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Getting Started Using LimeWire + WireShare Tips on getting started with LimeWire or WireShare. Also a place to seek help getting started. Includes the original LimeWire Pirate Edition thread, with the most up to date LPE installer packages on the internet including File_Girl's LPE version, and WireShare the most upgraded version of them all.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2007
Join Date: June 4th, 2007
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juststeev is flying high
Default Strange goings on with Limewire (installed a version, different version shows up)

I currently have Limewire version 4.12.3 (I think) and I downloaded the beta verison of 4.13.6 so that I could upgrade.

Firstly, I uninstalled the old version, and made sure there were no folders left with Limewire on them. Then I installed 4.13.6

The first time I used it (directly after installation) I had no problems. NOW HOWEVER, when I start the program up it tells me that it is the old version (4.12.3) and that there is a new version available.

I am thinking that maybe there are registry keys that need to be removed before I can install the new version.

Which poses the following questions:
1) Is this true?
2) Is there any kind of removal tool for this procedure (if question 1 is true)
3) Where do I get such a tool from?
4) If question 1 is not right, does anyone have any idea what is going on and how I can get the version I want to work properly?!

I thank you very kindly in advance for any help you can give me and look forward to hearing from someone soon.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2007
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It is possible that a registry cleaner could help. I think that it's a good idea to have one either way. I use Registry Mechanic. It costs around $30. I tried searching for a free one, but the user reviews on both were not promising. This may be biased, as perhaps only the disgruntled users are posting...nevertheless, I haven't used the free ones, so I won't recommend them.

How did you uninstall? You should not uninstall via add/remove programs. You should use the uninstall feature in the Start menu.

Perhaps someone else can help more...

Good Luck

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2007
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juststeev is flying high
Default Many thanks

Hi Dan

Thanks for your prompt reply mate

I've downloaded Registry Cleaner and I'll give it a try.
By the way, I used the Limewire Uninstall (not the add/remove programs)

Does it affect it in any way that I am using Vista?

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2007
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I don't have Vista, so I can't really give you any advice on that. You can check out the Vista help subforum.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2007
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I'm with Dano on this one, not knowing to much about Vista but You may try CCleaner as far as cleaning up junk on your computer. Free dn/ld from Filehippo. Also just a suggestion here, go to Start and then search, Then to search all files and folders and type in Limewire. Delete anything and everything that it finds. You may want to reboot and then dn/ld Limewire fresh. Hope this helps, just not real sure w/Vista.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2007
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juststeev is flying high

Many thanks Remoc

I searched for all and sundry regarding Limewire and deleted everything. I also ran a Registry Cleaner.

The other thing I did was a simple search of the registry, using "Limewire" as my parameter. It came up with loads of results - even after the Registry Cleaner had done its job. Which leads to my following question:

Can I manually remove all entries that include "Limewire" in them from the Registry? I'm not an expert at Registry stuff, so dont understand all the terminology used in the results, but is it a safe thing to do? I can include all the results in another post if its of any help.....

Thanks again, to one and all

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2007
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Hi Steve, Messing with the registry can be very dangerous, unless you know exactly what you are doing. I am not a computer guru so I don't want to give you ill advice. Im not sure how you searched the registry though. PLease tell. Also what registry cleaner did you use. I have done what you are trying to accomplish and didn't have any trouble. As I said above I use CCleaner, and it always does the trick for me. Also I don't think that it will hurt anything if you delete anything Limewire from the registry but please confirm before doing so. Also CCleaner has a lethal uninstaller that I have found works wonders. Its under Tools. I accidently uninstalled MS Office with it and it got rid of every trace. Thought I was deleting the trial version. Nope it was gone. Very costly mistake. Anyway try it youll like it. Hope this helps

Last edited by Remoc; June 5th, 2007 at 08:52 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 6th, 2007
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juststeev is flying high

Hey Remoc

Thanks again, I'll install CCleaner and give it a go. I was able to search the registry using Windows Utilities (I think), it was good for that but I only had the trial, so didn't use it any further. It gives you the option of searching the registry using names or wildcards, so its useful to check for anything outstanding.

I'm gonna try CCleaner now, hopefully I'll get on alright with it.

Steev (not a spelling mistake - despite what people think! haha )
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2007
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Just a little update. I ran CCleaner and followed all the instructions! Then rebooted and re-installed Limewire (4.13) and started it up. It worked perfectly.

After an evening of usage, I shut my PC. The following day I restarted Limewire and got version 4.12 again (ooof).

Still no idea of whats going on and Limewire still appears all over my registry, even when its uninstalled.

Maybe I need a fresh approach! :P
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