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HouseOwwns August 1st, 2006 03:56 PM

How Do I Chat With A Host?
I Would Really Like To Know!
I Press 'chat With Host' But Nothing Happens!
I Have Yahoo Now What?
Pleassse Someone Help!

birdy August 1st, 2006 04:35 PM

Does the host you're trying to chat to have a smiley showing? For chat to work,you'll both have to have chat enabled! Does a chat box open for you?

Chat's weird... half the time it just doesn't work. Also remember that if the host's not at their computer, they won't even see your message.

HouseOwwns August 1st, 2006 04:49 PM

Nothing pops up, infact nothing happens.
And yes i have enabled my chat.
Still nothing??

birdy August 1st, 2006 04:55 PM

Right click on the column header & make sure chat is ticked, then you'll be able to see who has chat enabled & who doesn't. If you right click on a host & choose 'chat with host', a chat box should open:confused:

wondering why August 1st, 2006 05:05 PM

Actually, I cant get the chat box to appear any more either...
I thought it may of just of been me....:confused:

birdy August 1st, 2006 05:10 PM

WW, your LW is broken:(
No, seriously... guess you could try deleting the preferences. That might give it a kick!

HouseOwwns, if you also still can't get the chat box to appear, try deleting the LW preferences folder when LW's closed. See points 2 & 3 here
Fixes for LimeWire

Doing this will kill your settings within options, you'll have to go back through & reset things later;)

HouseOwwns August 1st, 2006 08:23 PM

Thanks this helped!
I also wanted to know what the 'connections' beside monitor and library means?
I dont get anything! these random things pop up!

birdy August 1st, 2006 08:34 PM

Have a look at the top left side of the Connections page... is your status leaf or ultrapeer? If you're a leaf, you'll see 3 (LW basic) or 5 (LW Pro) ultrapeers that you are connecting to. These ultrapeers have fast connections & can handle a lot of connections from other computers (for searching etc).

If your status is an ultrapeer, you'll be connected to lots of leafs & peers (other ultrapeers are called peers if you're also an ultrapeer). These connections will change around, eventually most of the 'outgoing' will be replaced by 'incoming'.

Ultrapeers see lots of action on the connections page but don't have as many people uploading from them. Leafs see way fewer connections, but more upload traffic. Both are helping the network.

It's nothing sinister:D

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