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Unregistered June 30th, 2001 02:50 PM

I think I have found something better
I found this program called Morpheus, it works like Napster, complete with chat and IMing. The selection is weak but I figure it will grow. the site is It is some more more reliable then Gnutella.

Unregistered June 30th, 2001 03:47 PM

I pity you

TheGodSplinter July 6th, 2001 12:02 AM

Morpheus Ain't Bad, So Far...
I recently downloaded Morpheus and tried it several times, tonight.

It gave me a 5 mB MP3 in the fastest time I've ever had one come down to me. I played it as soon as possible because I thought it was too good to be true and I wanted to see if it was even was.

I'll be using Morpheus again.

It gave me 13 jpgs of Liz Hurley and 12 of Catherine Zeta Jones in less than1 minute and 4 seconds - in 2 bursts, even...and with NO FAILS at all. I have every FT software you can get on this machine, except BearShare, of course, and none of them has performed like that, yet - even though Gnucleus gets pretty close.

I was dumb enough to fall for the "relaunched" Napster garbage, though, and that was back off my machine after 21 minutes - a long stay! It's sad about Napster, but what's dead is dead; it should be buried, now.

Guntter July 6th, 2001 04:41 AM

Has anyone tested Aimster?

Unregistered July 6th, 2001 05:54 PM

I don’t’ trust Morpheus, too many advertisements. It’s downloading fast because you are being served by a server. I don’t care what they tell you, there is definitely a server somewhere in the picture, and that being the case, then there are also log files with your IP address.

If you were being served by a host as they say, then your downloads would be no faster then Gnotella, because ISP’s do not allow computers to upload anything over 5 to 10 kbps unless it is a business line.

There’re is a server somewhere in the picture, and that’s cool

Unregistered July 8th, 2001 06:27 PM

Morpheus is the same thing as KaZaA (, except it is the real one. Morpheus is just a re-make type thing who got the code or program rights from the company. Something like that. But why the downloads go so fast i think is because it connects you to alot of different people and it downloads from them all at once.

Unregistered July 9th, 2001 12:14 PM

bearshare, it's too damn slow

Aeroe July 10th, 2001 10:57 AM

Way more reliable for downloads then the gnutella network, and way faster. Around 350,000-400,000 users connected together on a decentralized network.

The only thing wrong is the use of keywords which allows fux0red search results and the ads.

There's no server either, the whole Musiccity website and IRC server was down for a day, the program still connects and Works. Just the main page (the website) in the program didn't.
Didn't effect anything on the p2p level.

Unregistered July 17th, 2001 08:01 PM

Re: Morpheus

Originally posted by Unregistered
Morpheus is the same thing as KaZaA (, except it is the real one. Morpheus is just a re-make type thing who got the code or program rights from the company. Something like that. But why the downloads go so fast i think is because it connects you to alot of different people and it downloads from them all at once.

Actually, the reason why the connections are faster ARE because their servers are handeling the routes. Simple as that

Unregistered July 18th, 2001 02:04 AM

...and where can i get this Morpheus thingy?

Thanks heaps!

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