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Gnotella (Windows) Gnotella has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2001
Join Date: June 8th, 2001
Posts: 1
AndiA is flying high
Thumbs down UnhappY DownloadS

I seriously hope there is a wise person out there who can help me with my problem! Has this ever happend you any of you?

I just downloaded another .zip file (no small feat for my 56K modem!!) and after waiting an hour and a half to enjoy the fruits of its labors, I get an error message telling me that the file isn't a zip . Can you believe that? :-) The icon shows it's zip, but I even tried to change the extention on it, thinking that it might be an .mp3 (to use with wrapster) but no go... What can it be? Could it be that it is just a corrupt file? This has also happend with a few files that were .mp3 to be unwrapped with Wrapster...

I am so frustrated, because it take so darn loooooonnnnnggggg for a file to download on my crappy modem. (I know what you're going to say "get a faster connection" duh!!!)

Any help would be super-duper cool.. Thanx AndiA
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2001
Join Date: May 28th, 2000
Posts: 894
CycloCide is flying high
Default Re: UnhappY DownloadS

Originally posted by AndiA
I seriously hope there is a wise person out there who can help me with my problem! Has this ever happend you any of you?

I just downloaded another .zip file (no small feat for my 56K modem!!) and after waiting an hour and a half to enjoy the fruits of its labors, I get an error message telling me that the file isn't a zip . Can you believe that? :-) The icon shows it's zip, but I even tried to change the extention on it, thinking that it might be an .mp3 (to use with wrapster) but no go... What can it be? Could it be that it is just a corrupt file? This has also happend with a few files that were .mp3 to be unwrapped with Wrapster...

I am so frustrated, because it take so darn loooooonnnnnggggg for a file to download on my crappy modem. (I know what you're going to say "get a faster connection" duh!!!)

Any help would be super-duper cool.. Thanx AndiA
The files were probably corrupt on the computer you were downloading them from.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2001
Viking Member
Join Date: June 8th, 2001
Location: Infront of my PC
Posts: 28
GnotMan is flying high

It's not uncommon to get those errors with zip files(or any file, for that matter), especially on an analog modem.

If a chunk of data is corrupted during download, you won't be able to open it.
ISDN, cable, ADSL, and the rest are less likely to get the error, since they are digital lines which are more reliable.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by GnotMan
It's not uncommon to get those errors with zip files(or any file, for that matter), especially on an analog modem.

So you're saying Gnutella doesn't have any error checking routines written into it?

That would be pretty foolish for any programmer to use a file transfer protocol that didn't. Even the 20+ year old X-MODEM protocol had block CRC checking.
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