July 29th, 2000
Scrollbar lockus and artifacts. Gnotella 0.70 running on Windows NT 4.0 SP6
The scroll bars intermitently seem to lock up. I have not been able to find a sure way of repeating it, but it has hapend several times already. Seems to hapen on several pages at once.
Also, when switching from search to download or from other "tabs" sometimes a listbox is not hidden and is superimposed on the wrong page.
I have problems with 100% cpu use slowing down my other programs. You should lower the thread priority if it is going to use 100% cpu or preferably you should alow the thread to sleep.
#Reuest for Feature#
I would like Gnotella to append file names with an extention like *.gnotella and then remove it when the dl is complet... much of my time is eliminating the failed downloads.
jbj@softhome.net |