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w-coast-surf July 28th, 2000 01:13 PM

No Search Results
Plenty of files in the 'Monitor'-how do you download them??

No matter how many hosts I connect to, no search results are ever found. My God, I just put in the letter 'a' and nothing comes back-it just says 'searching.........................

wheelspin July 28th, 2000 01:18 PM

Ditto. What gives?

sir July 28th, 2000 05:48 PM

monitor shows what other people are searching for...

the Gnetwork seems to be messed up, there are a lot of people searching for stuff but I doubt they are getting the type of results they are looking for...

MrPlum July 28th, 2000 11:03 PM

Same here. Doesn't matter what I enter in the search field, no results. If I look at the search results field in Stats, I can see it incrementing. If I select STOP, again nothing is returned.

What gives?

Not impressed with my first taste of Gnotella.

DarthGummiBear July 29th, 2000 07:46 AM

Given my own personal experiences it is my personal belief that your problem with searching is related to the huge swarm of users coming from napster after it was shutdown. Lots of newbies using connection settings that are detrimental to network operation.

As Yytrium stated, and I agree with him, the problem should work itself out within the next week. As it stands, it seems to be a little better today than it was yesterday, for me at least. Searches are still an issue, but the network congestion is still pretty heavy.

Give it a week. All will be well

Deviant July 30th, 2000 10:43 AM

Well, the searches arent the networks fault, it appears to be Gnotella.. I revert back to the 'official' .56 Gnutella and get all the results I can handle, but NOTHING on Gnotella... Some 'recommended client' eh?

markhill July 30th, 2000 04:50 PM

I'm having the same problem. I am able to monitor successful search after successful search but am not able to get a single hit on my search - even if I search with the identical criteria. Not a network problem - I think it might be a ...............BUG

Noir July 31st, 2000 06:06 PM

Yeah. Gnotella 0.73's search function is toast. Does not work at all for me.

sir August 2nd, 2000 12:17 PM

It isn't a bug with gnotella. I was having the exact same problem, but now it seems to be getting better. I am getting results on everything from mp3 to metallica to exe... The problem was in the network, there were a ton of people clogging up the network that had 56k's which slowed down the search results so bad. I can already see the network getting better... i had 800 hosts today! and like 10 Tb

geekgirrl August 16th, 2000 07:32 AM

well, looks as if it's been a couple of weeks since the last post, and i'm having the same problem. Maybe it IS my slow 56K connection, but what can you do with a 2 year lease, bad wiring, and not enough $$$ to pay for the high-speed access? Go to Scour i suppose. It's sad, because Gnutella came very highly reccomended to me... I'd love to read any suggestions anyone might have for a lowly college student living in the ghetto.

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