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Getting Started Using LimeWire + WireShare Tips on getting started with LimeWire or WireShare. Also a place to seek help getting started. Includes the original LimeWire Pirate Edition thread, with the most up to date LPE installer packages on the internet including File_Girl's LPE version, and WireShare the most upgraded version of them all.

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  #61 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2014
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Originally Posted by GeX View Post
BTW, I have found that the files cannot be added to My Files (library or public shared) if they end in .sit, .dmg, etc., which should be a flaw or bug, since many files in Mac have such extension. Curiously, it is possible to add such very same files if they end in .sitx, .dmgx, etc.

On the other hand, with Gnutella port - Use Universal Plug 'n' Play (Recommended), sometimes WireShare connects as turbo-charged to five servers in just one minute, but other times it takes more and even much more (for instance, a whopping 26 minutes). Is there a way to improve that?
I'm glad you were able to resolve the issue you were having. You may need to enable sharing "Programs" for them to be added to your library. on the My files tab in Options there is a button to Configure unsafe sharing setting.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old August 28th, 2014
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That's excellent news the problem is fixed. I'm on an older mac 2008 & open in 32-bit works for myself. I have an issue when it's disabled. No doubt your newer machine handles 64-bit much better.

As BigJx pointed out, the option for sharing programs is the first option window in WS preferences window.

WireShare  (formerly entitled LimeWire Pirate Edition)-sharing-programs-ws.png

If you ever have a situation where you haven't used WS for a long time, perhaps a year & WS struggles to connect, then close WS & delete the gnutella file from the WireShare preferences folder. WS will access fresher information online to recreate a gnutella file next time you open WS.
LPE does not possess this ability.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old August 28th, 2014
GeX GeX is offline
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It works as you both say.

I guess that by WireShare preferences you mean the following folder and its contents:

Many thanks again for you kind support.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old August 28th, 2014
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Originally Posted by GeX View Post
... I guess that by WireShare preferences you mean the following folder and its contents:
Yes. However if you wished to keep your previous settings, incomplete downloads, library & shared information then simply delete the file.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old August 28th, 2014
GeX GeX is offline
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Update for the record (in case it may help someone): since jDownloader required Java 6, it installed it and now WireShare shows it is using it instead of Java 7 (even though the 32-bit mode is NOT selected in the Finder - Get Info). Amazing. It seems that there was something weird with my previous Java configuration in the Mac mini and the replacements indicated in my message above fixed it.

Additionally, the bootstrap file is no longer in:
which is OK.

And the Info.plist shows

On the other hand, the firewalls are open for WireShare:

Apple - System Preferences - Security & Privacy - Firewall - Firewall Options (Two Java lines ALLOW)
Little Snitch - WireShare ALLOW is

I have also opened LimeWire Pirate Edition (LPE) 5.6.2 just for curiosity (firewalls are also open for it). It always uses Java 6, but never connects in 32- or 64-bit mode. When 32-bit mode is NOT selected, it shows:
You are offline - Please check your internet connection.
and keeps Connecting for ever. If 32-bit mode is selected, then just shows Connecting for ever. In any case, the pesky window does not show. Anyway, since WireShare is in fact the LPE update, that does not worry me at all.

Thanks again for this great site!
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Last edited by GeX; August 28th, 2014 at 12:01 PM.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old August 28th, 2014
GeX GeX is offline
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Again WOW, WOW, WOW...

I could make LimeWire Pirate Edition (LPE) 5.6.2 to work again: set as 32-bit mode and replacing its
by the one of WireShare at

Thanks to Lord of the Rings for the tip about the file- Although deleting it was not enough. What worked was replacing it by the one from the working WireShare. Amazing!

It shows a blue five-bar turbo-charged connected to five hosts. Shows Java 1.6.0_65. On the other hand, as previously indicated, LimeWire - Preferences - Advanced
is set as default:
Gnutella port - Use Universal Plug 'n' Play (Recommended)

BitTorrent ports - Use Universal Plug 'n' Play (Recommended)

Of course, the Mac and Little Snitch firewall have permission for LimeWire to connect.

So now, both LimeWire and WireShare work the Mac mini with OS X 10.9.4 (Mavericks).

Just for the record, in case it may help someone.
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Last edited by GeX; September 3rd, 2014 at 10:41 AM.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old August 29th, 2014
GeX GeX is offline
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Suggestion to the admins: perhaps the title of this thread could be changed to LimeWire Pirate Edition becomes WireShare, or something similar.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old August 29th, 2014
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Originally Posted by GeX View Post
Suggestion to the admins: perhaps the title of this thread could be changed to LimeWire Pirate Edition becomes WireShare, or something similar.
Thanks GeX, good point. I'll see how it can be best added.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old September 3rd, 2014
GeX GeX is offline
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Thanks for creating this new thread as WireShare (formerly entitled LimeWire Pirate Edition).

Update for the record, in case it may help someone:

My fixing procedure above worked as said, but created lots of items with bad permissions related to Java. I have found it today after running Apple Disk Utility and have repaired them all.

So, it is good to run Disk Utility repair permissions after the items replacement indicated in the fixing procedure above.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old September 3rd, 2014
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Originally Posted by GeX View Post
Thanks for creating this new thread as WireShare (formerly entitled LimeWire Pirate Edition).
Your welcome. And thank you for suggesing a logical change.
Originally Posted by GeX View Post
My fixing procedure above worked as said, but created lots of items with bad permissions related to Java. I have found it today after running Apple Disk Utility and have repaired them all.

So, it is good to run Disk Utility repair permissions after the items replacement indicated in the fixing procedure above.
That's not surprising. Files from a different system, different permissions. I remember trying something similar 3+ years ago with replacing java files from the alternate startup drive but can't remember if it fixed the issue or not (maybe not, maybe not the same files). I simply remember one day I realised the problem seemingly vanished out of the blue when I tried to use LW5 or a LW5 based program. I'd been using LW 4.16 instead. (My favorite was 4.14 but couldn't find the installer when I bought this computer. Though found it much later.)

(Re-implementing one or more things from LW 4 is on the list of possible things to do, but no promises it will happen.)
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