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General Windows Support For questions about Windows issues regarding LimeWire or WireShare or related questions

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 30th, 2005
Join Date: December 30th, 2005
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StormRoyale is flying high
Default Limewire and Blue Screen of Death

Limewire has always worked flawlessly for me, up until 2 weeks ago or so. Now, when I start it, it loads up, connects and a few seconds later... my system crashes. <BSoD>
I upgraded to Limewire Pro 4.10, but no luck.
I have Java 1.5 and all my drivers are the newest.
I WAS able to connect then search when I deleted my .limewire folder.... But once I turned limewire off, I would get the Blue Screen of Death again when I would try to start it up again.
I have nothing new on my computer.... has limewire have something new in it that's causing this?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 30th, 2005
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As much as I can say: BSD: 1. Link 1, 2. Link 2, 3. Link 3, 4. Link 4

Just a couple more links ***
("install ALL NEW DRIVERS for hardware. Chipset, video card, etc. And run windows update to get critical stuff.

All I know is that IRQL has to do with the system memory (RAM) and it might be corrupted. Also, it might be running to fast for your comp to handle (this happened to me). If you overclocked, try unclocking."

Check your heatsink & fan to be sure your computer isn't overheating. Some re-sellers offer them with inapropriate collection of components. Also, you may have a bad ram chip set.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 30th, 2005
Join Date: December 30th, 2005
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StormRoyale is flying high

Wow.... that was a lot to go through. Some of it didn't apply.
Okay here is my system:

Win XP PRO Sp2 (current with all updates)
ZoneAlarm 6.1.737
Style XP (Which I have disabled)
Supper Ad-blocker (also disabled)
Athlon64 FX-55 (w/ Zalman CNPS7000B-AlCu Aluminum + Copper CPU Cooler)
ASUS A8V Deluxe
2x 1GB Consair PC3200 XMS
eVGA GeForce 6800 Ultra (w/ Artic VGA NV Silencer 5)
WD 74GB SATA Drive
Plextor DVD +/- RW 712A SATA DRIVE
ENERMAX Noisetaker 600W PSU

My CPU and video card run pretty cool. Nothing overclocked. (I play WoW and other graphic intensive games and my system still runs cool.) I have ONLY gotten the BSoD when loading Limewire.
I changed my video drivers back to a previous version.
I have gone back to the older version of Java.
I have tried running Limewire under: “run under windows 2000”
I have uninstalled limewire and Java, then reinstalled again
Nothing has worked. Again, the problem only happens with Limewire and only recently.
I upgraded from limewire Pro 4.9 to limewire Pro 4.10

Last edited by StormRoyale; December 30th, 2005 at 08:49 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 30th, 2005
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You must have had some spare time on your hands on this one that was allot of research.

As the lord said there are allot of things that can cause the BSoD since you said you are not doing any overclocking we can rule that out unless you have done some in the past and maybe went to far.

The next issue would be drivers but you say nothing has changed on your system so that is unlikely. You haven't added any new software or hardware recently.

All of your hardware is pretty high quality I think FX-55 came out 3 or 4 years ago so it is possible that some thing may be going bad but unlikely.

Have you ran a registry cleaning app lately or windows cleanup app you have to be careful if you do run of those types of programs they sometimes remove things that windows need to operate.

From what I see it is most likely that Windows has been corrupted some how whether from a virus or a link got lost somehow. The easiest cure I know of for that type of situation is to plop your windows CD in and reinstall Windows. When you do this it will check for a previous version of Windows and ask you if you want to repair the previous install just click yes.

Before you do this you might want to go to the link below and ask Norbie for his advice. The BSoD can be a very hard one to chase down but if it isn't a hardware problem then reinstalling Windows will work almost every time provided you copy of windows isn't corrupt.
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Later Grandpa
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 30th, 2005
Join Date: December 30th, 2005
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StormRoyale is flying high

Thanks Grandpa, I'll drop him a line and if all else fails...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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riverdale is flying high
Default i also get the blue screen of death

i just started limewire and 10-20 min. into download, i get a blue screen with the message IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.
Then later down the message it tells me stop 0x0000000a (0x9d646240, 0x00000002, 0x0000000, 0x 8051ec1c if any body could decipher any of this i would apreciate it.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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I recall seeing the identical message on one of the multitude of links I left. If you're patient to go thru them you may just find which one it was & what it meant. Unless you want to wait for me to come back in a day or so. I'm quite tired at present & about to go offline.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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That error can be caused by any number of things the link below may help.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2006
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Default not blue death

I haven't been able to run lime pro either since 4.10 I did a full restore two days before I upgraded to 4.10. I run a
HP 3100+
512MB PC2700
160 G

I do some media not much.

I load LW and start running 10-20 minutes and my system is freezing up. I even have ahard time shutting down. It is like the active ram is overloaded but I show like 90% idle process in windows taskbar processes.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2006
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Sounds like a bad Java install follow the instructions below it should help.

You will need to install Java and LimeWire manually First go to the first link.You can find Links to java in there Download Java to your hard drive by putting a mark in the save to disc box. Save it to my documents or wherever you save downloads from the internet. Do the same with LimeWire the second link will take you there.

Now with that done click on start then control panel add/remove programs and see if Java is listed on the list if it is uninstall it. Do the same with LimeWire if the un installers were not loaded you may have to manually delete the files. But in most cases this is not necessary.

Now click on the Java installer you saved to your hard drive and follow the instructions after you have completed that do the same with LimeWire.

Please post back and let us know if it worked. If it did not I will give further instructions on manually deleting Java and LimeWire.

Use the offline installers
__________________ - Hot Games, Cool Apps

A little common sense goes a long way

Later Grandpa
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