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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 3rd, 2008
Join Date: January 3rd, 2008
Posts: 5
ilmorez is flying high
Default LAN dowload waiting (ignored candidate)

Hi guys
First of all I would like to thank you for your effort in developing Phex. Now the question: I'm trying to use Phex in a LAN, for a private network (2 PC at the moment) but I've got some problems in the downloading phase, I'll try to explain better (I will report what I did the best I can). As I said I've got 2 computers, the first one (let's call it PCA) has ip, while the second one (let's call it PCB) has ip I started Phex on both computers. On PCB I added a favourite host (PCA of course so, hilight it and then I pressed Connect. At this point on both computers I can see that the connection has been established. From each computer I can see the other one that is connected, and this is ok Now, from PCA I right-clicked on the PCB entry in the remote host list, I selected Browse host and then I double-clicked on a file name, now the download should start but it get stuck in waiting status. In the download panel I can see the file but the download doesn't start. Selecting the download entry, on the Candidate list there's the status "ignored candidate (push route failed)". This is the log I get (using the instruction read from another thread):
080103 21:43:29,0531::Allocating as medium candidate.
080103 21:43:29,0547::Setting status to Push request... Waiting 0 sec. and raise timeout from 1199393009547 to 1199393039547(30000) Reason:null. OldStatus: WAITING
080103 21:43:29,0547::Setting status to Connection failed (1). and raise timeout from 1199393009547 to 1199393129547(120000) Reason:null. OldStatus: PUSH_REQUEST
080103 21:43:29,0547::Moving candidate to bad list (ignoring).
080103 21:43:29,0547::Setting status to Ignored candidate (push route failed). and raise timeout from 1199393009547 to 9223372036854775807(9223370837461766260) Reason:CandidateStatusReason_PushRouteFailed. OldStatus: CONNECTION_FAILED
080103 21:43:29,0547::Push request fails for candidate: [Candidate: Phex,Adr: ->]
Last words just to say that:
- I 've disabled all firewalls;
- I've read this how to
- I've search a lot in the forum
Thanks in advance for helping
Have a nice evening
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2008
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 8th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 988
GregorK is flying high


first of all the obligatory questions. Did you build Phex from source or SVN? Are PCA and PCB in "force Ultrapeer" status? Is any of the PCs carrying the mark "(PP)" in the Mode column on the network tab (This is actually a bug in 3.2)? Are the hosts still connected to each other during/after the download failed? You disabled all firewalls but did Phex still show a little flame on the connection status icon in the status bar in the bottom left corner?

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2008
Join Date: January 3rd, 2008
Posts: 5
ilmorez is flying high

Hi GregorK,
thanks in advance for your fast reply, unfortunately I'm at work at the moment so I cannot check every single point that you ask, I will check them when I'll go back home. But for some of this I can reply right now:

Did you build Phex from source or SVN?
I didn't build Phex from source code. I just download the binary.

Are PCA and PCB in "force Ultrapeer" status?

Is any of the PCs carrying the mark "(PP)" in the Mode column on the network tab (This is actually a bug in 3.2)?
I have to take a look at this when I will be back home

Are the hosts still connected to each other during/after the download failed?
Yes. They are green-colored and "Connected" on the host list.

You disabled all firewalls but did Phex still show a little flame on the connection status icon in the status bar in the bottom left corner?
I'm quite sure there is no flame. But I prefer to check it better this evening before giving you a wrong reply.

Thanks again for helping
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2008
Join Date: January 3rd, 2008
Posts: 5
ilmorez is flying high

Hi again,
so I checked again Phex and this are the results:

Is any of the PCs carrying the mark "(PP)" in the Mode column on the network tab (This is actually a bug in 3.2)?
No. Both in the status have "Utrapeer".

You disabled all firewalls but did Phex still show a little flame on the connection status icon in the status bar in the bottom left corner?
I have to chage my inital answer. This is what I have
Picasa Web Album - Marco - Phex

(Sorry for the visualization but this forum seems to change the image url)
I think it looks like a flame..right?
So, what should I do? Do I have to hack the code? If yes how exactly?
Thank again for the support, I really appreciate.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2008
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 8th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 988
GregorK is flying high

The "flame" prevents you both from directly connection to each other. But the PUSH should work out fine for you, not sure yet why it fails... I think I remember someone had a similar problem a few months ago with private networks...

Hacking a few lines of code would likely be the fastest way for you to get a solution, but its also the more difficult approach, depending on your Java knowledge... basically I would tell you how you get ride of the flame.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2008
Join Date: January 3rd, 2008
Posts: 5
ilmorez is flying high

Hi GregorK,
thanks again for the support. No problem with Java, I've quite good skill with some programming languages including Java.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2008
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 8th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 988
GregorK is flying high

That sounds good!
First I recommend to get the sources from:

Although 3.2 is already quite old and there should be better source available in the trunk. But the trunk is going through some big refactoring currently, so I can't recommend to use it.

Phex uses Apache ant to build from sources, the scripts are in the build directory.
The output/lib directory should contain the JARs after building.
There is also some more info on the Wiki:

What you need to change is in file /src/phex/net/ replace the method hasConnectedIncoming() with the following:
public boolean hasConnectedIncoming()
    return true;
Hope that it will help you.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2008
Join Date: January 3rd, 2008
Posts: 5
ilmorez is flying high

Hi GregorK,
IT WORKS! Thanks a lot, you've been very kind.
I think I remember someone had a similar problem a few months ago with private networks
Maybe you mean this thread
I read it but I hoped there were a "clean" (I mean without code hacking) way to fix it, but it's ok, it works .. and Phex looks really great to fit in what I was plannig to do.

BTW which IDE do you use for developing it, Netbeans? Eclipse?
Maybe I can try with testing it (even if I will probably use it only in private network) with the support of a good IDE (and a debugger).

Thanks again for helping (and for developing Phex of course )
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 4th, 2008
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 8th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
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GregorK is flying high

Good to hear that it is working.
I personally use Eclipse for development and debugging.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 11th, 2008
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Would it be possible to add a GUI option with which people can say "not behind a firewall and all ports forwarded"?

The hack in the code is pretty small, so maybe it could be replaced by a simple checkbox - instead of having everyone do the same hack.

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