any, other software have you recently installed
and so forth...


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