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CarlosGS September 27th, 2000 01:41 AM

Behind firewall, can't connect to any

I just started with gnutella. I'm trying to connect to any of the addresses I have found, but after a few seconds with the Info(S,R,D) column at "Connecting", it stops and disappears. I'm behind a firewall, and I think that has something to do with it. I have checked and other pages, but haven't found the answer. Help!!

basset October 2nd, 2000 05:34 PM

If you find out the answer plese post - I have the same problem.
Thanks -

CycloCide October 2nd, 2000 06:05 PM

Try connecting to

Are the number of hosts and files on the status bar at the bottom increasing?

CarlosGS October 4th, 2000 05:00 AM


Originally posted by CycloCide:
Try connecting to

Are the number of hosts and files on the status bar at the bottom increasing?

No. They stay at 0. was one of the ones I tried, unsuccessfully. I tried it again today just in case, to no avail.
Thanks for replying.

Paul November 3rd, 2000 06:52 AM


Originally posted by CarlosGS:
No. They stay at 0. was one of the ones I tried, unsuccessfully. I tried it again today just in case, to no avail.
Thanks for replying.

Say... Has there been any progress in addressing this particular setup problem? I get the same result (0 Hosts 0 Files). I'm also behind a corporate firewall. Any thoughts?

olausman November 6th, 2000 09:02 AM


Originally posted by CarlosGS:
No. They stay at 0. was one of the ones I tried, unsuccessfully. I tried it again today just in case, to no avail.
Thanks for replying.

I'm have some problem. Please Help!!!

Jens November 13th, 2000 02:03 AM


Originally posted by Paul:
Say... Has there been any progress in addressing this particular setup problem? I get the same result (0 Hosts 0 Files). I'm also behind a corporate firewall. Any thoughts?
I tried the address "" today, and it works for me. So far it counts 174 hosts online. I downloaded this program today, an have no experience with it.

anon January 25th, 2001 07:10 PM

the reason it dont work is that the sys admin is screwing wityh you by disableing the port 6346 so you have to conn to a server that uses another port

fartosaurus February 14th, 2001 04:57 PM

I seem to be having the same problems everyone else is having! I tried using Furi and Newtella, and they keep saying "timed out." Either that, or connections simply never materialize. Is there even a solution to this widespread problem?

gq February 14th, 2001 11:44 PM

What other port should I use? ANd how do I change the connecting port?

I am behind a corperate firewall and can't get Gnotella to work either.

Please help!!!

heze February 23rd, 2001 12:24 AM

Normally, all ports, excepting the HTTP Port 8080, are closed by a corporate firewall. Sometimes the Socks Port 1080 is open.

If your Socks Port is open (simply try it), you can use the free program SocksCap32 by <a "">NEC in USA</a>.

If not, then you need the free program <a "">HTTP-Tunnel</a> additionally. HTTP-Tunnel uses the Socks Port 1080 to communicate with the applications. Currently their servers move to another ISP. Therefore their site and/or servers may be down...

Gnotella does not support Socks. Therefore you will need SocksCap32, too. Give it a try!

heze February 23rd, 2001 12:27 AM

Sorry, this forum doesn't support HTML-Tags?

The links are: and

Severian March 24th, 2001 11:35 PM

I canīt believe a program for sharing files in internet wich do not support proxys?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!

We are in 2001, 21 century. I'm using proxy servers from 3 years ago. Please, update it.

I changed gnutella for toadnode. It supports proxy servers and Socks.

hacking March 25th, 2001 02:33 PM

Hacking is a art, whenever you get stuck you figure other ways around the problem. Try it, it's fun!

You can download a list of hosts from clip2 via the web and then use it in your client.

Netscape opens other ports to receive data, so firewalls sometimes have to allow for that, so pick a port like 4070 and see how that goes, or set your client's port to 80 or 8080 and see how that goes (for connecting to known hosts) some known hosts are on 5634 and will also accept web connections via a browser
as a example
sysops can still mess with you, one I know throttles connections down when he sees too much traffic and figures the guy is using napster or something. he can't be there 24/7 though!
As for this forum not allowing html tags, just put your links in proper form and they will be clickable, OK? (or read a little before you get all upset, RTFM)
Once you have a few hosts, your client should be able to collect more as time goes on, just leave your client on all the time, make sure you are sharing some files cause some clients check for that before allowing you to download.

Unregistered June 2nd, 2001 08:13 AM

corporate firewalls
Always remember when trying to bypass a corporate firewall that doing so may get you fired if this is a place of employment for you. I know first hand because its my job to maintain bandwidth and I hate seeing people get in trouble, check your companies policies

TeraHertz January 10th, 2003 07:52 AM

I'd hardly call bypassing a firewall from the inside hacking...

Anyway, I've been having the same problems as you guys, but the funny thing is, I had no problems 7 months ago. I used an IP tunneling program to bypass my universitys firewall. Unfortunatly the uni announced user space checks, so I had to delete all my filesharing and tunneling programs.
Now I've gone and forgotten how I did it. I know I used xolox, and that I used HTTPport 3NSF (well 3NSF is the newest version i think) Hope that helps you. I think all i need to know is my uni's IP, my local IP (the computer im sitting at) and the xolox ip. God know how I got them before. There seems to be less information about the subject online than ever, or maybe there's just more crap to sift through...

Damn my memory

bobwonderful January 16th, 2003 08:04 PM

Forget Gnotella
Gnotella doesn't work anymore because you have to manually update the gnutella hosts files which has totally changed, especially with dyanamic IP addresses. I switched to gnucleus then I found shareaza... You'll love Shareaza if you're like me. It has all of the features of gnotella and more. And it's the next generation gnutella client with G2 protocols. (healther for the network, global searching and more!)
Get it at
or search it on gnutella for shareaza1800.exe

You'll thank me for this.

Oh by the way it works on any windows platform... Not yet on Linux or Mac yet.

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