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arfing1 February 20th, 2007 10:42 AM

Incorrect naming of songs/videos with it's artist
I haven't seen anything written about the naming of the files. I notice that many songs and videos are listed with the wrong artists. That drives me crazy! What's I've been trying to do is download the song and offer it with a changed name, adding a note that it's NOT by the other artist (I'm sure I won't get them all so maybe some of you that KNOW the true artist can help). I do realize that most of Limewire users are A LOT younger than I am and are unfamiliar with artists of the 50's, 60's and 70's, so a web search will help you to find the real artist(s). Is anyone else bothered by this???

samantha81 February 20th, 2007 11:35 AM

i had this problem as well, if you go to it will help you, not actually figured out how to change the names so it will show up when you search for them so others can see as well but you will be able to see if it's the correct song/movie title or episode that it says it is. You can add your comments on weather it's right or wrong for others to know as well. It's been a great help for me hope it helps you.

arfing1 February 20th, 2007 12:01 PM

Thanks Samantha! I hadn't found that info before, and I will certainly try it during my next searching-frenzy. I appreciate the reply!

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