The larger the forum, the more difficult it can be to navigate. The Forum Jump (drop down menu) is a good way of seeing which section you need to go to.
The forums are broken up into these sections: 1. Gnutella Client programs help sections (eg: LimeWire, Phex, etc.).
__ 2. Non-english forum sections for Gnutella Client program help.
__ 3. General Gnutella sections; These sections include general discussion about Gnutella Network development, Tips & Tricks with files that apply to 'all' users, Lounge which is an open discussion section, Introduction forums, fun & games section.
Alex2507, a good place to start is
MAJOR TOPICS for Upload/Download HELP (click on blue link). There's links there leading to discussions about best search techniques, different types of spam & recognising spam (the one you mentioned is spam so ignore those), and other tips.
As for your User Control Panel (user CP), click on the FAQ button at top to learn more about these things. Also see post #3. Subscribed threads are usually ones you have posted to yourself, but you can always manually subscribe to any thread topic using the thread options.