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Stefanoc October 19th, 2006 09:06 AM

Gnuttella network
Okay, if i got bearshare and limewire, and i search about the same name, would i get the same results cus they are both in Gnutella network? just wondering :Smilywais:

Becouse i cant find any download about "*******", I mean i get 3000+ results, but none of them works, :S.. is says "need more ressurcess"

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Lord of the Rings October 19th, 2006 09:11 AM

Some tips here Recognising fake files

Stefanoc October 19th, 2006 09:55 AM

thx lord, i can see the problem, but well, i got mad and i just made it download all 5000 files, thus all stuck..:confused:

Lord of the Rings October 19th, 2006 09:59 AM

It's a problem & it's not easy to find a real file amongst the fake ones being spammed on the network. And it's not easy to give a solution. I can generally find the real ones myself if I try but explaining it is not so easy.

Try varying your search. Instead of video search, try any type or vice versa. Try changing the search terms. And try those with just a few sources under the # column. Modem connnection sources should be trustworthy here. ALso try using Bitzi searches; How to use Bitzi Web Lookup

Stefanoc October 19th, 2006 10:03 AM

I varyied my search and added the actor, thus only one result:
Bizie thing

We're sorry, but Bitpedia has no information about the bitprint:


Yes, i tryed all the resusults almost,, i normally dont take them with most #, i take the ones that fills more (best kvalatie), and then with Dvix sign Xivd, ect.. Yes those with moden alwso.


Is funny cus it only happens with this movie, all the others got nice results,, I find it strange that with this movie there is no porn spam ect :\

Stefanoc October 19th, 2006 10:19 AM

i dont understand, this is not such a known movie, GRR, popualary movies are easy to find *crying*

Lord of the Rings October 19th, 2006 10:39 AM

I presume you know about these tips Movie download issues

If you find files smaller than 2 MB (2,000 KB) then these should go into your junk filter.

Stefanoc October 19th, 2006 11:14 AM

there are no files under 2mb... There are no porn spam / virus thing, in the results,, they are all just fake

i tryed *****, ***** scent of a woman, Program *name*, Scent DVD movie. All those, nothing i found, could u try ?

Scen t, of, a, woman

yes i but all under 2mb in junk + porn spam ect

Please don't mention copyright names or content on the forums

Lord of the Rings October 19th, 2006 02:10 PM

Have you tried junking the results under 2 MB? That's what the junk filter is about. Eventually it learns what is & isn't junk. But just be careful you train it properly! Some junk is easy to filter out.

Go to the Bitzi site & see if you can find it in a search there. They have a search function. If you do, make a note about its known names to find it under, the exact file size, user comments, ratings, & even try the magnet link there. Some have gnutella compatible magnet links. (But many don't work.) But these details will give you some hints in finding the file.

Stefanoc October 19th, 2006 04:13 PM

Okay. i found the video in bitzi website, i followed ur instruction
1) magnet link was a bit screwed, " ?kb ", "seaching for sumthing..."
2) there was about 30-40 search results that had the same size, none of them were "real", bitzie linked them.
3) i varied by search by entering some of the information at the site, varie all the search results = eaither some spam or 0 results
(i puttet them in junk sektion)

well, i dunno whats left now, did all what u told me, (ur links too) :S

Thanks for ur time by the way,, i hope we can get some clues on this issue :S

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