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Getting Started Using LimeWire + WireShare Tips on getting started with LimeWire or WireShare. Also a place to seek help getting started. Includes the original LimeWire Pirate Edition thread, with the most up to date LPE installer packages on the internet including File_Girl's LPE version, and WireShare the most upgraded version of them all.

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  #351 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2012
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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There are known hosts that will browse you as soon as you open LW up and every single occasion without downloading, those hosts were added to the Security block list.

Yes it does sound like you are being targeted. Sounds like a USA address but I might be wrong (possibly Nth/Sth Carolina.) If super suspicious, then ban the host. Go to Tools, Options, Advanced, Filtering and scroll down to bottom of list, this will show the host's address. You can select it and copy-paste into a text document. Send me the host address via Private Message. I would prefer this to remain private for now at least until I can check the host. Also send me the name and version of the program they are using. You can find this out via right-clicking their listing in the Upload window and select View File Info., then click the Transfers tab. At bottom of the transfers tab it will display the program's name and version. Oh, you need to have uploads set to not auto-clear unless they are still downloading from you.

If you cannot copy-paste from the filter list then you may need to type it manually. My Mac version allows me to copy-paste from the list.
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  #352 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2012
runt66's Avatar
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Fri Dec 07 15:56:01 WST 2012

LimeWire version 5.6.2
Java version 1.6.0_35 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
Windows Vista v. 6.0 on x86
Free/total memory: 15596432/66363392

Detail: Console Log

-- listing session information --
Current thread: AWT-EventQueue-0
Active Threads: 19
Uptime: 1:44
Is Connected: true
Number of Ultrapeer -> Ultrapeer Connections: 0
Number of Ultrapeer -> Leaf Connections: 0
Number of Leaf -> Ultrapeer Connections: 5
Number of Old Connections: 0
Acting as Ultrapeer: false
Acting as Shielded Leaf: true
Number of Active Uploads: 1
Number of Queued Uploads: 0
Number of Active Managed Downloads: 1
Number of Active HTTP Downloaders: 0
Number of Waiting Downloads: 18
Received incoming this session: false
Number of Managed Files: 1715
Number of Mounted Friend Files: 0
Number of Shared Files: 1709
Guess Capable: true
Received Solicited UDP: true
Port Stable: true
FWT Capable: true
Last Reported Port: 34772
External Port: 34772
IP Pongs Received: 19
Number of Content Response URNs:
Number of CreationTimeCache URNs: 1684
VF Byte Cache Size: 0
VF Verify Cache Size: 0
VF Queue Size: 0
ByteBuffer Cache Size: 21112
Number of Waiting Sockets: 0
Number of Pending Timeouts: 12
Peak Number of Thread: 39
Number of SP2 Workarounds: 0
System Load Avg: -1.0
Objects Pending GC: 0
Free Space In Settings: 331083751424
Free Space In Incomplete: 331083751424
Free Space In Downloads: 331083751424
Heap Memory Usage: init = 67108864(65536K) used = 50766960(49577K) committed = 66363392(64808K) max = 259522560(253440K)
Non-Heap Memory Usage: init = 35815424(34976K) used = 59209496(57821K) committed = 69992448(68352K) max = 123731968(120832K)
SlotManager dump:: active:0:0 1:1 2:0 queued:0:0 1:0 2:0 resumable:0:0 1:0 2:0 bw now:23.628788 session avg:4.0378985
Number of select calls: 3654
Number of immediate selects: 1044
Average time in select: 28190186

-- listing threads --
AWT-Shutdown: 1
QRPPropagator: 1
device search response: 1
Deadlock Detection Thread: 1
FastExecutor: 1
backgroundExecutor: 1
QueryUnicaster: 1
Thread-9: 1
AWT-EventQueue-0: 1
Mozilla: 1
MulticastService: 1
VirusScannerThread: 1
AWT-Windows: 1
NIODispatcher: 1
DiskPieceReader: 2
DestroyJavaVM: 1
HSQLDB Timer @1239752: 1
Message-Executor: 1

-- listing properties --
DHT_NODE_ID=386392A247D7737D0A1A2D1E3FC22DC013E1D0 42
BANNED_EXTENSIONS=.asf;.asx;.au;.htm;.html;.mht;.w ax;.w...
DOWNTIME_HISTORY=413631;84110;31401;1418;2062;1521 60;5...
#Fri Dec 07 15:54:29 WST 2012

UPTIME_HISTORY=61024;230319;354437;36831;70722;359 38...
CLIENT_ID=.... (edited)

Stack Trace Report:
"DiskPieceReader" (id=69) TIMED_WAITING on java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchroni zer$ConditionObject@2dcfa2 owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"DiskPieceReader" (id=68) TIMED_WAITING on java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchroni zer$ConditionObject@2dcfa2 owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"DestroyJavaVM" (id=53) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1)
"HSQLDB Timer @1239752" (id=52) TIMED_WAITING on org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlTimer$TaskQueue@19aaa50 owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"Thread-9" (id=50) TIMED_WAITING on null owned by "null" (id=-1) ...)
"device search response" (id=49) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1) (in native) ...
"Message-Executor" (id=43) TIMED_WAITING on java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchroni zer$ConditionObject@1a27239 owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"QueryUnicaster" (id=23) WAITING on java.util.Hashtable@1f90747 owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"MulticastService" (id=25) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1) (in native) ...
"QRPPropagator" (id=26) TIMED_WAITING on null owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"Swing-Shell" (id=37) WAITING on java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchroni zer$ConditionObject@8d8bef owned by "null" (id=-1)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method) ...
"FastExecutor" (id=34) TIMED_WAITING on java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchroni zer$ConditionObject@de309d owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"TimerQueue" (id=30) TIMED_WAITING on javax.swing.TimerQueue@1499b0b owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"Mozilla" (id=28) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1) (in native) ...

"Deadlock Detection Thread" (id=27) TIMED_WAITING on null owned by "null" (id=-1)
at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
- waiting on null
at Source)

"VirusScannerThread" (id=24) WAITING on java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchroni zer$ConditionObject@161fe32 owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"NIODispatcher" (id=21) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"backgroundExecutor" (id=18) TIMED_WAITING on java.util.TaskQueue@1eb131e owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"D3D Screen Updater" (id=16) TIMED_WAITING on java.lang.Object@342a04 owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"AWT-EventQueue-0" (id=15) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1) ...
"AWT-Windows" (id=11) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1) (in native) ...
"AWT-Shutdown" (id=10) WAITING on java.lang.Object@b2a41b owned by "null" (id=-1) ...

"Java2D Disposer" (id=9) WAITING on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@34140e owned by "null" (id=-1)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@34140e
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

"Attach Listener" (id=5) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1)

"Signal Dispatcher" (id=4) RUNNABLE on null owned by "null" (id=-1)

"Finalizer" (id=3) WAITING on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@110b199 owned by "null" (id=-1)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@110b199
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$ n Source)

"Reference Handler" (id=2) WAITING on java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@fbc3be owned by "null" (id=-1)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@fbc3be
at java.lang.Object.wait(
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ wn Source)


102467 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.HostCatcher.getNumHosts - 924 hosts
102495 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.setHardcoreCapable - Hardcore capable: false
102495 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.setHardcoreCapable - not enough downstream: 1
102495 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.setHardcoreCapable - not accepted incoming ever
102496 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.setHardcoreCapable - private address: ... (edited)
102496 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.assignUltrapeerNode - Node is ultrapeer capable: false(hc: false, up: true, gc: true
102497 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.assignUltrapeerNode - Node is NOT to good to pass up
102497 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.assignUltrapeerNode - Node will not try to become an ultrapeer
102497 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.isActiveDHTCapable - not hardcore capable
102497 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.assignDHTMode - Node is NOT DHT capable
average time: 66461977
currentUptime: 96
102727 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.add - Pong from
102728 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.isValidHost - Validating host
102729 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.isValidHost - Host is valid
102729 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.isValidHost - Validating host
102730 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.isValidHost - Host is valid
102730 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.add - Adding host to free leaf slot set
102730 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.addPermanent - Not permanently adding host with low uptime
102730 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.endpointAdded - No observers waiting
103393 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.QueryUnicaster.addUnicastEndpoint - Evicting old unicast host to make room
103393 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.QueryUnicaster.addUnicastEndpoint - Adding new unicast host
103393 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.add - Adding host to free leaf slot set
103394 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.addPermanent - Not permanently adding host with low uptime
103394 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.endpointAdded - No observers waiting
103394 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.add - Adding host to free UP slot set
103394 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.addPermanent - Not permanently adding host with low uptime
103395 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.endpointAdded - No observers waiting
103495 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.setHardcoreCapable - Hardcore capable: false
103495 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.setHardcoreCapable - not enough downstream: 1
103496 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.setHardcoreCapable - not accepted incoming ever
103496 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.setHardcoreCapable - private address: ...
103497 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.assignUltrapeerNode - Node is ultrapeer capable: false(hc: false, up: true, gc: true
103498 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.assignUltrapeerNode - Node is NOT to good to pass up
103498 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.assignUltrapeerNode - Node will not try to become an ultrapeer
103499 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.isActiveDHTCapable - not hardcore capable
103499 DEBUG [backgroundExecutor] gnutella.NodeAssignerImpl.assignDHTMode - Node is NOT DHT capable
average time: 66461977
currentUptime: 97
-- END LOG --
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  #353 (permalink)  
Old December 7th, 2012
runt66's Avatar
Join Date: March 4th, 2007
Posts: 200
runt66 is flying high

Gosh ,sorry , i sent that before i read your last note .
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  #354 (permalink)  
Old December 7th, 2012
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

Originally Posted by runt66 View Post
Fri Dec 07 15:56:01 WST 2012

LimeWire version 5.6.2
Java version 1.6.0_35 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
Windows Vista v. 6.0 on x86
102729 DEBUG [Message-Executor] gnutella.HostCatcher.isValidHost - Validating host
Does your Vista firewall allow blocking of ports?
I can assure you, any host using port 27016 is a spam/hostile host. This is not the host you mentioned but this is one you seem to be connected to or is trying to connect to you.

Port Block instructions

If you don't mind, I will edit your post a little to remove some information such as an innocent host of which should not be identified publicly on the forum.
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  #355 (permalink)  
Old December 7th, 2012
runt66's Avatar
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runt66 is flying high

My gnutella port is 34772 ;

my bittorrent ports are 6881 to 6889 ;

my vista firewall allows me to open a port to get through the firewall but it is silent about blocking ports ;
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  #356 (permalink)  
Old December 7th, 2012
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
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As far as checking who is connected to you, try this CurrPorts: Monitoring TCP/IP network connections on Windows

Last two numbers listed in LW's upload window will give you the last clue.

Unfortunately I do not know anything about VISTA, simply presumed its firewall would be more similar to Windows 7 than XP.

BTW if you want to make a host address permanent ban with LW, what I do is add /32 at the end of the number. I clear a percentage of my banned hosts out after a week or two, and some within a day. If I see the /32 at the end of the address I know it is intended to remain. The /32 is the CIDR format for representing just a single host.
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  #357 (permalink)  
Old December 12th, 2012
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crossmaker69 is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Default getting started with limewire

Wasn't sure where to post this where can I find the proper link for limewire? I'm using windows 8 so which edition of java should I use? And will limewire connect or will I need to somehow fix it? Again sorry if I posted in the wrong thread......Thank you for any help with this issue.
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  #358 (permalink)  
Old December 20th, 2012
Blue as in the mirror's Avatar
Join Date: September 29th, 2005
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Blue as in the mirror is flying high

Try the first post of this thread, on page 1. There appears to be a Java 7 shortcut fix and seems to work. LimeWire works fine in Windows 8, but you need to install Java first because Windows 8 is not packaged with Java unlike previous Windows versions. Java for LimeWire needs administrator permissions from what I've learnt.

I just want my songs. Wanna hear me sing them? :P

Last edited by Blue as in the mirror; December 20th, 2012 at 01:10 PM.
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  #359 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2012
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noclue is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Default Limewire Pirate Edition on Android?

Hi can someone tell me if Limewire Pirate Edition will work on Android? If not, any good p2p alternatives simular to LPE for Android? Thanks.
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  #360 (permalink)  
Old January 15th, 2013
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Major Wedgie is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Unhappy Linux unsatisfiable dependency

LimeWire PE (Debian package) appears to not install on latest Linux distros due to an unsatisfiable dependency: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk. I think maybe there's a way to say it need these packages OR LATER.

Kudos in advance to anyone whose smart enough to solve this issue.
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