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General Windows Support For questions about Windows issues regarding LimeWire or WireShare or related questions

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  #51 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2002
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OK , it's up .
After I made some alterations .

You should not spread limewire.props and the .dll files , it will dynamicly create them .
Besides limewire.props is diffrerent for every configuration .
I cleared out the junk we don't need .

Take a look :
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2002
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Thank you very much VTOLfreak.
I really appreciate your willingness to host.
LimeWire comes with the props file and *.dll files by default, so I prefer no to remove them. It also doesn't have a shortcut launcher anymore. But I've made a note of the changes on the download page.

Thanks again!
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2002
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I will leave out the .props file in the next release so that LimeWire configures itself according to the user's need.
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2002
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You don't need to keep the .dll files in the zip either !

What do you think a .jar file is ?

jar = Java ARchive

The dll's are already packed inside one of the jar's !

It will automaticly "extract" them if it finds there not there .
So if you keep them in the zip your packing 2 copies of the same file .

You don't need the launcher or shortcut anymore .
Just starting the RunLime.jar file will start LimeWire like normal .

You know how the latest Java runtime packages register the .jar format ?
The description they give to the .jar format is "Executable Jar File"
Wouldn't that suggest that you can simply doubleclick the file to start it if you have a recent Java runtime installed ?
With recent I mean Java runtime +1.3 .

PS: Where is the download page I'm hosting for ?

Last edited by VTOLfreak; January 1st, 2002 at 09:22 PM.
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2002
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Originally posted by crohrs
This software was part of clicktilluwin, which we bundled with LimeWire. Apparently Norton Antivirus started to consider it a "virus" on December 27th. I wouldn't call it a true virus since it doesn't propogate itself or inflict damage. But it is damn annoying and we would have never knowingly included it. We apologize that we couldn't respond faster.
Have you investigated who is responsible?

There are some other clients with the same problem... all are using ads/spyware...

so there must be a company (or companies) which is not honest... find it...

Crohrs you should investigate better which kind of software you bundle... nobody trust them and now you see why...

This is no offense! But if you and the other developers donīt start to check the bundled software, "all" P2P clients which are using this software are a security risk...

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  #56 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2002
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Hi Morgwen. I think you have some good points. We try to investigate all our bundled software carefully. But these vendors don't include source code, so at some point we have to just trust their word. I was under the impression that clicktilluwin just installed an icon. Other vendors--BearShare, Kazaa, and Grokster--were burned by this as well.

In the future, we hope to stick with a small number of trusted vendors. We are also becoming increasingly vigilant. For example, when LimeWire users reported seeing Aureate on their systems we investigated carefully. In this case it turned out that it was a false alarm caused by the cache of the Cydoor ad delivery system. We would have NEVER installed Aureate.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2002
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Originally posted by VTOLfreak
You don't need to keep the .dll files in the zip either !

What do you think a .jar file is ?

jar = Java ARchive

The dll's are already packed inside one of the jar's !

It will automaticly "extract" them if it finds there not there .
So if you keep them in the zip your packing 2 copies of the same file .

You don't need the launcher or shortcut anymore .
Just starting the RunLime.jar file will start LimeWire like normal .

You know how the latest Java runtime packages register the .jar format ?
The description they give to the .jar format is "Executable Jar File"
Wouldn't that suggest that you can simply doubleclick the file to start it if you have a recent Java runtime installed ?
With recent I mean Java runtime +1.3 .

PS: Where is the download page I'm hosting for ?
Yes, the newer version of Clean LimeWire (2.0.4) does not keep these dlls or props in there. But I must correct you on something. A .jar file is an archive. Similar to a zip, but different. They are not executable in the sense that .exe files are. Did you try launching it in the manner you are describing? It doesn't work. You have to execute the javaw.exe process and tell it where to look for a java file, and in this case, it's in a jar. This command is used to launch it:
"C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1\bin\javaw.exe" -cp . RunLime
and you have to be running it from the appropriate folder:
"C:\Program Files\LimeWire\1.7c"
CP stands for class (path). Runlime.class is a java file found inside Runlime.jar. So making a shortcut is difficult. Not very simple compared to making a shortcut to a .exe file. Of course, the exact directories are variable (which will be addressed in the next release), and it makes creating an installer a more complicated process than you would think.



P.S. The download page is here now:

Last edited by TruStarwarrior; January 2nd, 2002 at 05:28 PM.
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2002
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If you would like to explore the archives yourself, check out WinRAR.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2002
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I can leave the net file out with no problems. You could potentially use it to steer the user to connect to a certain address at startup time, but that's not really necessary.

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  #60 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Ok, this is my first post here, and frankly, I don't plan on registering. I just thought I should let you know what all of this looks like to an outsider.

First there is ther trojan problem, which is compounded by the spyware. There is no acknowledgement of either of these two issues on the main page. This looks to the average person that there is something to be hidden. Added to this is that the trojan is still present in the software, and there is no apparent measures being taken. This problem has been publicized on some VERY popular websites. The failure to address this is a MAJOR PR mistake. Where they could have turned this around and gained a favorable reputation, they have decided to bury the issue. All of this, plus the issues in this thread alone, are enough to make anyone question if it's in their best interest to use this software.

To be honest, I can't, in all concience, reccomend this software to anyone anymore. I suggest the moderators, and the company providing this software, work together to solve this.
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