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General Windows Support For questions about Windows issues regarding LimeWire or WireShare or related questions

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2006
Join Date: July 14th, 2006
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reible is flying high
Default issues with 4.12.3


This is my first post here. I have used limewire for a while now so I have at least some understanding of the program. I used the free versions then maybe about 7 months ago I purchased the pro version. I noticed the new version 4.12.3 was out so I went to upgrade but I'm past my 6 month period. Being retired I figured that since I didn't notice much difference from the free to pro upgrade I wouldn't spend the money just now (lot of other expenses the next couple of months). So I upgraded to 4.12.3....... but things have not gone well.

I get errors that I have never seen before, I get aborted downloads, I get blank windows, I get limewire in as a non-responsive program and have to kill it, I will get fast reboots (no death screen and this is only while limewire is "working") and a few other odd things happening.

I have a athlon 3200 with 512MB ram, ati 9800 allinwonder, xp2 with auto updates, java 1.5.0_07 and nothing else seems to be having problems. The java _07 update I did today but that made no difference. I checked the video card settings as per some posts here.... no difference.

While the program is running I'm getting downloads and speeds as I expect (same as previous versions[dsl connections through a router]) and sometime it will stay up for hours and other times like tonight I went for a walk and came back 20 minutes later to a locked up limewire.... I have plenty of diskspace and lots of cpu cycles (limewire seems to use 4% to 10% most of the time).

This has been going on for about a week now and I have tried to re-install with no changes. The only thing other then limewire that has been installed (besides microsoft updates) is a hp 1022 printer and new today the new divx pro software.

Right now I'm thinking do I want to buy the new pro version and will that work any better or do I want to fall back to the previous version if I still can???

Comments, questions, solutions welcome.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2006
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Try steps 1, 2, 3 & 5 here Fixes for Limewire

When I say reinstall Java, I mean uninstall it 1st using your Add/Remove control panel, then downld the "Offline" version & reinstall. LW 4.12 really requires at least Java 1.5 Alternatively, you can remove "all" java versions, then install the "Offline" version of Java 1.6 beta which has had good reports (but LW won't use it if there's other java versions on your computer!) JRE "Offline" version which is a 15.72 MB download
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2006
Join Date: June 13th, 2006
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ShyGuy37 is flying high

I too am having problems with 4.12.3, altho they are a bit different from reible's. The biggest nuisance I have noticed is my incomplete file list, half the files are red and not showing any uploads, hits or locations like the rest. I go to hit resume, and nothing changes. It has happened before with previous versions. I have my days set to 99, is there some kind of limit to the number of days as in a single digit? I also find that the program will drop connection after running for 30 mins or so. Other than that headache, LW is a great program. I ran others before, but nothing compares to this P2P.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2006
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OK it is 2:18 in the morning and I have the beta java loaded, did the items from the link you provided and I am up and running again...... now I'm off to bed and will see how things go tomorrow. I did of course start up limewire to make sure it would work and re-did the set-up that was removed. Now time will tell.

Thanks for the help!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2006
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Originally Posted by ShyGuy37
I too am having problems with 4.12.3, ... my incomplete file list, half the files are red and not showing any uploads, hits or locations like the rest. I go to hit resume, and nothing changes....I have my days set to 99
I have mine set to 999 I think. Just check to make sure you haven't already downloaded those incomplete files in red. Sometimes LW will create a 2nd or even 3rd incomplete file for the same download file. I'm not altogether sure why it does this but guessing it's because it's from a different source or something very minor in the hash of the file. It might even be a slight difference in filename.

If you are unable to resume them, it suggests their partner in the download window is still there. Library Items in Red may explain the reason. ie: the incomplete files have lost their relationship with the download file listing.

Did you open LW at any time & get a warning that it was unable to load incomplete files? If yes, then resuming will push them back into the downld window. And with LW 4.12.3 they will start from where they were previously (in previous versions they would always start from 0%.)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2006
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When I look at extra red files by exploring the Incomplete folder I often find they are Previews (which should be deleted once the download is complete).

I did notice that some non-previewed files turned red occasionally. It seemed they were coming from a firewalled host, or a non-Latin script.

I never did track it down, but will try again.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
Join Date: July 14th, 2006
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reible is flying high


I thought I would report back after getting more run time with the changes (per the second post... "fixes for limewire"). All of the really bad things that were happening seem to be gone... no lockups, no reboots, no blank screens, and no aborted downloads. A few small things seem to be messed up but they are easy to live with and I might even figure them out some time in the future.

Thanks for the advice and cure!

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