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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 3rd, 2004
Join Date: December 2nd, 2004
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wingnut19 is flying high
Angry Bluescreen on connect new laptop!!

Just purchased a new Dell Inspiron 700m laptop. I have Limewire pro version 4.2.4, and JRE 1.5.0. Everytime I open limewire I get a bluescreen as soon as it connects to the internet. I have tried with zonealarm and my antivirus disabled and still get the blue screen. I purchased this program for 18 dollars and find it unacceptable that it will not work with my system. I have read other threads that report the same problem. I find it highly unlikely this is due to some sort of corruption in the windows install, rather that maybe there is some sort of issue with mobile chipsets that the developers desperately need to address. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 3rd, 2004
Join Date: December 2nd, 2004
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wingnut19 is flying high
Smile Laptop bluescreen issue FIXED!!

Ok, I believe I have fixed this issue. My laptop and many others that were purchased within the last 2/3 months that have Intel Centrino are running the new Pentium M Dothan chipset. This chipset usually includes the Intel 2200BG Pro Wireless Network Adapter built in. On December 1st Intel released an update for the 2200BG chipset which includes a completely revamped driver and new management software for the wireless connection. When I ran Limewire with the old driver installed I was getting a bluescreen on connect and unfortunately the bluescreen was NOT pointing to any files or drivers as the culprit. However, I had taken my laptop to my girlfriends, who does not have a wireless network in her house, and upon hooking one of her Ethernet cables to my system I tried limewire on a hunch. . . . No bluescreen, solid connection NOW we're back in business! After I got home I checked Dells website for updates and found one had been released on Dec. 1. After installing this update I have been running Limewire fine ever since. It is my understanding that many others have reported this problem and in my experience this is the answer. Hope this helps somebody who got as frustrated as I was with it. Another thing I would like to mention is the Winxp sp2 issue. I have read many threads in this forum users telling other users to uninstall sp2 that it is "full of bugs" and "intended for corporate use only" this is a totally and completely UNTRUE. Service pack 2 while it does still contain some bugs is clearly an advantage over its predecessor. Not only are wireless connections more stable and reliable, but security is much improved and I for one can vouch a slight speed increase. SP2 is not at fault for any of the problems I have experienced on any of my systems since it was released. Uninstalling sp2 is not an option for me anyways considering it was included with my laptop already on the O/S CD. Ultimately it is the user’s choice whether or not to use sp2, but from my experience in managing several systems with Windows XP Professional running sp2 it IS clearly a necessity especially when dealing with wireless. And finally sp2 is NOT merely intended for businesses and corporations sp2 is intended for ALL users from home to home office to large business. It is not my wish to come across as a Microsoft lover as I have plenty of qualms with them, but this time I have to side with them sp2 is a big step up and any issues people are experiencing are no doubt due to factors beyond that of sp2. Sorry my post drug on forever, hope this can help some people.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 4th, 2004
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Bluescreen generally is a hardware based problem. Some people suffer no side-FX from SP2. That's true. But many people update their win systems rather blindly. A win user of many years should be aware that MS updates often do have bugs & it's best to wait a while until it's been fully tested i the market place & any possible follow up patches released. Blindly updating is a little like being a beta tester b/c obviously MS don't fully test their releases. Not to forget the many variations in people's system. For that reason for p2p use, for the average home user, it can be safer not to install SP2 so that there's no sudden unwelcome surprises & much frustration to try to find the cause & solution. To reiterate: Different systems behave differently.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2004
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biker250 is flying high

wingnut, where did you find the update for the Intel 2200BG chipset?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2004
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biker250 is flying high

I just wanted to post a follow-up that I finally got LW to work....thanks to wingnut, I went to Intel's website and I had to download an update to my 2200bg built-in wireless card. There had been 2 updates released since my computer came out that I didn't know about...the latest update (version 9.0) changed the whole face of the wireless networks. It all looks different and has a lot more functionality to it. Hope this works for everybody.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old December 17th, 2004
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Not all is good in Centrino Land

OK guys......this is what happened to ME:

Couldent get Limewire and eMule to work with my Toshiba M30X-118 laptop with Intel Wireless 2200BG card.

Found this thread here and thought my problems were solved. Installed the driver and software and finally got LimeWire up again, no more reboot or bluewindow BUT......

The PRO/Wireless software doesnt work properly on my laptop. The signal strength and speed is adjusted down all the time if im "Surfing Idle". If I dont surf, get 1 Mbps and LOWEST signal strengt. But when I start surfing again, it SLOWLY gets up to 36Mbps or SOMETIMES 54. But its slow and friggin annoying because of the lag when I click a link. HEY SPEED IS WHY I HAVE BROADBAND and a HIGHSPEED WLAN ROUTER.

Now if I dont use any internet at all, I loose ALL signal strengt and have no hook up to the router. AND IT S A PAIN IN THE A££ to get online again...

I cant turn this off, I also loose connection sometinmes when online for no reason.

The signal strengt the PRO/Wireless icon finds is always WAY lower than Netstumbler and other such software..

I WANT FULL SPEED, ALL THE TIME, ALWAYS... don't care about batteries, JUST SPEED..........

Now the aerlier drivers from Toshiba worked FINE except with LimeWIRE...

Im going insane here
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 17th, 2004
Join Date: November 29th, 2004
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biker250 is flying high

My computer did the same thing when I downloaded that driver!!! I just figured it was something wrong with the router or something so I just went out and bought some networking cable and ran a hard line to my comp.

But my wireless did the same thing....the speed of the connection varied a lot and it would lose the connection a lot and get it back and the internet was very very slow. And did you know you can switch which program to use with your wireless? You can use that Intel that you just downloaded or you can right click and switch back to...I think it said Windows....but neither one seemed to work for me
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 30th, 2006
Join Date: March 26th, 2006
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Hitman40 is flying high

Where is the update in intel's website? Can anyone give me directions to the latest update or a direct link?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 13th, 2007
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Default ipnat.sys BSOD & Limewire

I notice most seeing this are on a wireless laptop, but Im on a FIC AM35 & I've had My box in the same state for over a year or so without incident except 1 Driver Issue which caused a Game I was trying to play to launch straight to a black screen & when I hit the windows key I was promptly returned to My desktop so I removed the nVidia driver via add & remove then via DriverCleanerPro in safemode & installed the sugjested v41.40 which indeed remedied the Game issue.So other than that My box stayed unchanged untill 1 month ago when I swapped out My 80gb Seagate"Slave" & put a new WD 250GB SATA & a PCI Adapter Card but still no issues at all,then about 1 week ago I swapped out My 2 Optical drives for a new Lite on DVD+RW(DVDBurner) & still no problems.The best I recall this all started when I followed the steps outlined in a word Doc named Guide to burning PERFECT DVD movie copies it listed some software to use "DVD Decrypter, CopyToDVD & DVD2one"
I installed each one & the Bsod followed shortly thereafter. So I got the M$ Debugging Tools & read the 5 Dmps they pointed to nv4_mini.sys / tcpip.sys / videoprt.sys/ win32k.sys/ nv4_disp.dll
Here I am with all these Bsod's & Dmp's & I cant really think straight & My mind goes to the nVida Driver & the Black Screen Gamming Issue after all at this point other than file tcpip.sys the Dmp files says that "nv4_disp.dll / nv4_mini.sys / videoprt.sys" are the offending files. So I remove the nVidia driver in add & remove & used the driver removal tool in safemode & reboot to Windows then I canceled out at the prompt to instal a driver for the Videocard & got rid of all the video related Bsod's only now Im getting a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Bsod pointing at tcpip.sys & then ipnat.sys & I read that a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Bsod is caused by a buggy device driver.Another fact is that I have found a way to eliminate all the (tcpip & ipnat Bsod's) & that is to not to run limewire at all !!! Yes as odd as it sounds each and every one of My Bsod's occured when running limewire & allways aprox 3 hours after launching LW for instance I could open windows & let it run for 6 hours without incident but as soon as I launch LW aprox 1hr later I would see a crawl in the trasmission of data both outgoing & incomming & that would go on for another 1.5hrs & shortly after that I would see a Bsod pointing to ipnat.sys
I think that the driver listed at this link here > PxHelp20.sys Windows process - What is it?
is the culprit as it speaks of a boot/reboot loop caused by phelp20.sys and once I installed phelp20.sys onto My PC via DVD2one I think it set off the Bsods Issues I am seeing now. I know some will say Bad RAM or PSU but I have being doing some testing of My own & I can tell You this!! The PSU Calculator Power Supply Calculator - Journey Systems. LLC. Providing Custom PCs, Servers, Laptops, Workstations, Gaming PCs, Quality Custom Computers with 3 Year Warranty
Says My box in its current state draws 239Watts from a Sparkle FSP 300-60 ATV
Ive read that should be good enough
Besides when I unplug everything like DVD+RW & Floppy & SATA Drive then launch LW I still get the "inat.sys Bsod" so its not PSU also Ive been running My Box today with all pariferals plugged in & 3 Movies Playing with Nod32 & AVG anti-spyware Guards running in the background while surffing the web with 6 pages open w/a 100%CPU Load @44 °C according to PCWiz for the last 23 hrs & not a peep. Any Ideas how Ican fix this mess ?

Last edited by Pointman; June 13th, 2007 at 08:52 AM. Reason: Title
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