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esahcmailliw August 28th, 2006 08:30 AM

newbie with questions
sorry if this is a repost. i did a search and it came up nill... thanks guys/gals in advance for your responces :)

how do i add all the music files on my pc to limewire, i want to share all the files and i also like the simplicity of the limewire player and would love the convenience of playing all my audio files from one place........ help please!

Seith August 28th, 2006 08:35 AM

goto (unless you have changed it manually) your LIMEWIRE SHARED FOLDER this can be found in OPTIONS (limewire options) and under the shared folder tab, you move all music files to there


Click "Explore" to open your shared folder white on the library tab, then drag all files you wish to be shared here

As another option, you can just change which folder is shared, for example you can set "My Music" as your shared folder - and point videos, programs and other media files to their own folders - this is all done in the options > shared folders through the lime wire client :)

If you still need help, let me know! I'll add pictures next time :P


esahcmailliw August 28th, 2006 08:49 AM

thanks for the promt reply it seems i have files in rhapsody in media player and in sonic stage as well as ripped cds, trying to jsut get all the files in one place....... its a mess lol

i am wondering if i do a re install of limewire and allow it to search my entire pc for files to share, that would automaticly add them all to the limewire player/shared files? then i could delete the other files on my pc?

foolofthehill August 28th, 2006 09:04 AM

I wouldn't do that. LW saves the path of the files located on your computer, not the files itself. If you delete them after you have added them to share, they will be gone.....

I'd reckon you first pull all the files in one folder (that will help to get rid of those you have more than once), and this folder you add to the shared folders via LW>Tools>Options>Shared.

Seith August 28th, 2006 09:20 AM

amg we pwnnn yoo

Originally Posted by esahcmailliw
i am wondering if i do a re install of limewire and allow it to search my entire pc for files to share, that would automaticly add them all to the limewire player/shared files? then i could delete the other files on my pc?

Windows Media Player can be used to search for all media, select the ones you want - move to a single folder then set that folder as shared folder :)

In the end, it doens't matter how you do it - as long as it gets done Haha!

ps. np for prompt reply xD

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