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Getting Started Using LimeWire + WireShare Tips on getting started with LimeWire or WireShare. Also a place to seek help getting started. Includes the original LimeWire Pirate Edition thread, with the most up to date LPE installer packages on the internet including File_Girl's LPE version, and WireShare the most upgraded version of them all.

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  • 1 Post By birdy

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Old October 30th, 2010
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Join Date: October 18th, 2004
Location: Perth, Australia
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Default LimeWire 5 changelog (5.3.0 Beta - 5.5.16)

Dark green text denotes a stable release, light green text denotes a Beta release.

* Please note that release dates of prototype versions & some Beta versions may not be 100% accurate.
Release date information available differs slightly from site to site & since the official LW changelog is no longer available, we've had to make do with info from various other sources.

September 30, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.16
- Bug fixes.
- Update the installer for the LimeWire Toolbar (Powered by Ask) for Windows systems.

September 25, 2010
LimeWire 5.5.15 Beta
* Bug fixes.

August 20, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.14
* Updated translations
* Bug fix

July 29, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.13 Beta
* Performance Enhancements
* Updater optimizations
* Update the installer for the LimeWire Toolbar (Powered by Ask) for Windows systems.
* Bug fixes.

July 28, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.12 Beta
* Updater optimizations
* Bug fixes.

July 25, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.11 Beta
- Installer optimizations
- Bug fixes

June 23, 2010
LimeWire 5.5.10
- Fix bugs when downloading files from the LimeWire Store.

May 28, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.9
* Fix a bug in which a Browse Host of a host sharing a lot of files would lock up LimeWire.
* Change default settings in the setup wizard.

May 18, 2010
LimeWire prototype - lightweight (version 0.0.2)
No information available regarding changes in this version.
(Was designed for lighter demand on the computer's resources. Program 2/3 file-size, yet same tools, options & performance.)

May 10, 2010
LimeWire 5.6.1 Beta (installer date is actually 6 May)
* Updated Advanced Search to include an animated dialog box.
* Add Torrent as a search category.
* Display additional information about search results in the table view when performing a Torrent category search. The information includes the seeders, leechers, trackers and files within the torrent.
* Bug fixes for using the LimeWire Media Player.

May 4, 2010
LimeWire prototype - geo restrict (version 1.0)
No information available regarding changes in this version.
(Was designed for sharing across local cultural region only.)

May 4, 2010
LimeWire prototype - LAN mode (version 1.0)
No information available regarding changes in this version.
(Was designed for sharing across a closed LAN network.)

April 20, 2010
LimeWire 5.6.0 Beta
* Add a Smart Search component to make finding files more convenient.
* Update the audio and video player to handle all codec formats which are available on a system.
* Made various sort relevance improvements for search results.
* Add bandwidth controls for individual torrents.
* Add torrent magnet link support.
* Include REST APIs which allows external access to LimeWire if enabled (Tools > Options, Advanced).
* Fix a bug reported on the forum in which a Browse Host of a host sharing a lot of files would lock up LimeWire.
* Use real email address parser for the Friends feature.
* Notify the user if he failed to set either the username, and, or the password when he selected to log into Friends at LimeWire startup).
* Fix a bug in which the volume in the media player would momentarily jump in the wrong direction when using the Home/End key.

March 24, 2010
LimeWire 5.5.8
* Fix a bug in which an incomplete download sometimes wouldn't restart.

March 16, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.7
Fix a bug with the Danish and Dutch translations.

March 10, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.6
* Fix an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception when downloading.

March 7, 2010
LimeWire 5.5.5 Beta
* Update LimeMan splash screen.
* General bug fixes.

March 5, 2010
LimeWire 5.5.4 Beta
* Warn user before downloading torrents with files inside the torrent that have banned extensions.
* Replace Quicktime for Java library with Rococoa library to better handle playing videos in Mac OS.
* From Open Source contributor Misagh Moayyed:
- Fix the Home/End keys mapping when controlling volume in the LimeWire Media Player.
- Fix the Cancel button for Options, Friends And Chat.
* Add the option to install the LimeWire Toolbar (Powered by Ask) for Windows systems.
* General bug fixes.

February 24, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.3 Beta
* General bug fixes for activating LimeWire PRO.
* General bug fixes for Anti-Virus protection powered by AVG for Windows.

February 19, 2010
LimeWire 5.4.8
* Update the installer for the LimeWire Toolbar (Powered by Ask) for Windows systems.

February 16, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.2 Beta
* Add the ability to upgrade Basic to PRO without re-installing.
* Fix a bug in which many quickly launched searches creates an exception.
* Fix an animation exception when adding or removing search result tabs.
* Allow the spacebar to pause audio.
* Fix a bug in which launching a file stops audio playback.

February 15, 2010
LimeWire 5.4.7
* Updated interface for smoother navigation
* Faster BitTorrent downloads
* Improved performance

February 11, 2010
LimeWire 5.5.1 Beta
* Add a keyboard mapping to allow you to delete a file when in the Library, Image, and refresh the in client browser with F5.
* Fix a bug in which sorting the download items was broken.
* Fix a bug in which similar search results would lose their group.

February 3, 2010

LimeWire 5.5.0 Beta
* Integrate Anti-Virus protection powered by AVG for Windows operating systems versions to scan downloads.

Known issue:

Sometimes instead of downloading only the update, LimeWire downloads the full AVG Anti-Virus update, which means the bandwidth usage will be quite a lot higher than it will be after the fix is made.

* Search result tabs are animated.
* Additional information to view trackers with torrents.
* Allow you to view more information when seeding a torrent.
* Remove the LimeWire Store icon, but add the Store as a menu item (for locations where the LWS is available).
* General bug fixes.

December 16, 2009

LimeWire 5.4.6 Beta
* Fix minor exceptions.
* Fix a memory leak when viewing videos in the Media Player.

December 14, 2009

LimeWire 5.4.5
* Add the ability to sort uploads by host name.
* Fix a bug in which a mouse-over an upload messed up transfer rates and progress.
* Fix a deadlock which appeared during shutdown.
* Fix a bug in which videos play in a separate frame on Windows XP.
* Prevent a video from restarting from the beginning when exiting or entering full screen mode.
* Fix an exception when playing an mp4 video with DirectShow.
* Prevent the native window from flashing when starting a DirectShow playback.
* Fix a fatal error detected by the Java Runtime Environment when playing a video.
* Fix an error when switching to full screen to watch an mp4 video in Mac OS X.
* Allow a video to launch in the LimeWire Media Player if selected from File > Recent Downloads.

December 9, 2009

LimeWire Portable 1.0 Beta
* LimeWire 5.3 packaged as a PortableApp. Currently in Beta test. For use with

December 9, 2009

LimeWire 5.4.4 Beta
* Update the LimeMan splash screen.
* Save the sort order for the Download and Upload tray between LimeWire sessions.

Video Support:
* Fix numerous exceptions with video support in the LimeWire Media Player.
* Let the space bar pause playing a video in normal screen mode.
* Prevent a video from repeating when playing.
* Allow you to view 'Lists I'm Sharing' when viewing a video.
* Seek within a video when viewing in Mac OS X.

December 2, 2009

LimeWire 5.4.3 Beta
* Implement open source contributor Gregorio Roper's Matching TigerTrees to SHA-1 patch to improve downloads.
* Increase the number of videos the LimeWire Media Player can play with Windows 7. The Windows 7 integration is in the early stages; please let us know through the LimeWire Forum when you find bugs.
* Added keyboard short cut keys for the Media Player when viewing videos in full screen mode (Space bar to pause/resume and ESC button to exit).
* Fix exceptions when viewing videos in the Media Player for Mac OS X.
* Fix an exception when browsing to a file in Windows.

November 25, 2009

LimeWire 5.4.2 Beta
* View a downloaded file's Pieces.
* Following the Mac standard, clicking the close x won't close LimeWire but removes the window.
* Add more user support messages when you aren't fully connected.
* Incorporate a way to distribute messages more efficiently to LimeWire clients on the network.
* Remove hyperlink in search results when the file is in your Library.
* Don't scroll text in the LimeWire Media Player when playing videos.
* Don't show 'Private Shared' list until the first time you sign into Friends.
* Remove Facebook code and libraries from the LimeWire source code.

Bug fixes:
* Cancelling a torrent upload does not remove the file from the upload tray.
* Provide feedback to the user for Windows 7 and Vista when no sound device is available when using the LimeWire Media Player.
* Save a password in the proxy authentication correctly.
* Remove the password text box from the Socks v4 Proxy option since Socks v4 does not support password authentication.
* Fix a race condition which allowed multiple listings of the same file in the upload tray.
* Check a file to see if it is dangerous when previewing.
* Correct right click (control click) menu options for a file in the download tray.
* Remember settings for downloads and uploads tray.

November 11, 2009
LimeWire 5.4.1 Beta


* Upgraded to libtorrent version 0.14.6.
* Add a fail-over to the mainline libtorrent DHT when the torrent can't find sources or seeders.
* libtorrent bug fix allows for properly handling spaces in the file names.
* Add proxy support.
* Add the ability to the change the Network Interface.
* Add blacklist support.
* Add support for indexing files inside of torrents.
* Send torrent meta data in search results.

* 'View File info' includes additional information in Transfers for file downloads including whether the download is encrypted (the lock icon).
* Associate magnet links with LimeWire for Mac OS X.

Bug fixes:
* Various memory leak fixes when viewing a video in the LimeWire Media Player.
* Ability to view a video in full screen mode with Mac OS Snow Leopard.
* General bug fixes for exceptions when playing videos with the LimeWire Media Player.
* Bug fixes for uploads in the transfer tray (right-click popup menu, stabilized display when hovering over items, closing browse notifications, browsing hosts and only show one upload per download in the upload tray).
* Revised screen repaints when application is restored from system tray.
* Upon uninstallation on Windows Vista, remove the Start menu group.
* Fix a bug in which viewing a video initially played in an external window before embedding into the LimeWire Media Player.
* Fix a Windows crash when closing the LimeWire Media Player which was playing a video.
* Fix a bug in which LimeWire wouldn't launch for Mac OS X 10.5.

October 28, 2009

LimeWire 5.4.0 Beta
New features:
* Video support to watch a file in LimeWire for Windows and Mac OS X Snow Leopard. If LimeWire is unable to play due to a missing codec, your default system video player loads.
* Inadvertent file sharing updates to ensure users understand what is shared.
* Uploads and downloads appear in the transfer tray.
* The transfer tray is automatically hidden by default when there aren't any transfers; you can change the setting in Options.
* Added a nubbin to the transfer tray (a nubbin is the little thing you select to drag).
* Check downloads to see whether it is dangerous before previewing.
* Hide some file types by default associated with spam.
* Search suggestions based on files from Friends are stored in database now, which reduces the memory footprint for large libraries of your friends.
* Improvements in search suggestions from Friends based on what files they share with you.
* Improvements in the way search results are sorted by relevance.
* Displaying the LimeWire Store button only in locations where you can use the LimeWire Store.
* File information/properties dialog box is redesigned.
* Select different language in the View drop down menu.
* Update to the Options.

Mac Specific:
* Add the LimeWire Home Screen and the LimeWire Store icon when using Snow Leopard and running in 32 bit mode.
* Allow you to add folders to the Library or lists.
* Title Options dialog box to 'Preferences'.
* Add an option in the Preferences to associate LimeWire as the default application for all torrent files.
* Add an OS X style dialog so you can select multiple files and folders at once.
* Fix a problem which prevented you from deleting multiple files from your Library or Shared lists.

Bug fixes:
* Fix 'why' hyperlink in Advanced Tools.
* Allow LimeWire to locate a file on disk with a comma in the file name.
* Check the file name length in the file rename.
* Add option to remove all property files during uninstallation.
* Fix uninstaller bug when still running LimeWire.
* Prevent ability to start a torrent download if you unselected all files in the Torrent Prioritization dialog.
* Prevent 'Private Shared' list from reappearing after a restart if you previously deleted the list.
* Prevent pop up menus from intermittently appearing as all gray.
* Fix sorting search results by the 'From column' in Classic view.
* Work around a Windows bug which caused LimeWire to crash when playing or opening a file.

September 30, 2009

LimeWire 5.3.6
* Update translations.
* Fix a bug in which an out of date English name for the Galician language was displayed in the drop down menu.
* Fix splash screens (off by a pixel).
* Better handle errors when unable to get Windows startup menu location for launching LimeWire on system startup.

September 28, 2009

LimeWire 5.3.5 Beta
* Fix a bug in which links from "Lists I'm Sharing" do not select the correct list when selected before the Library is opened the first time.
* Fix running LimeWire on start up for Windows 7, Vista and Internationalized versions.
* Fix a torrent St9exception and unsatisfied link exception.
* Fix an unsatisfied link exception with the OS X Dock.
* Get magnet links to work properly.

September 16, 2009
LimeWire 5.3.4 Beta
* Fix an UnsatisfiedLink error for the Dock icon in Snow Leopard.
* Blocking IPs in the UI caused duplicate entries in the IP black list.
* General bug fixes.

September 9, 2009

LimeWire 5.3.3 Beta
* Add a a setting for the maximum number of seeding torrents so that the torrent upload list will not grow forever.
* Rotate various 'Upgrade to Pro' notifications for Basic users.
* General bug fixes.

September 2, 2009

LimeWire 5.3.2 Beta
Uses a different 'Upgrade to Pro' notification box.

September 2, 2009

LimeWire 5.3.1 Beta
* Add prioritize files ability within a torrent. You can set the priority of which files to download first and can set which files not to download at all.
* Friend notification when using the Facebook service with Friends.
* Update to the file information dialog box.
* Fix the Media Player.
* Fix a bug when the splash screen would cause an exception on system startup.
* Fix a bug when restoring LimeWire from the Mac tray with the splash screen visible.

August 26, 2009

LimeWire 5.3.0 Beta
* BitTorrent updates:
- Retain seeding torrents on LimeWire restart
- Fix more BitTorrent library loading issues
- Upgraded to libtorrent version 0.14.5
* Torrent downloads are checked for dangerous files.
* Increase speed on a cold startup.
* Remove some unnecessary Singleton usage in UI.
* Change Guice environment from Production to Development to prevent @Singletons from being eagerly loaded.
* Obscene content filter.
* Don't allow spam results to be downloaded until they've been unmarked as spam.
* Keyword filters are applied to browses and XML metadata.
* Add the ability to rename a file.
* Fix OS X launcher.
* Re-write chat so it isn't initialized on LimeWire startup.
* Fix receiving duplicate chat messages.
* Fix a bug that allowed friends to download more than 3 files at a time.
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