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Unregistered July 2nd, 2001 05:15 PM

Tracking or Spyware??
Does anybody know if Gnotella P2P installs any tracking or spyware programs in the background. I was thinking about trying the program out to replace Napster and piece of **** WinMx but want to know if I need to look out for tracking programs being installed as well. Also, what are your thoughts... is the program worthwhile or not.?.? Any input is appreciated, especially regarding spyware.

CycloCide July 2nd, 2001 07:03 PM

Re: Tracking or Spyware??

Originally posted by Unregistered
Does anybody know if Gnotella P2P installs any tracking or spyware programs in the background. I was thinking about trying the program out to replace Napster and piece of **** WinMx but want to know if I need to look out for tracking programs being installed as well. Also, what are your thoughts... is the program worthwhile or not.?.? Any input is appreciated, especially regarding spyware.
Gnotella doesn't install any tracking or spyware programs.

Batfink July 2nd, 2001 11:58 PM

Gnotella is my preferred client for mp3's.
Others have different features but for stability and speed I always revert to Gnotella and it rarely lets me down.

924 February 16th, 2002 08:23 AM

If your worried about spyware go to and search for AD-AWARE,in the download section. it scans your puter for spyware and deletes it

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