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james888 September 17th, 2006 03:13 PM

limewire hard drive/problem
im new to limewire and have been having some problems.

i was recently downloading some movie files and once one of the files (i was downloading some at the time) had completed downloading i relised it was not what the title had said but was actually porn..

once i relised this i cancelled all the other files from downloading..

im trying to get rid of these files for good.

so iv deleted the file from my hard drive and lime wire and deleted all the files from the 'imcompleted files' but im worried that the files may be burnt onto my hard drive..

1) are these files burnt onto my hard drive? even the ones that i cancelled?
2) how do i get rid of them if they are burnt onto the h/d? is there anyway?

thanks in advance
i would really appreciate any help


foolofthehill September 17th, 2006 11:12 PM

Guess it depends on who wants to get back the files....
For the usual computer user a simple deletion of the files is enough.
However, if you expect some officials to get interested in your HDD (for whatever reason), then a simple deletion will not keep them away from bringing the files back.
In general, for people concerned, it would be necessary to use an eraser program (best one which offers the DoD deletion mode) to get the maximum success in deleting files (though that doesn't mean that this method is 100%).

PAPAKIN September 18th, 2006 12:24 AM

Try cyberscrub it free for 30 days. go to to find or use search engine. This program erases it forever. check it out.

james888 September 18th, 2006 04:39 AM

hey again
cheers for all your help so far..

i looked into the 'cyberscan' software but it doesnt seem to delete downloaded software which is what i want to get rid of..

i tried 'evidenceeraser' but only scans the system and then tells u to buy the full version.. and also that didnt scan the deleted downloaded items either..

is there anyone that knows of a full version of a hard drive deleter (like cyberscan and evidenceeraser) but deletes downloaded items as well as everything else...

which is free might i add... i dont mind free trials as long as they let you use all the features within the trial time.

thanks in advance again... youve been very helpfull so far


PAPAKIN September 18th, 2006 05:35 AM

i believe once you delete files on your own and they go to the trashcan that is where cyberscrub finds it and deletes it beyond govt recognition. also try typing in harddrive delete programs into gooogle and you shall see it all. maybe that can direct in right area. good luck.

ukbobboy01 September 18th, 2006 12:10 PM

Worrying Over Nothing

Your post reminds me of a friend of mine, he was always worrying about something no matter how inconsequential and it subsequently turned out that he was suffering from a mild case of depression.

Not that you could be but being worried about something that you accidentally downloaded is a waste of time because most laws require intent and this was an accident. And, if you did not know this, pornography is legal in most western countries.

However, let me offer some technical reassurance, when something is recorded on a hard disk it is recorded magnetically and not permanently burned in like a CD/R disk. So when file is deleted windows removes the index to that file, like removing an index reference in a book, and the space that the file occupies is marked as an area that can be reused. So, eventually that area will be overwritten the more you use your PC. The deleted file, up until it is overwritten, is only recoverable if you stop using your computer and only then with special recovery utilities. Therefore, dependant on PC usage, the file will eventually become unrecoverable (the more you use your PC the less time it will take before the file becomes unrecoverable).

Now that you know this you can rest easy.

UK Bob

james888 September 18th, 2006 03:04 PM


thanks all for your help especially ukbobby.

i only worry due to the worry that some of it may be underage pornography.
im not sure if it is but it could be anything.

i just dont want to get in trouble for somthing i didnt intentially want.

if u reasure my that it will go the more i use my comp then i will leave the problem how it is.

thanks again


wondering why September 18th, 2006 04:31 PM

For future reference to getting a geniune file use the Bitzi web lookup...
How to use Bitzi

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