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Getting Started Using LimeWire + WireShare Tips on getting started with LimeWire or WireShare. Also a place to seek help getting started. Includes the original LimeWire Pirate Edition thread, with the most up to date LPE installer packages on the internet including File_Girl's LPE version, and WireShare the most upgraded version of them all.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
Join Date: November 25th, 2006
Location: I Live In A Land Down Under
Posts: 31
MrsVege is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I signed up with They are advertising on the T.V. at the moment. Satelite from $29.95, free installation to those who are eligible.

I am allowed 500MB's

But .. get this... I emailed their support asking how much extra I will be up for, for the extra MB's, & the returned email said: You will not be charged at this stage for exceeding the limit, up until January. normally its 8cents per MB.

So I'm still not sure what's what, lol, (free downloads till January? I'm on my dial up connection at the moment downloading a song to see how long it takes, not long at all. I'm beginning to think that dial up really isn't that bad. I don't know how to do anything on a computer to warrant broadband, I just wanted my phone line open.

Lets hope Activ8's above comment means I'm in the clear. I will figure out the useage I'm allowed & go from there.

Thank you both for your concern. I'm sticking around because I don't have anywhere else to go. I use to be assistant director on a hold'em ***** site, (the players were recruited for staff) & I was there 16 hours a day average. I barely go there now, so I have some spare time.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
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That's really expensive for dial up, I think your being ripped and their offering free download usage to get people in at the moment...Who do you go through for your home phone ???

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
Join Date: November 25th, 2006
Location: I Live In A Land Down Under
Posts: 31
MrsVege is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Sorry, sometimes I'm not clear on what I say, but 'I' know what I'm talking about, lol.

My dial up was only $12.95 a month with unlimited downloads & I was never kicked off the internet. It went through the phone line.

I waited 2 years for broadband to come to our exchange & when it did I found out I still couldn't get broadband because I didn't have a copper something-or-other. Satelite was my only option to not go through the phone line. I thought $29.95 a month was a good price for it. 256/64 I think with the 500MB limit at .08 cents a MB if I go over. (That would mean 500MB's would cost $40. 1000MB's useage costs $49.95.)

Activ8 is good, its just I don't know what I'm doing.

I went through the previous emails from Activ8, & found one said that I could use as much useage as I want until February. I'm not going to do that though, I don't want to get use to using alot, or take advantage of what I think might be a 'new' Provider.

It's all good. As I read somewhere: Patience is a virtue...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
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Ahhh got you now...500MBs isn't alot, so I reckon you go for it while you have got the extra for free...
Have fun...

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
Join Date: November 25th, 2006
Location: I Live In A Land Down Under
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MrsVege is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Other than being here I don't have or know of other places, lol. I am thinking in the direction of a movie or 2 though, hehe. Maybe. Needless to say I can leave the 'sharing' thing on, lol.

The copper something I think is a copper pipe on my phone line. Im sort of out on my own here but with towns very close by.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
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wondering why is just really nice

So what part of OZ you from and is the weather getting stinking hot for you like it is in brisbane...

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
Join Date: November 25th, 2006
Location: I Live In A Land Down Under
Posts: 31
MrsVege is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I'm in the Riverland, it's going to be 37 today. Fruit growing region. I live on a fishing track to the Murray River, the main traffic are kangaroo's & lizards, lol.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
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Lol, I hate the heat, I had the aircon going at 7am this morning, we have been getting 35 to 36 for the last few days...Sounds nice where you are, but still to hot...

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
Join Date: November 25th, 2006
Location: I Live In A Land Down Under
Posts: 31
MrsVege is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Yes it is hot, & I'm not a big fan of it. I have 2 aircon's in my house, lol.

My husband wants me to shift to the city, but my youngest (Daniel) is starting school next year & there's only 37 students in the whole school. My 7 year old (Jack) absolutely love's going there, & would break his heart to leave. So here I stay.

Do you have kids?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2006
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wondering why is just really nice

Yep I have 2 kids a 13yr old son and a 9yr old daughter...I originally came from Port Macquarie NSW, but moved to Brisbane in 99, I'm still wondering why (pardon the pun lol) I did....

If you dont live for something...
You die for nothing...
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