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Gnotella (Windows) Gnotella has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb Bearshare vrs Gnotella

Bearshare is nice because it seems to hog less CPU, do searches faster, and connect to servers faster. I also like its auto-resuming and the QoS thing.

But Gnutella has some things I appreciate. First I hate how Bearshare only shows k-bits-per-sec. It is decieving to see it say 40kbs.. That seems very fast when it is only around 4Kbps (k-BYTES-per-sec). Also Gnotella seems to do a much better job of returning alot of results that closely match the search string I typed in. Finally the ability to specify searches as only "music" or "movies" is very nice, and works much better then adding .mpg, .avi, and .asf in the search string for BearShare.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 10th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Bearshare is WAY better... bearshare will be WAY ahead of every other client when Bearshare v3 is released (which will be soon!)...

it will have built in reflector stuff... plus server chat rooms... and sooooooo much more...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2001
Posts: n/a

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by boyzindahood:
Bearshare is WAY better... bearshare will be WAY ahead of every other client when Bearshare v3 is released (which will be soon!)...

it will have built in reflector stuff... plus server chat rooms... and sooooooo much more...
yeah, too bad about the fuct up spyware that comes with it...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 30th, 2001
Posts: n/a

what the hell are you guys talkin about?? Ive been using bearshare and gnotella and id say neither is great but gnotella is better. When I use bearshare the results dont even come up until I do 16 searches and wait 5 min and not even then. I admit the qos thing is way better but they are also decieving, because I had a green bar practically full and my download got to about 60 percent till it said something like a whole bunch of errors and i never completed a download with it either.But this is just me and if someone can proove me wrong then great.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 6th, 2001
Posts: n/a

What's this about spyware in Bearshare?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 7th, 2001
In The Gnow
Posts: n/a

Yea, the spyware thing sucks. Oh well.

The next version of gnotella will have chat also, that supports blabber(?)

Also in the works is Scripting (cool) PGP(gpg actually) authentication for private sharing, built in FTP client/server, plugin support for tools like VisualWhois, A "spamban" technology for popular spammed fluff files, (you vote a file as SPAM when you recieve it, and it gets counted for files of the same size, CRC and filename), support for viewing a servers download completion ratio success vs. failed, and the list goes on. Also, the builtin webserver will have an option to serve your own page in addition/instead of the auto generated one.

But wait, there's more! While you're at work or away from your computer, you can remotely controll your Gnotella client via your wireless PalmPilot! Great for those boring days at work you could be surfin for downloads from work and have them ready when you get home.

Gnotella rules all.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 9th, 2001
Posts: n/a

When will the next version of Gnotella come out?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 12th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Please don't add a buch of useless bloat to Gnotella! Palm-Pilot Sheesh! What is *needs* more than anything else are more efficient routines. Early Gnutella clients were all CPU hogs, but Gnotella is the only current one not to have fixed this problem. It's serrious stuff folks - maybe you need to give up on VB and learn a real language. Hell, even LimeWire doesn't slow down as much and it's written in Java!

If you want features how about better upload and download management. After all that's what this is all about. There's a few things that really need help...

* Should be able to resume from *other* servers when the file size matches. In a world of dynamic IPs, only resuming from the same server just doesn't cut it.

* download a single file from multiple server at once. The first Gnutella client to pull this off will be THE one to use. I know there's no way to tell a file's the same 100% , but as an option, it's worth the risk.

* Should be able to re-search for new results (esp. on pushes). Otherwise push routes go stale. (why even after *restarting*, it retries pushes without this I'll never know)

* Upload bandwith control should be global (not per connection). It's kind of useless as it is. The only way you can limit the total is to needlessly restrict each connection. If I only have one person downloading from me, they should have *all* the bandwidth I've allocated. Two people should each have 50% and so on.

I do like Gnotella better than BearShare - it search is much nicer, no spyware, and the developers don't have Vinnie's "BearShare Uber Alles!" mentality.

However, Gnotella needs to stop talking marketing droid crap and work on putting out a better cilent! Otherwise you can look for EBUX to join the rest of the dot com corpses on f---edcompany!

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

Yea, Gnotella doesn't send out those spy packets either! Open source is the only answer to this crap cause this guy won't get rid of his spyware.
Now you have to browse to his "shopping" page before you can connect to anything. Talk about tracking my IP all the way to the RIAA!
Gnotella RULES!
I ran a old 2.0.4 copy of Bearshare and then ran 2.2.4 the new one and there ain't much difference! A few good programmers spending some free time could have done better! I don't know why everyone thinks it's so great. Maybe he spends all his time on PR instead of programming?
How do we get all those BS users to start running this more?
People need to help with PR for this.
Write all the media types, Cnet and stuff!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 23rd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Gnotella is nice!

OK, so Gnotella has some problems but:

* BearShare crashed after 1 hour
* BearShare caused me to re-load windows next time
* Spyware sucks and now we are being watched by "bear shopping" sites.
* Vinnie doesn't care about your privacy, only his pocket.
* The only improvements have been mostly in the "how do I fill my pockets" area.
* It's not open source so who knows what the dictator has done now.
* Vinnie wants to take over the world, or at least the Gnutella Network.
* Bad attitude towards users.
* Censoring of his forums.
* Getting a download from anything but a BearShare client is almost impossible.
* Getting a download means sitting in front of your screen for hours operating the software cause he won't add automatic features (thick head).
* He won't listen to anyone but himself.
* He doesn't listen.
* He thinks he's God.

Is that enough?
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