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Gnucleus (Windows) For assistance for users with the Gnucleus program. Important links: Updated Gnucleus Installer! and also Updated Connection Caches for Gnucleus!

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  #41 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Re: WTF

Originally posted by sanelson
They merely capitalized on the fact that there was already an open network with plenty of users
You mean like Vinnie did so he could make a living off of all of us? Please quit the "if it wasn't for Bearshare" crap, it isn't true. Napster dying was what made Gnutella what is is today, Bearshare and LW just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Vinnies' sneaky little code changes almost took Gnutella out at least one time, the spy packets still being sent are a insult to us all, and Bearshare still threatens gnutella because of vinnies "win at all costs" attitude. What little plans and schemes does he have in store for v3 ?
Originally posted by Unregistered
Sad that is not the case. Each has their own agenda and idea's and that is the way it is.
And Vinnies' sucks!
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2002
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Default Re: Re: WTF

Originally posted by Unregistered
You mean like Vinnie did so he could make a living off of all of us? Please quit the "if it wasn't for Bearshare" crap, it isn't true.
Actually I said if it wasn't for Bearshare and Limewire, and yes, it is true. Get over it.
Napster dying was what made Gnutella what is is today, Bearshare and LW just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
True, Napster dying had a large effect on Gnutella, and the entire file sharing community in general. But, Gnutella was around long before that, and was the best place to find non-MP3 files.
Actually, it was Morpheus dying that made Gnutella what it is today (user-base wise). Gnucleus just happened to be in the right place at the right time. And before you get all huffy puffy and start crying to mommy again "He sad bad things about Gnucleus! Waaaaaa!" I have nothing against Gnucleus, but the fact is, Morpheus deciding to all of a sudden move their HUGE user base to Gnutella via Gnucleus is what made it what it is today.
Vinnies' sneaky little code changes almost took Gnutella out at least one time, the spy packets still being sent are a insult to us all, and Bearshare still threatens gnutella because of vinnies "win at all costs" attitude.
Please explain. Are you talking about blocking 0.4 clients from the host caches again? Get over it, and upgrade. You should be happy that they even let you use their host caches. They don't have to. Just ask the guys at Limewire.
What little plans and schemes does he have in store for v3 ?
Ultrapeers, a new interface, a totally re-built code base, and no cydoor. Metadata searches in the following release... Does this threaten you? I'd sure like to know why.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2002
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Default Vinnie is NOT a saint

Originally posted by Unregistered
It was a troll at work on and he responded in professional way.
That's not true in Vinnie's eyes: Kutulus (the name of your 'troll') was a Bearshare VIP and the biggest supporter for Bearshare. Of course he was a troll for anyone who did not surrender to the overwhelming power of Bearshare, but his trolling was supported and tolerated by Vinnie about a year.! At this specific post you are refering too, he was not a troll at all. Let's see what we can say about Vinnie's professional way...

Having seen Vinnie in action (been around a while), I'd say he was calm and honest (as he saw it).
LOL. Nice propaganda, but seriously, not even Vinnie would describe himself as calm and honest. He maybe everything: funny, a good boss, awesome programmer, perfect latin lover, but he's not calm, honest and laid back. Even on people making fun that a 16year old student would make a better PR job then Vinnie.

We are all connected to each other (at least at the moment), so best to remain at least civil. Swabby might even get a good idea or two!
Haha, nice quote. You didn't read this thread, it's about Vinnie is destroying the unity of Gnutella, seaking personal advantage and using others therfor. Badmouthing other devlopers, which he done indeed, is not the professional way to stay in contact which each other.

PS: I don't like your flaming, are you a Bearshare VIP in disguise, you sound like Sephiroth or another VIP?
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2002
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Default Re: Vinnie is NOT a saint

Originally posted by Unregistered
PS: I don't like your flaming, are you a Bearshare VIP in disguise, you sound like Sephiroth or another VIP?
Lol. Flaming. That's funny coming from you. How do you consider that post a flame? Oh, yes, I forgot about your fragile ego. That post is a flame just like Vinnie's was. And just who are you, BTW. You obviously frequent these boards, so why are you hiding?
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2002
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Default Re: Re: Vinnie is NOT a saint

Originally posted by sanelson
Oh, yes, I forgot about your fragile ego. That post is a flame just like Vinnie's was. And just who are you, BTW.
Sorry if my ego looked shaked and steered, I like harmony.
Who I am, not a Bearshare VIP.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old May 27th, 2002
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Default Re: Vinnie is NOT a saint

Originally posted by Unregistered
LOL. Nice propaganda, but seriously, not even Vinnie would describe himself as calm and honest. He maybe everything: funny, a good boss, awesome programmer, perfect latin lover, but he's not calm, honest and laid back. Even on people making fun that a 16year old student would make a better PR job then Vinnie.
This statement

Having seen Vinnie in action (been around a while), I'd say he was calm and honest (as he saw it).
is pure irony...

(as he saw it)
he ment that Vinnie thinks and writes that he is honest and calm but not everybody can agree with his view.


Last edited by Morgwen; May 27th, 2002 at 11:47 AM.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old May 27th, 2002
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This entire thread is made into a joke entirely because of the number of people posting unregistered.
Register and post as such or shut up.
I am saying that, not as mod, but as someone who is sick of all of the stupid childish games. Say whatever you like, but do it as a registered poster.
If you are going to slag off or support Vinnie, do it for real.
If you cannot find the 'gonads' to do it as a registered poster, than do nothing.
Silly little boys.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2002
Posts: n/a

if you dont like unregistered posts, then forbid them.
please don't, but forbid animated grafics which are very childish.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
if you dont like unregistered posts, then forbid them.
please don't, but forbid animated grafics which are very childish.
A completely meaningless comment coming from another Mr. unregistered.
Nothing here could possibly be more childish than participating in a forum as unregistered.
This is not to be considered as any bias for or against Mr. Falco, but it is simply stupid for fools to come in with all of the comments which are being made regarding him and posting as unregistered. If you don't have the balls to do it registered, than be quiet. What could you possibly imagine is 'more secret' by remaining unregistered? Believe me, there is no difference other than that people cannot PM you or e-mail you, and even those options can be disabled, if you prefer, when registered.
But, no unregistered poster has 'anonymity' within the system.
Examine the field of the posts and you may discover what I mean.

Last edited by ursula; May 28th, 2002 at 05:43 AM.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2002
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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unregistered, ursula...

I think you are both childish in this case here... you both have your opinion and this is Ok...

My two cents,

we discussed about "unregistered" posts in the mod area, the most people voted for an open forum, the only forum where unregistered people cannot vote is the bearshare forum...

So now shake hands and have fun!

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