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General Windows Support For questions about Windows issues regarding LimeWire or WireShare or related questions

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old March 4th, 2002
Join Date: February 23rd, 2002
Posts: 22
lincoln is flying high

Have Nvidna G Force2 card have flicker issue also even with 2.2.3pro version. Noticed quiting you discribed earlier only with 2.2.1pro version.

LW 223pro user
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old March 5th, 2002
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Default WinXP issues

Most probably, these are not LimeWire issues, but issues within the WinXP kernel and one of your hardware drivers.
WinXP is a young OS, and has its own bugs, so that a bogous hardware driver may have their own internal resource leaks, such as interrupt handlers.
First check your graphics and IDE drivers, and your BIOS release, which are the most probable cause of internal OS hangs and blue screens. Many drivers have only been tested on Windows 2000, not on XP. Additionally, using a Windows 95 driver may raise these bugs. Using a Windows 2000 driver will solve most problems, if you don't have a certified driver for Windows XP. Also try to disable APM BIOS support which is not very well tested on laptops, because APM is best supported on notebooks.

I'm running XP on an HP notebook, and have never experienced any blue screen and reboot, but I have some on a Taiwanese laptop, probably due to a motherboard issue with asynchronous I/O. These bugs can occur in Office or even sometimes within the shell, even if LimeWire is not running.

So make sure that XP can run smoothly without LimeWire running, by testing it for a full night with just the screensaver. Check that the sleep/resume function works correctly without LimeWire running.
Finally check that you have the latest Java JRE installed (LimeWire provides you with a version of the Sun Java JRE, but you may uninstall it and install a newer version): some Windows XP issues are being solved by Sun, as some bugs are detected and patched in Java, or workarounds are included to solve some known XP bugs. Also check the Microsoft WindowsUpdate to get the latest service packs that solves bugs and security issues in XP.

For me, there is strictly no problem in LimeWire since version 1.8 and up to the current version 2.2.3 on Windows XP. If you had installed a previous version of LimeWire, use Adaware to remove old (now unsupported) ads-wares before reinstalling the latest LimeWire version. Don't upgrade LimeWire without first uninstalling it completely, as this won't remove now unsupported ads-wares.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Im getting the Flicker also with limewire Up and the Program menu open
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2002
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Default Java 1.4

Originally posted by Unregistered
Im getting the Flicker also with limewire Up and the Program menu open
Update your Java to 1.4.....problem solved..much more XP compatible

Last edited by Bullet; March 9th, 2002 at 08:09 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old March 13th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Java 1.4 and LW 2.2.4pro does not install only installs with
1.3_02 version. I installed Java 1.4 after and LW did not work for me. I'm not a Java Guru here. But ended up re-installing Java 1.3_02.

Thanks for your support

LW 224pro user
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2002
Posts: n/a

To get the latest clean install of Java go to this page:
Then click on the download icon at top of the page.
This will install correctly Java onyour machine.
If the automated upgrade does not work, you may hae a corrupted install of Java.
In that case:
- open the Windows control panel and click on Install programs/add hardware
- search Java in the list of programs, and unistall it: it will remove all corrupted registry keys
Then reinstall Java from the above link.

If this still does not work, delete the directory where Java is installed, and open regedit, goto:
Java RunTime Environment
Delete the key marked "Java RunTime Environment"
Then reinstall Java from the above link.
When the Java applet displays an animated cup of coffea, you can test the performance of your new Java RunTime by visiting the Java ShowCase on the same site , notably the 3D demos. It will convince you that Java 1.4.1 is great and adds a lot of performance gains face to Java 1.3, because its memory manager has been a lot enhanced and because its internal runtime optimizer generates better native code on both Windows and Linux.

For Macintoshes, the Java runtime is on the Apple web site:
For now MacOSX does not have Java 1.4 but porting it is in progress by Apple.

For Mac OS 8/9, the only version supported by Apple is Java 1.1.8 (There's no support of the Java2 API, and Apple does not want to support Java2 on Mac OS 8/9). Note: MacOS 8/9 users should really consider adding memory upgrades to 128MB if they don't want to buy the upgrade to MacOSX. This will greatly enhance the user experience by improved performance and less disk swap in the virtual memory manager, notably if you want to use the QuickTime player used by Limewire to play MP3 files.

LimeWire can run on Mac with just 32MB of memory, but some users of MacOS9 have experienced "OutOfMemory" errors when running LimeWire. This problem does not occur with MacOS8, as long as there are not too many apps running in parallel.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2002
Join Date: January 2nd, 2002
Location: Ooltewah TN
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Norm is flying high

I agree with the last post. I am running XP Pro and I had to revert to Java 1.3.1_04 to end my problems with Limewire 2.6.3 Pro.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old October 14th, 2002
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Java 1.4.0_02 with LimeWire 2.6.5 Pro works like a charm for me on XP Pro w/SP1. Give this combo a try!
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