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mx_freestyle July 19th, 2007 09:44 PM

Trouble Downloading LW....PLEASE HELP!!!!
Okay i have had limewire on my other computers in the past and have NO problem downloading the software (the free version). i have a new computer and am trying to downlaod it and it will download and then say there was a problem downloading. It say "Windows has found a problem with this file" then down at the bottum of the box it reads.."This file was blocked because it does not have a valid digital signature that varifies its publisher."
Anybody else ever have this problem????
any help would be greatly appreciated. :aweof:

wondering why July 19th, 2007 11:16 PM

Have a look at this link..
how can i disable this security to run my program - Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003

Then try this...Using these links...
Try uninstalling your Java from the add/remove programs and then re-install the JRE 5.11 offline version....
Archive: Download Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) 5.0 Update 11

Then uninstall Limewire using the uninstaller which is found in start > all programs > limewire...then re-install it using the offline installer...To find the offline installer, use the link below > cancel the installer window when it pop's up and then select the offline installer link...
Lime Wire » Download LimeWire

mx_freestyle July 20th, 2007 12:04 AM

i tried that and still nothing. it wont let me download it. Am I doing something wrong........or is there something that I amd just not getting here?? Thank you for the help though! i do appreciate it.

wondering why July 20th, 2007 12:19 AM

Did you try this...
In your browser. Go to options. Internet options. Security. Set to default. Also your firewall may be set wrong. If worse comes to worse disable for the download. Hope that helps.

mx_freestyle July 20th, 2007 11:16 PM

I have tried that as well and disableing it all togather! I just cant figure out what it is????:computer2:

wondering why July 21st, 2007 01:43 AM

Try a different if you have firefox try IE, visa versa...
If that doesn't help Follow Lotr's advice on downloading the "other installer"

mx_freestyle July 22nd, 2007 03:40 PM

That doesnt work either, and when i try to download the other version it says there was a problem reading the file. Any other things i can try??

mx_freestyle July 22nd, 2007 10:14 PM

i dont know if this helps any but when i try to download anything else, it brings up a NSIS error. does that help solve my problem any??

wondering why July 23rd, 2007 01:21 AM

See if the tips in this link help...
Why do I get NSIS Error - NSIS

And what worked for this person...
NSIS error? Do I have a hardware problem? - TechSpot OpenBoards

mx_freestyle July 23rd, 2007 10:57 AM

Still nothing?? I Disabled my firewall and my AVG antivirius and it still wont allow me to do anything.

ukbobboy01 July 23rd, 2007 12:15 PM

I may have a suggestion that may help. however I cannot sure it will work.

OK, if this is a recent problem, say less than a week, you may be able to get your computer to restart at a trouble free restore point. I know XP has saved restore points and I sure Vista has them too (BTW you have not said what your O/S is).

The chances are that you, or someone you know, downloaded or installed something that has triggered off this practically unsolvable windows problem, so the only way out is to initiate a safe saved restore point.

UK Bob

mx_freestyle July 23rd, 2007 02:49 PM

I am runnin XP with SP2. I really do not have an appromaxite date to when it started, i have not had any trouble downloading things before untill i tried with limewire and now it seems anything i try to download fails because of the first problem or the NSIS error comes up. I do appreciate all the help from you guys as it is past my computer troubleshooting skills!

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