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Host Connections Discussions related to host connections for BearShare users. Problems connecting? See A technique for connecting with BearShare

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  #61 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2009
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I've never used Bearflix. To my understanding, Bearflix is what Bearshare became after it was sold to MusicLab under blackmailing pressure from the RIAA. The same company (Musiclab) hijacked ShareAza more than once. Musiclab now owns a hijacked version of Shareaza. Musiclab took over Shareaza's original website, the original creators had to find a new site. The story is partially explained here Shareaza • View topic - The Story: Shareaza, iMesh, RIAA, and Recent Events

I'm not sure how Bearflix compares with the BearShare 6 & 7, unless it's simply renamed.

As I suggested, you can try the BearShare 5 beta which was equivalent to the BS 5 Pro of the time if you wish. Might also be interested to see about changing connection cache.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2009
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The advantage of using the old bearshare 5 Beta? Access to many more files, ability to download from all the gnutella clients like LimeWire, FrostWire, Phex, ShareAza (old version only), Gnucleus, Morpheus, Gtk-Gnutella, BearShare, etc.

Here's the service options window you will see in the BS 5 Beta version:

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BS can't connect to Gnutella-bearshare-5-forced-ultrapee.gif  
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2009
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Works fine, thanks, he can connect to others, but it looks like he doesn't get enough peers. currently i got 10 Peers and 34 "Leafs", whatever this is, the tooltip on the led tells me, that he likes to get 26 Peers and 50 leafs. Some questions:
Why does he need so many peers? (with 10 i get good results)
Why does he never get 26 peers? (10 was my all time maximum and if I delete the connected peers he connect to others but again only to 10 others)
What the hell is a Leaf and why do he tries to get 50? (yesterday i had none of them)
why does the leefs have a lock in the List and the peers not?
Why is the word Leaf sometimes written in green and sometimes in black?
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2009
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Bearshare can run with only being connected to 2 ultrapeers. So do not panic it cannot find the full possibility of 26 when run in ultrapeer mode.
Before you connected as an ultrapeer (a peer), you were connecting as a Leaf to an ultrapeer. Leafs need ultrapeers to connect to the network. So connecting as an ultrapeer helps the network. How many depends on what is needed by the network at the time. However the longer you stay connected the better for the network when connecting as an ultrapeer.

Some ultrapeers you are connected to will be marked differently if they are other BearShare ultrapeers as compared to Limewire/frostwire, etc. View Hosts window. Right-click the heading bar & choose to show more options. You can show things like version & origin, etc. You will notice all BearShare hosts will be displayed in green. Will probably also have a lock icon.

In example below. Shows example from Windows XP, connected to 16 peers (ultrapeers). And also Windows 2000, connected to 25 (16 peers, 9 leafs). (IP addresses edited out in accordance with the forum privacy rules.) It's a large image but have squashed it up as much as possible.
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BS can't connect to Gnutella-bearshare-hosts.gif  
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2009
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Default Working now.

It is working fine, thanksBut Why is it working? I can enable the Force Ultrapeer setting and connect to others. If I disable it, I get the same IP's in the Host Tab, but now they are all "Full" and not interested anymore.A Year ago when I last used the Programm it just worked fine. Can it be that there are not enough UltraPeers in the Internet?PS: I also changed the Signature, but I can still not found any Links to any commercial Sites on my Page...
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2009
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Good question. I am able to connect ok not running as an ultrapeer. Hit and miss maybe. I could not answer that question. It might be related to BS's method of seeking ultrapeers. Perhaps if you connect with forced UP mode, you could maybe then undo that setting if you didn't wish to remain as an ultrapeer. However running as a UP should also give you great results.

And thank you about the sig.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2009
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
The advantage of using the old bearshare 5 Beta? Access to many more files, ability to download from all the gnutella clients like LimeWire, FrostWire, Phex, ShareAza (old version only), Gnucleus, Morpheus, Gtk-Gnutella, BearShare, etc.
plz, there is no 'old version' of Shareaza. There is only a guinee and a fake version ^^

BTW, has the BearShare code never leaked into public? I wonder because if it had, there should be somehow an open source replacement for the original client, but as I've never seen such a thing...


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  #68 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2009
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Originally Posted by OldDeath View Post
plz, there is no 'old version' of Shareaza. There is only a guinee and a fake version ^^ ...
No offence intended. Poor reference.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2009
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
No offence intended. Poor reference.
No problem

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  #70 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2009
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Hey guys. Im not able to connect to bearshare. I still have the red light saying 'no hosts' i downloaded the test version, those 2 links that aaronwalkhouse put up, and i also unzipped that 'connect' file inside the bearshare test folder, hoping it would let me search and its still not working. what else can I do?
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