Hello everyone, I am sorry, I read all this thread but

but, but,,, I can never seem to find what I am looking for even though I triped over it looking. So if one of you don't mind,,
I have a Ethernet cable connection. speed running at 100.0 Mbps.
When I configured LimeWire, I set my connection to DSL/Cable since that was what I have.
If I dont ask I wont be sure I've set things to the better. So,,, Will someone tell me please, or suggest which connect would be better T1 T2 T3 ??? or leave it where its at? and just where to set the bandwidth slider for the uploads and the downloads please. I almost caught on to the post about LW being able to adjust for the connections speed on its own.. but I dont trust what I think I understood, now after thinking about it.

I think I stayed one to many days at WoodStock 69, or was that 68..
Sorry for asking about this in this thread, but how does LW ultrapeer Leaf connection work? The status shows Outgoing all the time. If the Ultrapeers are connected to my shared folder. Is what I see uploading in my monitor window what the ultrapeers are uploading for someone? Or are the ultrapeers just holding up a billboard showing my shared files folder?
I remember reading that those with slower connect speeds are limited to what ever that speed may be.. So if that be the case then why have down loads uploading from 8 different hosts, if one can upload faster than they can download? I'm so confussed,, And one last thing for now. If you set the settings for freeloaders. If the setting is that you have to share one file to not be classified as a free loader, is that a setting for classifying myself? or a requirement for anyone wanting to down load from me, and them having to leave one? I dont want anyone to leave me a file unless I've asked for it.
The question I think reads funny... But what would a good setting be for files to share, and which side of allow feeloaders rarely, or always should be set on that control?
Ok, i'm gone ,, and thanks for the help.